Pre-Tease Monday


HA!  I told you I’d probably have yet another day of the week that would get a “permanent title”  on my blog and here I go – the day BEFORE a Teaser is now “Pre-Tease Monday” !!!

Anywho – I have a photo all picked out for you tomorrow.  It’s a Guest Teaser………just  ONE photo.    Your mission (should you choose to accept it) will be to examine it and figure out WHERE it was snapped.    Remember that my Teaser blog will pop up at a different time EVERY Tuesday……….tomorrow will be no exception.  It will arrive when you least expect it probably.   I love surprises, don’t you?



AND………………….guess what…………………..I have NEWLY DESIGNED BADGES too!    That’s right – can you STAND it?   How exciting can one day of the week be huh???    Seriously, here’s what you might win tomorrow depending on whether you know, don’t know, are an early bird or late to the pawty!   Ready?

For the FIRST COMMENTER on my Tuesday Teaser blog tomorrow morning, YOU will get this:


For the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER tomorrow, you will get this:


For those of you who are RIGHT but not first, you all get this:


And you know I wouldn’t DARE forget those of you who are  hooked on GREEN….the newly designed BIG GREENIE for those who guess wrong or don’t know PERIOD, you get this!


Now are you excited?  I guess so.   Tune in tomorrow and see if you can’t win SOMETHING…………….you know you wanna!

Hugs, Sammy the Tease

Do I look like THE SHADOW??????

I’ve got the Tuesday Teaser in my briefcase!



63 responses »

    • Oh Cupcake, your Mom IS an artist – she’s an “artist who paints with her words” ! As a writer, she creates wonderful things on paper…….. As for you – I didn’t get to see you in your new July 4th outfit! 😦

      Love, Sammy


    • We have rain this morning – although it managed to stop AFTER Mom got home from the grocery store looking like a drowned rat! So you like the new badges? WOOT! Maybe you can WIN one……wonder what time you’re setting your alarm for – suppose it will coincide with the SECRET time Mom schedules the Teaser for???????????????????????

      Love, Sam


    • Well if I do it any LATER in the Day, doesn’t give people long to guess………as Mom does my blog the night before………..BUT I try to keep all of you on your toes anyway! TEE HEEEEEEE

      Love, Sam


  1. Sammy my assistant will be MIA but that probably won’t make much difference she is mia in her mind when it comes to guessing
    Hugs madi your bfff


  2. Mee-you Unccle Sammy thee new badgess are GRATE!!! Speshelly thee winner’s badge….
    Wee will just gaze at it…not much chance LadyMum will efurr win one, mew mew mew…..
    You look soJjamess Bond inn yur outfit with thee briefcase…wunder where thee Teezer will take us tomorrow???
    ***paw patsss*** nffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  3. Great new designs, Sammy. We will be by to try to guess, but you know how poorly we do at that!!! Have a wonderful week.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  4. The badge is definitely ours this time Sammy! We are convinced of it! We got up early to post today as we wanted to be first but I think we are too early! We guess The Hague! xx

    Liked by 1 person

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