Oh Yeah!


Goodie Goodie!   Bacon Day…………….I have to admit that Mom spoiled me extra this week with a couple of “non-scheduled” bacon mornings and I was very grateful for that…………nothing like a little surprise bacon to set your day off to the right start!!

These guys know how to get bacon on a Saturday (or any other day probably!)

These guys know how to get bacon on a Saturday (or any other day probably!)

We’re baking in the sun again today but had a super nice rain shower last night – sort of cooled things off for a little but this morning STEAMY…………OK by me – I’ve been hunkered down in the nice cool dining room under the table and specifically under my Dad’s chair!   Very near an A/C register –  I’m no dummy!

Keepin' Cool INSIDE!

Yeah this is a cool spot under Dad’s chair!

Did you know that June 4th is HUG YOUR CAT DAY?   Well that’s certainly a day to celebrate.   My parents are always picking me up and hugging me and I have to say I tolerate it for a few minutes then I get VERY squirmy.   Dad says he thinks it’s because I think I’m either (a) getting my nails trimmed, or (b) being wrestled into the car to go to the doctor.   HA!   I just like having all four paws on the ground – that’s all.


I hope you have a nice Caturday and if it includes  bacon, all the better I say!


Sam the Baconator

39 responses »

    • That’s right Easy….if they get THAT CLOSE they’re bound to find SOMETHING they need to do to us that will be TORTURE!!!!! I prefer to be four-feet-on-the-ground!

      Happy Caturday!


  1. Hmmmm….so June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day, eh???? Well, June 4 is already a special day around here, so I think I’ll rename it “Hug My Motor Mommy Day”!!
    Enjoy that bacon, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Sammy you might be my brother from another mother! I don’t like being held for more than a nanosecond either.
    Mol mol
    Madi your bffff


    • I hear ya sista! I guess our humans can’t resist picking us up – furry, fluffy, adorable, like a stuffed toy, so OF COURSE they wanna squeeze us but I say BACK AWAY from the squeezy stuff – – – go hug your stuffed kitty if you want that kind of HUG! What are we gonna do when HUG YOUR CAT day comes on June 4th though Madi – I guess we’ll have to ALLOW it!

      Love, sammy


    • It doesn’t particularly sound FUN to me either but then again………human are sometimes difficult to figure out. I just finished getting my bacon fix for the day…..now I’m having a quick wash to make sure none of that bacon goodness goes to waste on my furs! Happy Caturday!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Me too with the hugging thing, Sammy! What is it with the humans? MOL Lucky you getting extra bacon! The Staff admitted to me yesterday that she had bacon when she was out!!!! But she ate it and didn’t save any for me at all! I told her she was getting serious demerits!! 😉 xx


    • Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Austin, if your human actually ADMITTED she’d been bacon-izing and NOT thinking of the poor baconless cat back home WAITING for a treat – well – that deserves something special……a well placed hork? A missed littertray whoopsie? A plant pulled out of a pot? Well, I’ll leave it to you to exact some form of punishment. I had my bacon this morning and there was no begging – it was just THERE!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, you are just like Samantha’s brother, Charlie. He’s no hugger. On the other hand, Samantha loves big hugs, as well as long belly rubs. Kinda strange, huh Sammy??

    Hugs (hehe couldn’t help it),


    • It’s kinda funny how some of us like hugs and some don’t. Mom says people are like that too – some like to be hugged and some just don’t want to be touched PERIOD. My Mom is a hugger by nature….she has to be careful with that though….don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable (even me!!!!!!!!)…………….Sending Charlie a hug – I think he’d accept one from me!!!!! Tee Hee

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh no……Phod didn’t get breakfast? Vet visit coming? Upset tummy? I hate to wait but I guess I have to!!!! I hope he’s OK……….and MAYBE, just MAYBE if you ask the man in the house who cooks REAL NICE, he’ll make bacon for you!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Cool beans cousin. I like being hugged… when my hooves are touching the floor. Snorts with piggy laughing. I wonder if the purr things here will let me hug them on the 4th? Off to test that theory now – happy bacon day. XOXO – Bacon


      • This is so very true and reminds me of a story of Mouse Girl – Snorts. When mom/dad first adopted her, daddy was holding her shirtless… you see where this is going, right cousin? She was not used to being held and loved. She took off over dad’s chest and shoulders and went down his back. Dad came so close to having his nipple pierced – wouldn’t that be a hilarious story? XOXO – Bacon


    • You mean to tell me that CH ignored your whining? How could he pawsibly DO that? Especially on a rainy/stormy day which would be PURRRRFECT for “delicious scrambled eggs”………well………I can see you need to do a bit of remedial training ASAP!

      Tee Hee
      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I will deal with getting hugged, but it’s not my favorite way to interact with my human. BTW, no bacon at breakfast today – I guess it was a one-off.


  7. I’m going to tell Mom it’s Hug Your Dog Day. I love being hugged. If my feet never touch the floor, that’s fine with me. I will sit on Mom’s lap all day.

    Love and licks,


  8. Ohhh…extra bacon…never turn up your nose at bacon, like you would….hehe We all love bacon here too. Hugs? I’m not a hugger either Sammy. Kali is a hugger and would hug with you all night. I’ve seen mom fall asleep hugging Kali…not for me though…a good walk or sit down and plant with me….that’s my idea of fun.



    • Some of us hug, the rest of us prefer to be the “mysterious force in the background”….Mom knows I love her, I don’t have to do the hug thing……..I will hop up on her lap and look at her with LOVE in my eyes, but hugging? RARELY!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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