Tuesday Teaser


WOOT WOOT!!!!   Attention all Teaser Fans!   Here it is…..your chance to be RIGHT on a Teaser………..yep – you might be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, or you might just be a RIGHT GUESSER or there’s always a chance that you’ll be totally wrong and still win the BIG GREENIE………………so if you’re ready – I’m ready!


There you have it……………today’s Teaser………..and remember it’s a GUEST TEASER so tomorrow you’ll find out who took this fab photo to fool you this week…………………you’ll also find out who the winner(s) are (even if it’s ME and I fool all of you again like last week….tee hee).

If you’re the First to get it right, you get this:


For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

If you’re right but not First, you get this:


Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

And the ever more popular every day BIG GREENIE if you’re wrong all the way round or haven’t got a clue!


For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

Go for it – get those guesses coming in comments – time’s a wastin’!!

In other exciting news…………………I am pawticipating in Kyla’s Going Away Pawty.  This is a sad occasion that she wants to make fun by having a Highland Games day of fun so we’re happily contributing to that.  Kyla knows she has a short time before going over the Bridge so this is a blogosphere tribute to her that she has asked for.   We’re hosting a CABER TOSS – a traditional part of the Scottish Highland Games.   All you have to do is email your photo to me BY OCTOBER 25th  (can be just a head shot) and I’ll be photoshopping you onto one of my collection of caber toss photos (which is a hilarious collection of tosses trust me!)…………then I’ll post all the photos I do so you can enjoy them!    If you want more info on this day and to see who else is doing an event or contributing, just visit Mollie’s Blog HERE and you’ll see this is quite a big event with a lot of fun things to see and do.    (Sorry the link didn’t work yesterday but it DOES today!!!!).

THIS is a Caber Toss!


I also need to remind you the deadline for entering my FABULOUS Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest (for the FUNNIEST costume!) is October 27th!!!    DEADLINES DEADLINES – it’s that time of year for DEADLINES!!!!!    We’ll be having a Haunted House Pawty on Sam-O-Ween and you don’t have to enter the contest to come…………BUT if you do enter and have your entry to be by the 27th, you’ll get to VOTE in a poll for the FUNNIEST and I’ll announce the winners (First and Second Prizes) at the PAWTY…………………………..these are real prizes (as in arriving in the mail from ME!) in addition to a lovely virtual trophy!


WHEW………….that’s a whole lotta news……………………now get to work on that Teaser photo, and send in your photo for the contest AND for the Caber Toss!    What are you waiting for??????????????????

Hugs, Sammy the Busy Guy


92 responses »

  1. No clue on the photo, but it’s a pretty place!
    I think your Mommy has a “head shot” of me – if she’d like, she can use it in the caber toss. Nice idea for a going away pawty, but a sad occasion….
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..yes I agree about the Highland Games. Kyla has melanoma and her humans have decided not to put her through radiation therapy which would be her only chance – they want her to enjoy her last few months. We’re sad too, but think her idea to have a Going Away Party is a fun thing and we were happy to join in. I’ll put you in the Caber Toss!!! I just send Misaki a photo of me in a kilt (eek) for her Scottish Sword Dance. There are a lot of cute things happening for Kyla’s “day” !

      Love, Sammy


  2. For the first time ever, I am one of the very first people to make it to your post to guess the Teaser!!! Unfortunately, I am clueless as usual… AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I need to practice my geography. Good luck to everyone!!!


    • HAHAHAHAHA…..well congratulations on being one of the first – that’s becoming something everyone is trying to be lately – THE FIRST……I may need to do another badge for that!! HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. I’m going with the other one – St. Marteen ? It’s beautiful there – so says mom/dad… not like this piggy would no – rolls piggy eyes and pouts. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon!!! Thanks for letting your Mom and Dad guess on my Teaser today………it’s turning into a beauty of a teaser…….and maybe you’re right about St. Martin????? We’ll have to wait and see!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Snorts – It’s a long shot but well worth it. Mom and dad both looked at the picture and got this far away look on their faces. I’ve seen that look before. The beach is calling them. XOXO – Bacon


  4. Whee are clueless about the teaser but whee definitely want to take part in the Going Away Pawty. It’s furry sad but whee are determined to keep our chins up and smile as whee celebrate a wonderful blogosphere pigsonalities rest of her time with us



  5. Hey Sammy I submitted my original cabre tossing photo to Mollie. Mom wrapped a swiffer handle in plaid ribbon…then put it between my front paws. MOL MOL MOL
    I see a tad of snow in some of the valleys in the photo so right off the top of my head I say Seward, AK.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi!!!! I’ll get Mollie’s Mom to send your photo to me so I can put you in my Caber Toss dear girl…………..HAHAHA on how your Mom did that for you!!!! Thanks for taking a guess on my Teaser….is that snow????? Wow…….we’ll find out tomorrow if you’re right!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. My guess is Italy. I don’t know why but it is.

    Sorry to hear about Kyla. It is sad but also very sweet that her family wants to have a party for her. I will send some pictures.


    • Hi Miss Judy! Italy is being guessed a bit today – we’ll find out tomorrow. I agree about Kyla….and she has melanoma which is what my Mom has had TWICE now. Mom beat it but I don’t think they have anything other than radiation available for pups sadly.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Salerno, Italy….Well…….Italy is gorgeous – my Mom and Dad were there on their honeymoon a bazillion years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Maybe you’re right about Salerno – tomorrow we’ll find out!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wow Sammy dat suwe is a lot of water. And this be da second time weez seen this caber toss. Is da caber dat pole? Weez will hav to twy to wesearch it and figger out da purrpuss. It looks purretty cool. Hope yous hav a gweat Tuesday.

    Luv ya’



    • Hi Dezi! The caber is the big and VERY HEAVY pole! Don’t ask me how THAT got started in Scotland but it’s part of the Highland Games and looks like a lot of work!!!!! The winner is whoever tosses it the farthest.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • My parents visited Scotland on a vacation a while back or they might not have known either – – – they didn’t see a Caber Toss but they did see some of the OTHER events that are happening for Kyla’s Highland Games – if you visit Mollie and Alfie’s blog you can see what else is going on – I’m in the Sword Dancing (which is also a traditional Scottish thing!).

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Looks like Charlotte Amalie, St.Thomas, USVI. Mom is so confused. We forgot it was Tuesday. Even if we are right…we are probably way too late in the day. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. OMGosh, where in the world would they have mountains, ocean and a marina? Only about a bazillion places, LOL. I as usual need to throw out a wide guess. I’m going to say Monoco, LOL Like on the other side of the tracks from the Palace. xoK


  10. I’m going to guess Catalina Island off the coast of California (?) I never guess because I never have a clue 😉 I love your tuesday teasers though.


  11. Mum says she finkz it iz Oahu, Hawaii…
    (don’t ask me Sammy where she getz her ideaz…)
    So dat iz why dere iz a caber toss…..pleeze send Kyla sum **paw kissez** n ~~head rubz~~ frum me as me iz not feelin well enuff to caber toss. Me iz restin up fer Sam-O-Ween!!! 😉
    Da bookz arrived today n Mum n me iz so eggcited to reeceeve dem!!!
    me can hardlee wiat fer Mum to start readin “Da Misstery of David’z Bridge” cause dat other book iz too scarey fer me!!!
    **paw kissez** n so much grattytude,
    Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too ❤ ❤ ❤


  12. Typist thinks the south of France, that place she went on holiday last year but can’t remember the name of (do you see what I have to put up with??) Now off to look at the answer! (I mean really I can’t even get her to post her awful guess before your reveal all post goes live – grrr!


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