Bacon Bulletin


The following is an brief excerpt from a scientific journal article authored by Professor Samuel Bacon Kimmell, Esq.

The highly intelligent and well-known Professor Kimmell

The highly intelligent and well-known Professor Kimmell

“There is now scientific evidence that the ingestion of bacon, which we all know is nature’s perfect food, can cause a feeling of goodwill and warmth to spread from stomach to brain in humans and animals who REGULARLY partake in the pleasure of having it for meals”.

Now if that doesn’t say it all, what does?    By the way, I may or may not (I’m not sayin’) be related to the good Professor – it MIGHT be a coincidence that we have similar names………..BUT, what he has to say speaks to my soul.   Yes indeed…… much so that Mom is cookin’ up some bacon for me RIGHT THIS MINUTE.   She says we can always use goodwill around here.

Mine - all MINE!

Mine – all MINE!

I know I don’t have to convince those of you who ARE “baconators” like me that this stuff is heavenly – and I also know that some of you have tried it and really did not care for it (as amazing as that is to me!)…….then there are even some of you who may NOT have it even if you DID want it…….for those friends of mine may I just say this:   IT’S DY-NO-MITE.

I’ve had an amazingly busy week for an old guy so today is going to be spent bathing in the afterglow of my bacon-o-rama this morning and in search of sun puddles in the house in which to keep warm…………we are sadly supposed to have more snow.   I think the energy I will be receiving from my bacon ration this morning shall indeed keep my tummy warm ALL DAY LONG.

What about you?  Bacon or fleece blanket?????  (or both)


Your Favorite Bacon Boy, Sammy

Feel free to take this for your blog if you're HOOKED on the stuff like I am!

Feel free to take this for your blog if you’re HOOKED on the stuff like I am!




37 responses »

  1. Sammy,
    We knew of your love and expertise of bacon, but we had no idea you held such prestigious credentials- how impressive. We are with you when it comes to a salivating love of bacon. This is one addiction we don’t ever intend to seek treatment for!
    Clove & Kaspars


  2. I always knew bacon was more than just delicious. Mom was out to breakfast with her cousins yesterday. She did seem a little extra warm when she got home….. Hmmmm….

    Love and licks,


    • It sure does! Bacon is beyond yummy……I’m resting up for tomorrow – no worries there….I didn’t even stay late at last night’s Friday Fish Fry so I could get my beauty sleep!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sorry there’s more snow in your future, Sammy. My pawrents are hoping that the warm weekend AND rain tomorrow will wash all this stuff AWAY!
    Love, Sundae
    PS Enjoy that bacon….yummy!


  4. We have a pound of bacon in the fridge. I believe it will be opened tomorrow morning.. 😀 We had french toast yesterday morning. Sorry you are getting more snow. Our freezing rain is out of here and I think we may be staying precip free for a few days but it’s going to be frigid! Stay warm today Sammy.. hug your Mom’s lap!


  5. Many thanks to Professor Kimmel for that profound discovery!!! We are going to run now and show it to Mom to convince her that bacon needs to appear more often in our bowls:)

    Happy Saturday.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  6. No bacon and the snow is absolutely pouring down! It is supposed to warm up and turn to rain, but the temp is in the low teens and not budging. We are driving the humans crazy with our continue requests to go on the Catio! Stay warm, Sammy. Please join us Sunday for our selfies blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  7. Bacon, Bacon, bacon….Mommy says mes can’t has any as it makes me puke, just like grass, but Kozmo ad Jo Jo and my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon will gets some…Darn tummy!


  8. Sammy
    My Pooh plate is an antique…at least I think anything over 25 qualifies as an antique. It dates back to being my human sis’s first ‘real’ plate (you know one w/o dividers). She was 2 or 3 when she started using it….then it was used by Milky-way the first cat and now 40 years later…I’m using it and have been using it for
    12 3/4 years. Hugs madi your bfff


  9. Unccle Sammy mee likess mee fleecey blanket more than bacon…mee iss sorry….now give mee sum Ham which iss sorta bacon an mee iss 🙂
    You do look ALLOTT like the Purrfessor….berry cureeuss issn’t it??
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxx


  10. Sammy you look very dignified and i believe you have nailed it my friend! i take bacon and maybe not a fleecy blanket as i am warm enough hahaha we hope your snow is not hanging around too long 😦 loves Fozziemum xxx


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