Another Week Begins!


How was your weekend?   Mine was swell……… Mom and Dad worked hard to make up for deserting me last Thursday for a little overnight trip.   I got bacon Saturday AND Sunday!   I sure did luck out huh?   I know though that the chances of being baconized  before NEXT Saturday are slim.   I have to just be grateful for the extra bacon this weekend and carry on………!


As for this week – you know tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser and Mom is still wrestling with her photo files to find the PURRRFECT Teaser photo.   I don’t think it’s a Guest Teaser photo though – of course Mom doesn’t tell me EVERYTHING and I can’t read her writing so even if I could sneak up on her computer desk to see her notes, I’d have trouble reading her scribble.   Look like ALL of us will be surprised tomorrow morning when we see the Teaser (except for her of course).


Also I want to say I’m sorry that because you all live in different time zones all ’round the world, even if I schedule the Teaser post to pop up late in the morning for HERE, it may be early in the morning (or in the middle of the night) where YOU are………..there’s just no “good” time for everybody so I’m sorry about that…………….but I’ll continue to schedule the post at a surprise time so you never know WHEN it will pop into your inbox.  I think that’s kind of fun don’t you?

I wonder when the Teaser will go "live" tomorrow???!!

I wonder when the Teaser will go “live” tomorrow???!!

Mom is also  going to go to the grocery store this morning to do  the weekly shopping AND to the plant store afterwards so I will FINALLY get some plants on my front porch.  I’ve been “plant-deprived” long enough.   I love it when Mom plants stuff in big pots on the front porch – it’s like being in the garden without getting dirty (hahahahaha) and I love it.   So, she promised.   That means I’ll bore you with plant/front porch photos some time this week.   Lucky you!

My azaleas are JUST starting to bloom!!!!  YAY!

My azaleas are JUST starting to bloom!!!! YAY!

That’s about it for me – not a very exciting blog this morning is it……..well, let’s face it – my life isn’t all that exciting anyway… my age, it’s exciting just to WAKE UP in the morning PERIOD!

Hugs, Sammy

64 responses »

  1. You’re never going to please everyone, Sammy! The different time zones make it more interesting for sure – as if it needed to be more interesting MOL. I usually miss it, but that’s fine. I never have a clue anyway!! 😉 The azaleas look fantastic ….. I bet they don’t smell of bacon MOL


    • I know…………..I personally don’t see anything wrong with everyone just staying glued to their computers for 24 hours during Teaser Tuesday waiting for it to pop up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Actually I enjoy picking random times and there are only a FEW of my followers who gripe about the time so there!!!!!! I wish the azaleas smelled like bacon but then again I would have eaten them by now if they did.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHA! GUess what – it is DEFINITELY NOT Maine! Inside my silver briefcase is my secret stash of bacon! My Mom did come home with a bunch of plants and planted a lot of them but not all……….AND she said she’s going back another day this week to get MORE! I’m all for it………

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. speaking of bacon, have to tell you a funny story! I made bacon yesterday, then I left the pan on the counter (with paper towels in it to soak up the grease before washing the pan)…I turned my back and when I turned around, Cody was sitting there trying to lick the pan. I yelled at him, then I said “What cat likes bacon?!” Then…I remembered YOU and immediately corrected myself! Love, Cody’s Mom xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my goodness! GO CODY GO!!!! HAHAHAHA That grease smells as nommy as the bacon does!!! That’s so funny…….more and more of my buddies are telling me they’ve tried bacon and love it. Maybe I should be sponsored by the bacon industry?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Hey Sammy flowers and planted pots on the front porch sounds super! We shopped plants last week and my poor old back is just feeling better from planting those big old ferns! One more fern to do today and I saw a picture on Instagram of some heuchera so I am off to the kinda big city today to find some (and a cheeseburger)… beautiful! Looking forward to the Teaser tomorrow. I am going to try not to oversleep… Ima set the alarm on my phone.. 🙂 Tell your Mom to give you some porch time today!


    • Guess what my Mom and Dad had for dinner next door with the neighbors last night?!?!?!?! That’s right! No bacon but cheeseburgers were delish anyway (Mom said). They also grilled Portobello mushrooms (whatever they are). Ferns are so pretty – there are wild ones down in the woods and Mom has transplanted some of them up into her gardens….they do really well!!! Porch time? If Mom ever gets off the computer I’m expecting some of that!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. I’m glad your mom is going to the store for plants so you don’t have to brave the streets alone with your wagon, Sammy! Make sure to supervise her work planting them so she gets everything to your liking!!


    • I was a little concerned about being on the highway pulling my wagon….for one, it would be mostly uphill….for another, the drivers around here are insane. It’s just as well Mom finally got going on buying stuff!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Suprises are good Sammy…like when a post will pop up…when an azalea will bloom..when a plant will be potted…and when bacon arrives twice 🙂 we look froward to the teaser and the pics of pots of blooms 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


          • Sammy you may need to get a little step ladder and have a peep over the top 🙂 hahhaah i am sure Mum is very aware of your ginger furrowed brow staring at the back of her head as she works 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxxx


          • Mom saw me snoopervising out the kitchen door which overlooks the deck yesterday…….I had my GRUMPY on when she saw me……..she offered to let me come out on the deck with her – opened the door, etc. – but I just continued my “STARE DOWN” which meant ” what about MY front porch lady???” !

            Hugs, Sam

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, bacon is a sure way to have a super day! We should all get his daily, I think. Looking forward to your Teaser.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • Hi Sarge! Bacon is one of those “must haves”……I know woofies and kitties love it and a fair number of humans are hooked on it too……namely my parents which is fortunate for me!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Your mom’s going to the plant store…woohoo…I love plants! We can’t plant yet….still too cold. Azaleas must be a perennial and they survived in your climate….lucky you folk. Too cold here. Let’s see…I saw a snowdrop turning green in the garden….I know big hairy deal. You got it made Sammy.



    • Azaleas are just a shrub that practically everybody has in their yard here – they bloom in the Spring and are evergreen…..the deer love them though so sadly ours usually get “trimmed” at some point in the winter when nothing else is available to munch and that wipes out a lot of the buds. Oh well…….anyway, we love them. They come in every color – purples, pinks, reds……. Mom got a bunch of plants and I’ll blog about them once the Teaser is out of the way!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Bushes!! We have Azaleas here but they are flowers….we plant them usually as transplants in late May or early June. I’m not impressed with the ones we have,,,,,maybe I should try them again. I love yours.


  8. Oh your azaleas look so beautiful, ours bloomed and now are all gone. We love them blooming but hate they only do so once a year. We are glad you got extra bacon Sammy! We hope you have a great week!


    • Hi!!! I wish azaleas would bloom longer too…..ours have been in the process of blooming for ages because we had a VERY long and VERY cool Spring so I suppose we’re kinda lucky!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Sammy, you are very exciting 🙂 I am glad your Mom will finally get those flowers for you I was hoping you wouldn’t have to go to the garden store with your wagon. The garden store we go to had free hot dogs and popcorn this weekend- no bacon though.


  10. Too cool! Flowers to add spice to the deck! And More coming…mes can’t wait to see the pictures when everything is going. Me was hoping we would gets some flowers on the weekend but Mommy said it was snowing in the pass when they went to town, so they did not bring any home in the back of the truck. She is hoping for Thursday, when she has a meeting in Grand Dorks and takes the car.
    Mes had double bacon too and Mommy has a pouched egg and let mes has some of the egg juice! Mes LOVES Egg Juice!!!


  11. Awesome – I love your front porch cousin. I think it’s the coolest. I could just see me hiding – I mean sitting on it while the mailman came to the door. I wonder how far he would jump if I snorted? Snorts and rolls with piggy laughter.
    We had a great weekend too. We had friends come over yesterday to the Hotel Thompson for a little get together for them to see the new look. There was wine and munchies. For some reason, friends love feeding me. I say it was a great party – 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Charlie!!!!! You mean your Mom and Dad could have brought you some stuff and they didn’t? What’s with Moms and Dads anyway…..don’t they know their little furry children back home NEED treats??????

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Plants on the porch are pretty exciting. You could get in there and dig out the dirt. Squirrels usually do that when Mom puts plants outside. It seems like fun.

    Love and licks,


    • My Mom had to put some screening around her outside potted tomato plant last year – the squirrels thought it was great fun to get in the big pot and “plant” their acorns!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Bacon 2 days in a row Sammy? Yous sure awe one lucky kitty dat’s fur sure. We can’t wait to see what bootyful flowers yous mommy gets fur yous porch.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


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