Thursday Stuff


Hi Gang!

Everyone’s still talking about how I fooled you (or Mom did really) on the Teaser this week but believe me – I’m not expecting to have another GOTCHA moment.  It was probably a “one off” because you guys are just so darn smart……….

So, a few goodies to pass on…………..

Today is Little Basil’s FIRST BIRTHDAY and his brothers are giving him a surprise pawty so make sure and visit him today at Hutch A Good Life!

Have a GRAND First Birthday Basil !

Have a GRAND First Birthday Basil !

If you haven’t been by the Hutch lately, maybe you haven’t met the newest addition named Nacho – he’s adorable and he’s now keeping Nutty company.

Also, on Sunday, there’s gonna be a PAWTY at “The Cat On My Head” where on Sunday, July 21st they celebrate their one year BLOGAVERSARY………..woo woo woo!

Guess who else is celebrating a BLOGAVERSARY????  Mollie and Alfie – theirs is next Monday, July 22nd.


So Many PAWTIES – You’ll Have To Keep Your Pawty Hat HANDY

I don’t know about you but with all these parties and all the snacks and food and stuff, I’m going to have to work EXTRA hard to stay in shape…………….I’m thinking of suggesting to Mollie that SHE be the hostess for “AniPal Exercise” – just like her Mom Miss Stella does YOGO……..after all, lots of us are real slugs when the weather gets hot……we need to STAY IN SHAPE!






So, see you at all the parties gang…………….if not, stay cool – I know it’s been HOT HOT HOT almost everywhere.  I’ve been spending extra time inside with Mom in the AC.  I’m ONE COOL CAT!

Kitty hugs, Sammy

47 responses »

  1. Parties are so much fun aren’t they Sammy! we must make a special card for Basils birthday! and bloggieversaries are cool too…I am unsure about your fizz-eek and I do mean eek hahahaha think I refer my gingers all pluxurious like Dinnermintz and you sweet Sammy 😉
    Big hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Fozziemum…..well, I have to say that I like being JUST the way I am too like Dinnermintz. The “ripped” look just isn’t me…..nor is the pasty white no-muscle look me. I’m just ME !!!!!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs and see you at Basil’s Birthday Pawty!


      • You are purrfect as you are Sammy…because you are a Ginger man 🙂 ripped look is eewwww….hehehe
        Big hugs Fozziemum and gang and yay for Basil 🙂 see you there! xx


        • “Be there or be square” is what I say about pawties….so I’ll look for you among the crowd at Basil’s Bash. As for me and my ripped (or non-ripped) looks, I decided to stay chubby and cuddly just the way I am. Especially now that I’ve seen those pictures of me Mom did! EEEEEEEEK!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Layla! We’re pretty darn lazy ’round here too but I did a quick “drive by” at Hutch A Good Life this morning and little Basil was having a fun birthday party – then Sunday and Monday two more pawties to go to and hopefully back to LAZY SUMMER DAYS!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Ladies…..I have to agree with you on the pix of me – my Mom gets a BIT carried away with Pizap sometimes and makes me look a right wacko for sure! You ladies looked very glamorous on your blog though – maybe my Mom will trade in the muscle pix for something with me in a super hero uniform??!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh my goodness – well it’s just a matter of having time to visit blogs and find these things out AND I think your Mum is ever so busy with work and you boys have been hanging out in the garden so you didn’t know about the pawties! You can certainly still show up – AND I know you wouldn’t miss Mollie’s pawty on Monday for ANYTHING!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. You certainly are one cool cat, Sammy!!! We love pawties, so will trot along. BTW Sammy, advance notice! There is a special thing happening next Wednesday on my blog!!! Just giving you the heads up, seeing you like to know these things!! 🙂 xox


    • “A special thing”??????????????? Boy is that ever a tease……you better believe I’ll be there on Wednesday Austin – wouldn’t miss a surprise for the world!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. You may be one cool cat, but in that final photo, you got one hot body! Thanks for mentioning our blogoversary this coming Sunday. We got some work to do to get ready. We don’t want to disappoint anybody. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


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