Funny Friday


Hi Peeps!  Happy Friday.

What fun I had yesterday at Basil’s birthday pawty – I hope you all were able to stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

Several of you said you thought those photos of me in my “muscle” and “no muscle” conditions were hilarious (or scary) and it got me thinking about some of the ridiculous photos Mom’s done before………..Yes I’ve shared SOME of them but thought I’d show you a few more for a good Friday Giggle-fest!

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If you were drinking coffee while looking at my slideshow I hope I got you giggling enough to spurt coffee out your nose……… THAT’s a fun way to start a Friday!   Aren’t I a little devil??


Because I love you!


55 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy..your mum has done some things to you in those pics …thankgoodness I have no coffee in hand!! What a great party wee Basil had…so good that when I just took Doc and Forrest for a walk what did I see……one escapee Sheep!!! I think Jock may have indulged to much and lost his way home..two doggies on lead one loose sheep two sad sheep wanting to join in….oh dear…my arms are now a bit like your muscle pic!! no parties for Jock for awhile now ….have a great Friday Sammy! and keep mum away from the’s addictive like nip!!
    Hugs Fozziemum and gang xxx


    • I think you’re right – Mom’s got Pizap-itis and it’s obviously here to stay! Basil’s pawty was fun and I loved your card!!!! So Jock was on walkabout huh? Well, he just had too much fun at Basil’s pawty and didn’t want to go home quite yet I think! Happy FRIDAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy..get mum into piz-ap rehabs…she may say no no no but I will most likely need to go too hahaaa,we loved your card and forget we can ad our friends pics to their are a clever kitty cat…but of course..Gingers are pretty clever! Have a great Friday Sammy 🙂
        Big hugs Fozziemum xx


        • HA! Dinnermintz knows about clever gingers I’m sure……yes, my Mom really gets carried away sometimes between FaceINHole and Pizap but hey – wouldn’t life be dull and boring if we just puttered along without giggling while we travel the road???? Well, you can bet my “Media Library” will continue to fill with the fruits of her Pizap labor…..which means of course more slideshows in the future!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Oh I do hope so hahahhaaha…always a hoot…there is something about our babies being snazzied up that sets me right off haaha…and yes life has too many sad and yukky things having fun is very important…and animal people seem to be the funnest around…
            Nitey nite Sammy from Fozziemum and Dinermintz..who is licking my arm because it’s bed and snack time 😉
            Big hugs xx


  2. Sammy, I just couldn’t pick a favorite among those funny photos if I had to! By the way, Motor Mommy sent in my picture to “Miss Cat”; do you think I’ll be a movie star????
    Love, Sundae
    PS Stay inside where it’s cool today – it’s going to be HOT, HOT, HOT!


    • I’m SURE you’ll be a movie star Sundae – you’ll have to hire an agent, get a publicity man, arrange for a wardrobe assistant, get a hairdresser – your life will change like crazy!!!

      I’m keeping cool inside today just like you do every day Sundae………’s just TOOOOOOOO hot to be outside PERIOD!
      Love, Sam


    • Well, I should be a responsible pet since I live with responsible pet parents right???? HAHAHA It’s the least I can do……carry part of the load (oops…did I really say that??!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. hahaha be careful with the wind Sammy Mc Kimmell :o) I can’t wait for Halloween – mom and me would like to start immediately with our Halloween-decoration, that sounds weird while we have a heat wave outside, I know…. Have a funny Friday Sammy :o)


    • Hi Easy! Think I should have a pumpkin decorating contest again this year? That was fun last year………’re right about the wind and the McKimmell kilt….some things should STAY hidden! 😉

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • My Mom said maybe this year she’ll try carving one of those white pumpkins (they call them ghost pumpkins here) – just for something DIFFERENT. I’m a traditional pumpkin kind of guy though – maybe she could do one “ghost” and one “Ginger Pumpkin” just for me????

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • I think the ghost pumpkin is a great idea – he looks like a ghost wihout work :o) but you should get your own ginger pumpkin, the best kitty-ween pumpkin ever :o)


          • Yes I think nothing but a regular ginger colored pumpkin would “work” for me!!! The ghost pumpkin can be for Mom…..I think they’re weird looking myself!!! You know it really isn’t going to be all THAT long before Kitty-Ween either!!!!!!

            Happy Saturday Easy and Staff!


    • Hi Miss Pix! I thought I made a rather delicious attractive turkey too! It’s too hot for tail shakin’ today though – much less feathers! Thank heavens for A/C – you guys are HOT HOT HOT too right? Hoping for rain…..who EVER thought I’d be saying that???!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


        • Oh dearie me…..yes my Mom was quite sad when adoption day rolled around with those little cuties – she’s gonna miss them too BUT I think she read that the Foster Dad already has another Momma cat who’s about to have kittens so hang in there for “round two” !!!! It’s gonna be hot as hades again today so STAY COOL Miss Pix……

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • I hadn’t heard that about John having a Momma cat already waiting. No surprise though. I’m not going to watch today, it made me too sad with the last bunch. I will read blogs and stay busy doing other things.


          • I can’t remember WHEN I read that about John’s next foster Mom but I’m sure I did read it. Perhaps after Kari and family are gone and he’s had a chance to get things READY for another foster. I think he’s done a wonderful job and this has been such a fun journey watching the babies grow up so healthy and strong and happy.

            Hugs, Pam


  4. DOOD !!!!! lee…. total lee….. TOTAL LEE…. lovin partee on de beer ….uh…we meen beech 😉
    hope ewe enjoys de week oh end N eat plentee oh bacon ~~~


    • Nissy I believe I wore that bobby’s uniform during my very first Feline Bureau of Investigation caper helping Kozmo out with the evil chicken……remember that? What an adventure…..glad I have the photo to prove I was REALLY there! HAHAHAHAHA

      Happy Weekend!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Oh but Cupcake, you truly have the most adorable dresses and coats…….speaking for the blog universe, we LOVE seeing you all decked out in your lovely wardrobe! As for me – Mom has to PRETEND I’m in clothes because we have quite a wrestling match when she tries to put a bandana on me!

      Weekend…..Love, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie……crazy mommies are ever so much better than NO mommies…..You know what? I think we’re super lucky to have a bit of wackiness in our lives, don’t you??? Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. We know we read this post and even wrote a comment, but the heat must have melted our brains ’cause we obviously forgot to hit the Post Comment button. Anyway, we wanted to tell you that our favorite costume is Sammy of Arabia. Do you think you could bring your costumes to Sunday’s pawty? It would be really fun to play dress-up. See you then. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Gang! I’ll bring my magic trunk of costumes with me tomorrow – dress up would be FUN! I kinda like my “Sammy of Arabia” costume too – VERY dashing don’t you think????? See you tomorrow!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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