Gimme Shelter (Or A Box!)


OOPS – I guess I kinda stole that subject line from a rather famous band didn’t I?  Maybe they’ll forgive me…….after all, it purrrrrfectly says what I was saying almost all day yesterday………..WHY YOU MIGHT ASK???  Well I’ll tell you why!

First of all, I figured something mysterious was up when Mom and Dad went outside first thing yesterday morning and took EVERYTHING off my back deck and EVERYTHING off my front porch.  That was rather alarming to say the least.  I’m used to seeing certain things out my windows – all the furniture, plant pots, deck plant boxes, the front porch rockers and all that STUFF – GONE – they stacked stuff up in the yard AWAY from the house which was even MORE mysterious.

The newly discovered (after 11 years!) deck on the house

Wait…wait….you’re taking all the stuff off my deck!!!

Potted plants on Sam's front porch.

What about my pretty view of the front porch? Where did it go????!!!!

Why?  Well I asked them when they came back inside………..seems the powerwashing crew was coming yesterday.  EEEEEK (I thought to myself) – I remember two years ago when they were here…… about NOISY…….well, while I personally like the green sheen of mossy stuff that grows on the shady parts of the house thanks to dampness – THEY don’t.

Sam's house on the hill.

But Mom, the green mossy stuff goes with the green grass – compliments the white house…..why change a GOOD thing???

After I recovered from that horrible experience, I settled back in my tent for some much needed sleep explaining to Mom that if she expected me to be my usual charming self on practically no nap time, she had another think coming!  Here’s me reading her the riot act.

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

Yes Mom, I’m talking to you….who else can I whine to about stuff??????

Was I real wienie for complaining about getting a nice clean house if a bit of noise accompanies the operation?  YES…… Was I a real wienie for telling Mom I need lots of beauty sleep if I’m expected to be companionable and adorable for the rest of the day?  YES…. Do I care if I was a wienie or not?  HECK NO.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.   I have heard that later today, I will be disturbed yet again by a lady coming to measure some of my windows for new drapes.  I suppose I’ll have to take sanctuary in the basement yet again when SHE gets here.   I guess I’ll just have to accept that today will be another GRUMPY day.  Hope my Mom understands that!

In case you didn’t know this, today is International Boxing Day!   A day cats (and other animals) celebrate with great gusto – especially we felines – who can resist a great box?  You might see a lot of posts today featuring animals in their favorite boxes – like this!!!



Hugs, Sammy

68 responses »

    • It was EXTREMELY noisy with all that racket on my house’s siding. TRUE it looks beautifully white and shiny now instead of light green (hahahaha), and true we only go through that once every two years, but good grief – a guy needs his rest and it was impawsible with that noise…….today I’m making up for lost time.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I intend to do a lot of napping today….at least until the drape lady gets here later!! Oh yes – I was wondering if you’d accompany me to the Cat Scouts “Sock Hop” on July 11th? I’d be honored!!!!!

      Love, Sam


  1. Aww poor dear! That must have been horrible! I don’t think you were a wienie. That is quite the bad experience and completely understandable. Good luck with today. I hope you are comfortable while you hide. You look so super cute in your box.


  2. Sammy I hate the powerwashing of the house too! It is time this year but we will wait till after all the dust clears from the leaves and do it then. I think. It might be good to do it now and get rid of all the pollen and the junk that the Oaks throw at the house. It is a LOUD job! Your box is very colorful! Enjoy your Thursday Sammy! Hey, maybe you will like the drape lady!


  3. awww that sounds scary…. they used water, right? then I will join you in your box… (or in your boxes). Have a super box day and if you need a dry place, come over :o) (and now my mom sings the song the whole time… bet Mick&Keith will kill her when they hear what she does with their song)


  4. Oh dear cousin – if we were closer, you could come and camp out here at the Hotel Thompson. We have nothing going on but the heat outside – but don’t worry it’s nice and cozy in my bedroom. We could watch my television all day in my bedroom and be couch anipals. 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


    • Well it was touch and go for a while but I survived the dreaded power wash experience…..whew! Thank heavens that’s only an every-2-year pain in the neck! Thanks for the offer of sanctuary though Cuz – next time around you can count on it!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Apparently there’s such a thing as Blogville International Box Day (we didn’t know either!)……but we were “up” for it since I’m a major fan of the box to start with!!! Power washing = BIG TROUBLE (trust me!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Power washers?! We’ve never experienced that, but it sounds terrible. We have heard Mom and Dad mentioning those words “power washing” recently, so we might get to see what it’s like too… 😦
    Hope you get some rest, Sammy! And Happy Box Day!


    • I won’t be boxed but I won’t be “out and about” either! I usually hide when people I don’t know are here BUTTTTT maybe I’ll give your Mom and Dad a treat and make an appearance! My Mom and Dad are excited about their trip here too……….I hope we don’t have three feet of snow……..!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Marty….I’m thinking I deserve bacon for a whole WEEK after that power wash thing…..Mom didn’t think so but she never QUITE agrees with my dietary choices! Happy Box Day!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Gosh – I hadn’t thought of it like that but you’re right! Major steroids too……but it’s done and the house looks swell so I’ll not have to go through that for another two years…..hopefully I’ll be here for next power wash day!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Was yesterday National Powerwashing Day? The VERY SAME THING happened here!!!! I didn’t like it at all. Allie spent the day hiding in the closet….Ellie just snoozed away on the cat tree!

    Happy Box Day….

    Raz and The Florida Furkids


    • Whoever invented power washers could have easily installed a muffler on that thing don’t you think? Noisy doesn’t even begin to describe it! Well, it’s DONE – that’s the main thing right? Happy Box Day to all of you too!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy, while all this craziness is going on, just remind yourself that you didn’t have to move which would have been so much worse. And you can always hang out at Cat Scouts. Hope all the foolishness is soon over. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Thanks for reminding me of that – moving would have been horrid – I’m glad my parents changed their minds at the last minute… was a close call……I’ll put up with power washing to avoid that any day!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. dood…. N de werst part bout washin de houz iz…..everee thing !!! tell that dood ta bring a pool over , fill IT with water N fish N ther ya go…happee day oh de box two ewe N heerz two an Antarctic cod kinda week oh end !!


  9. Ya lookz adorable in yer dubble box dere Sammy!
    As fer da power washurz dey sound like a noisy bunch fer shure…
    N da Drape lady…well at leest she will bee quiet while meashurin windowz…iz allwayz sumfing izn’t it??
    Me nott fink ya iz a ‘weinie’ fer doez me fair share too 😉
    Me bin out in Condo most of da day so me got what me wanted…Mum brott me in n me iz askin to go out butt she sayz it iz after 3 pee emm….like dat iz impawtent?? It iz ‘casue da Sun iz off da patio n it iz chilli wifout it on me….
    So me iz gonna eatz sum more n den go fer a pantree nappie….
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤


  10. Let me know if talking to your mommie does any good because if so I will try that with mine. I bet you were so worried about your stuff missing outside your window. Hope it is all put back by now and you are OK. Loved your box photo, so much fun in those boxes.


    • My Mom doesn’t always listen to me – if she doesn’t and I’m upset I’ll just throw up somewhere and THAT gets her attention!!! HAHAHA Now that all the stuff is back on the porch and the deck I’m happy……for now…..

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. My dad does that horrible power washing thing too. He usually does it to the stables and sometimes the garage. The other day he did it to my path I like to sunbathe on. It was terrible, but of course you know that from experience.
    Happy International Box Day.


    • Hi Flynn! Sounds like you have to put up with noisy power washing a whole lot – the house the stables the garage – that’s a whole lot of noise!!!! The good thing about all that noise is that when it finally STOPS, you appreciate the peace and quiet that much more!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody……..The only box I resisted EVER was the one I was supposed to get in for the Cat Scouts car derby day. Dad made that way cool car for me out of a box and I would NOT NOT NOT get in it! Oh well…..

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh my goodness! I hadn’t thought about air duct cleaning but I imagine that’s even WORSE than power washing – air duct noise is INSIDE your domain right? At least the power wash dudes were OUTSIDE!!! EEEEEEEEEK!

      Hugs, Sam


  12. Noisy is never good for a kitties beauty nap! but I suppose it must be done hey Sammy! and we love your box…very colourful!! we were offline so no boxes here 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


      • Oi ..snoring ahhhhhh yes the nightly battle…Fozziedad has a CPAP due to snoring but it’s just as bad…like snoozing with Darth Vader!! urghhh have not had a night without the sounds for over 32 years……………….boy am I tired hahahah 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx


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