Silent Sunday



Tomorrow……BLOG FOR PEACE!  Click Here for Info!




74 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy,
    Thanks for the reminder about tomorrow being “Blog for Peace” day. I’m REALLY hoping Motor Mommy will get busy, so we can pawticipate in that….
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae……Happy WINDY Sunday. It’s quite breezy here but it warmed up from 39 to 55 which is more “user friendly” for my poor parents who are about to go work on the leaves! Hope you are enjoying a nice sun puddle right about now. Glad you’re going to get your Mom to help you blog for peace tomorrow. The more the merrier.

      Love, Sammy


  2. Peace… what a wonderful wish. A truly WONDERFUL wish.


    PS. Please come on over to my blog today, Sammy. I’m celebratin’ my blogoversary AND there’s a special little somethin’ there for you. Also, remember that beautiful card you sent me? Well, I’ve got another new page and that’s where I found the PURRFECT spot for it. purrs


    • Hi CK! I’m sure it will be spectacular…..! Mom’s sending your package to you today so be on the lookout….that pesky mailman better deliver it to you – OR ELSE!!!!

      Hugs for Peace, Sammy


  3. Sammy! Sammy! Sammy! We posted a tutorial for you on how to preflight your plane (we figure your pop might get a kick out of it as there are a few hidden jokes in there only pilots would get). We’re keeping our paws crossed that you get one for your birfday then we can practice flying in FORMATION and stuff!


    • We saw it guys and it was FABULOUS. Mom got my Dad in here to take a peekie at the preflight on your blog and he giggled big time (and he’s not normally a giggler!). I’d love to get one of those way way cool planes – just wait until I post a photo of me though with my racecar that my Dad made me for the Cardwood Derby on Cat Scouts! I can’t post the photo until after Nov. 15th (don’t want anyone stealing my ideas you know) but it turned out pretty neato. Not as neato as an airplane though! 😦

      Kitty Hugs for Peace, Sammy


  4. Mom’s going to put her peace blog out in a few minutes. She couldn’t get any of the templates to work, maybe ’cause of the MAC so had to use something different. Guess it won’t matter. Love the second photo of you Sammy. Awwwwww is exactly right. The humans leave tomorrow for Paris. They are a bit miffed as the airlines changed their schedule and they have six hours in the D.C. airport. Ugh. Mom will be trying to catch up with commenting. We’ll be around while they are gone but maybe not as much. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Kitties! Mom and I hope your parents have a REALLY grand time in Paris…’s the purrrfect place to spend a “special occasion” or ANY occasion… parents still want to go next year but I’m not sure I’ll let them (HAHA). Here’s hoping you all have a beautifully PEACEFUL day. If you decide to have a “trash the house” pawty while the parents are gone let me know! 😉

      Hugs for Peace, Sammy


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