Teaser Tell All


Tellin’ It Like It Is…..


It’s time for me to tell you about that photo yesterday for our Teaser.   First of all I wasn’t fibbing when I said I didn’t know for sure when my Mom’s Dad took the photo…………..Mom says it HAD to be in the early 1940s though.   It was pretty neat having an OLD photo as a Teaser wasn’t it?   We thought it would fool everyone to tell you the truth BUT we didn’t!   No we DID NOT fool each and every one of you and you’ll find out SOON the scoop on that!

Meanwhile, here’s that photo again………………..


My Grandad took that photo in Venice on the Via Garibaldi…………………..!    My FIRST RIGHT GUESSER guessed that EXACTLY.    I actually found a photo of this same area taken WELL after my Dad’s and it looks much the same.   My parents were in Venice on their honeymoon in 1990 and Mom says that whole area down by the water was loaded with T-shirt and hat vendors and people giving away tickets on boats taking tourists over to Murano to the glass factories.    It was WAY more crowded than in this photo – OR my Grandad’s photo.


(not my Mom’s photo – I found this on Google!)

So, who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?    It was my buddy Raz from Friends Furever and this is NOT the first time he’s been a First Right Guesser either so watch out Leo and Easy!   Tee Hee

Here’s your FIRST RIGHT GUESSER badge Raz:



HOWEVER – that’s not the only badge my pal Raz is getting this week – because he not only was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, but he and my friend Easy the Wild Weimaraner TIED (exactly the same time) for the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser!   That’s right – a TIE!    Both of you get this:


There actually were a couple of you who ALSO guessed Venice……….BRAVO for you!   You get this:


And I know there’s a long line of you just waiting for your next BIG GREENIE (or maybe your FIRST Big Greenie???) – so here you are!


That was a fun one…………thanks to everyone who popped in to guess yesterday – I wondered if anyone would recognize the buildings as they DO look the same as they did in the 1940s for the most part……..and off to the FAR right on the old black/white photo you can see a tiny bit of water…….!!

CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS (yes this includes you winners of the Big Greenie!).

Hugs, Sammy



71 responses »

  1. Concats to Raz! It was a lot more crowded than that when my mum was there too, but that was because there were at least 2 big cruise ships in.


    • Mom said she’d try to find her photo of that area from their honeymoon but the day got away from her yesterday………..my Mom and Dad want to go back to Venice one of these days…….

      Hugs and SO HAPPY you’re feeling good my friend!


    • Good Morning El Presidente’ !! So nice to have you visit my humble abode this morning. The Teaser was FABULOUS this week I agree – we sure had fun with it. Mom says she’ll keep her Dad’s old photo album handy for another “FLASHBACK TEASER” one of these days.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • We thought it was pretty neat too but then again Venice is all about “not changing” unlike over here……..it’s a magical place and Mom hopes to get back there one of these days!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! We’re getting snow tonight and tomorrow – 3-6 inches of it but today is WARMISH (43) so some of what’s already here is melting! Weirder than weird is this winter isn’t it?!?!?! Stay cozy!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Whoa Sammy what a great comparison of the 1940’s and the 1990 photo.
    WTG Raz…my guy is very observant!!
    Hugs madi your bfff


  3. Boing ! That’s me knocking my head with the palm of my hand. I’m the pits at this, LOL. I’ve actually been there and still didn’t guess…I’m going to study up for next week. Yep, the whole globe, LOL This will call for more Pinot…hehehe xoxox good one Sammy and Pammy, mwaaaaa


  4. ***sighss deeplee*** again with thee ‘Greenie’ Unccle Sammy…..
    Mee LadyMum iss utterlee hopeless! Fankfullee shee knowss how to take care of katss. mee finkss shee should stick to that don’t you??? 😉
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Well it’s nice that Ladymum gives it her best shot on Tuesdays – that means she’s trying and that is a wonderful lesson for you to learn…always try your best – that’s what counts little man!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy tiss iss berry true!
        LadyMum sayss shee iss purrsistent an mee iss stubborn **rollss eyess**
        LadyMum iss funny issn’t shee?
        **paw kissess** neff kitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


        • Hi Siddhartha! You know, it’s good that your Mum is persistent because you know that no matter WHAT is going on, she will find a way to fix it…..or make it better……and that’s a good thing! As for you being stubborn? You got it from her maybe…HAHAHA

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • 😉 Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy…
            No mee got thee stubbern streek frum mee Mumma; shee iss fullee feral an BERRY stubbern!
            Me Pappaw iss a BIG snuggley mankat so mee not get that frum him 😉 His name iss King George…LadyMum wishess shee got hiss foto when shee was at thee farm…maybee inn thee good weather?
            An yur rite bout LadyMum. Shee iss like a doggie with a bone an shee will purrsist! Mee saw her do that with mee when shee had to find mee a new Vet. 😉
            Shee sayss purrsistence an stubbernness are sorta thee same fing….
            ***nose bumpss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • Hi Cocco and Miss Katie! How super nice to hear from you. No worries – we figure with two young kids and a “zoo”, AND a very busy business to attend to, it’s hard to find time for blogging BUT we think of you all the time and hope everything is going SUPER SUPER good for you all!!!!

      Love, Sammy


    • I did use the Flatiron Building in a Teaser some time ago – it was another black/white photo but the shape of the building kinda gave it away…………….I’ll have to dig it out and show everyone Venice vs. Flatiron (which was where a lot of people guessed the Teaser this week).

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Well dat’s purretty cool. Concats Raz. We fawt it wuz sumwhere here in da U.S., At da moment mommy can’t fink of where, but there be sumwhere here dat has a buildin’ dat sits just like dat. Anyways, hav a gweat day and stay warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  6. Wow, Venice, really! Mom never would have guessed that even though she has been there and taken a boat across to stay on the island of Murano. She didn’t even notice the water in the B&W photo. Concats to our special furiends at Friends Furever. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My Mom said she might not have recognized it either even though she was there in 1990 – sometimes if you don’t expect to see something you don’t see it – know what I mean? There really was little to go on in the black and white photo except the architecture……!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well they knew it was Venice because my Grandad had penciled that on the back of the photo but didn’t know WHEN he’d taken the picture. It was in a very old photo album in his old military footlocker. Pretty cool!

      Hugs, Sammy


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