Dona Nobis Pacem


“Grant Us Peace”


“What the world needs now…is love, sweet love…..

No, not just for some – but for everyone……”

Today is the blogblast for peace and while that’s my MAIN thing on this Monday blog it’s not the only thing!  I have a couple of other things to pass along so here they are………

  1. Tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser (YES WE’RE HAVING ONE!) and it’s another GUEST TEASER – woo hoo – probably a toughie too so rest up tonight!
  2. I received a special award yesterday from my awesome friend Nerissa who created a brand new award called “MOUSES” (what else?!) in honor of his blogaversary!  THANK YOU NISSY!

MOUSES! award

I am to thank the person who nominated me and link back to them (DONE!)

And nominate at least two bloggers for the award:

These Days of Mine

The Howling Mad Cat

    3.  Last but not least, I want to introduce you to the Autumn VSquillion I adopted from the Cat Blogosphere this past week – her name is Ginger and of course I’m happy that she’s a ginger cat and that I have a chance to take care of her – a kitty cat of my very own!  You can see her on my home page on the newly cleaned off sidebar down at the bottom.  Here she is:


The “newly cleaned off sidebar” is something my Mom did for me yesterday.  I’ve moved ALLLLLLL my bling to a separate page……..if you look at the top of this home page you’ll see a link called “ABOUT ME AND OTHER STUFF” – there’s a sub-page under it (hover over it) and you’ll see my Bling!  All in one spot – nice and neat.  Woo Hoo Mom!


Your Peaceful Boy, Sammy 😀 😀

76 responses »

    • Hi Easy! Mom says it was pretty easy to create a new page and dump move all my bling to it. Makes my front page a LITTLE neater anyway!! Isn’t my little adopted kitty Ginger CUTE????? I’m gonna take super good care of her. I hope you and your staff have a lovely and PEACE-FULL Monday too Easy… up buddy – Guest Teaser tomorrow!!!

      Hugs of Peace, Sammy


        • I knew you’d be ready for the Teaser even if nobody else is!! Catalogs standing by – – – eyeglasses at at the ready – – – Hell-Mut the consultant by your side….it’s almost Tuesday Teaser time!

          Hugs for Peace, Sammy


  1. And we also wish for World Peace Sammy..we are so behind I haven’t gotten to it..the sentiment is still there ..and I hope to get onto all my replies and catching up so I can have clear brain for Tuesday Teaser….we love you Mouses award too..pretty cool and your own ginger kitty!! well done hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Don’t worry about catching up – you can start any old place and just go forward!! I think everybody wishes for Peace – no matter where they are or who they are – it’s up to all of us to MAKE it though. Wish the whole world felt like we do, don’t you?

      Hugs for Peace, Sammy


      • Thanks are indeed a wise Gingerbread man 😉 I agree..i try to make gentler decisions and more peaceful choices..sometimes I get really angry still but that is art of being human..i feel better with a peaceful home..and it does send the feeling into the bigger world I believe 🙂
        HUgs Fozziemum xx


        • We try to have peaceful days here every day too…..sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but we always TRY. Now if we could ALL just TRY to live in peace all over the globe, that would be the BEST gift we could give ourselves – ever!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Charlie! Thank you for your wishes……we hope it’s a VERY peace-full and peaceful day for you and your Mom as well……might I suggest a nice long nap to start with????

      Hugs for Peace, Sammy


  2. Aw…thank you for the award, Sammy! I’ll have lots of room WHEN Motor Mommy moves my “bling” to a new page…hint, hint, Mommy…!)
    How sweet that you have a “kitty” of your own now…we’ll have to check into that.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I hope you don’t mind that I have another young lady in my life now with my “Ginger”…..but she’s just a baby and I plan to be a SUEPR big brother to her and show her the way of the world. If you adopt a kitty from Cat Blogosphere VSquillions Shelter you name it WHATEVER you want to and have to promise to take good care of him or her. It’s a big responsibility but I think I’m ready!! We love your peace blog banner today – VERY nice that you and your little sister Gypsy are both on it!

      Hugs for Peace
      Love, Sammy


  3. SammyI probably visited you 4011 times yesterday to figure out the Blog4Peace thing! Ginger is adorable. Do you think she could visit sometime? You too of course! I want to adopt a kitty like her. Looking forward to the Teaser tomorrow. Congrats on your award. Now I have to check out your changes on the blog!


    • I agree that it’s pretty cool that so many people in so many countries around the globe are blogging for peace today…..take all that energy and send it to the powers that be and who knows what might be pawsible!

      I’ve noticed your Miss AuTumn before – she and Ginger could be twins!!

      Hugs of Peace, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Caren and guys – Mom and I loved your graphic too – so many really GREAT peace globes and graphics today – it’s quite wonderful isn’t it?

      Have a PEACE-FULL day…
      Hugs of Peace, Sammy


  4. Our Mom likes this song. She did not post the whole thing because it might be too long. She likes this verse because she likes the idea of the brotherhood of man.

    Imagine by John Lennon

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world…

    You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    And the world will live as one


  5. I hope you’re having a lovely peaceful day buddy! We think the John Lennon song rocks too!!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂


  6. Your Peace Globe is pawsome! Concatulations on the new bling to goes on your bling page and the vSquillion – PRECIOUS!!!


    • Hi Nellie! I’m glad you like my little adoptee Ginger….she’s quite cute and matches me pretty well don’t you think? Glad you like my peace globe too…’s a BIG DAY in the blogosphere isn’t it?

      Peaceful Hugs, Sammy


  7. Well dun on sponsoring Ginger kitteh!! Ya n Miss Pam are pawsum!
    Yer ‘other stuff’ bling’ page iz fabuluss!!! We likez da look of yer bloggie now…
    We lubbed it befur too….we iz all ’bout da LUB n Peace!
    Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum ❤


    • I agree……it’s one of those things that makes you feel WARM all over just thinking about it – thousands of us blogging for peace on one day – together – it’s a lot of positive thinking directed at one thing……now if it works that would be SUPER!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Yes… peace, peace and more peace. That is what we all need.

    CONGRATULATIONS on the award! purrs

    Oohhh…. your little ginger kitty is very cute. I know you’ll take super-duper good care of her.

    LOVE the new look on your blog!!!



    • Thanks SO much for my lovely Mouses award Nissy…..I just love it! I’m happy Mom finally got around to moving my bling to a separate page – YOU gave me the idea to do that buddy! THANKS!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Awesome! I am going around the internet collecting the peace globes and reading all the posts I can find. Yours is outstanding and I especially loved reading the comments and seeing so many familiar cat peace bloggers from way back in the movement.

    Thank you for inspiring us today with your peace post. Hope to see you next year.
    Peace to you and yours,

    #4313 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery @


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