Furrsday Chill


Hi All!

Looks like it’s gonna be another cold day here but from some of the photos I’ve seen around the blogosphere we have been SOOOOOO fortunate not to be snowbound like some of you! 

We visited A Tonk’s Tail….errr….Tale yesterday and saw poor Allie trotting along the sidewalk outside her house surrounded by walls of snow.   lots of you are getting extra home time with your humans because they can’t get out to go to work.  Assuming that means extra treats, tummy rubs and chin scritches for you – it’s pretty grand huh? 

Anyway, we hope Spring will be here soon……….for ALL of us who are in the midst of Winter right now.  So far THIS was our “biggest” snow this year – remember this?  Many weeks ago – and we haven’t had anything CLOSE to this since!

Not exactly a blizzard huh???

Not exactly a blizzard huh???

Am I complaining?  Not really.  I’m just amazed at what a rather strange Winter we’ve had.   As I napped this afternoon, visions of Spring danced through my ginger head…….

Can you see me in this photo?????  I'm there!

Can you see me in this photo????? I’m there!

Spring makes me think of the camping trip I thought we should organize………I’m thinking about some ideas now……….stay tuned.  That good camping weather will be here before you know it!!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

50 responses »

  1. Glad you took my camouflage lessons to heart Sammy. At first what I thought was you turned out to be the bird table – but then I saw you.
    Shhhhhhh! Our secret 😀


    • Hi Austin……..kinda like “Where’s Waldo” (remember those??) only I kinda blend right in with all the garden stuff with my gingerness huh! Instead of camouflage, I guess it’s CAToflage. Hehehe

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I think everybody is ready for Spring Sundae……..Mom hasn’t had a garden that pretty in years (thanks to the deer and our “all you can eat buffet” back there). But it’s nice to SEE how pretty it used to be anyway!

      Love, Sam


  2. I can see you (ok, after enlarging your picture) ;o) You’re right – I’m waiting for the spring too. Today it is very cold here too – we are sitting on my bed with my blankie – despite of chimney and heating. Should I send you my grandparents for the organization of the camping trip? They are experts ;o)


    • Hi Easy….something tells me that your grandparents would be happy NOT to have anything to do with the camping trip after their DISASTER!! That was quite a story – I’ll never forget it in fact…amazing I’m still considering a camping trip don’t you think??? 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. I found you Sammy but I had to hit the ZOOM! I must not complain about our snow because I think it is pulling us out of the drought and the farmers are all doing a happy dance even if they can’t get in their fields. That is such a lovely Spring picture this morning. You look like you were contemplating something Sammy or looking for critters!


    • Hi Miss Pix! You’re right about all the moisture – the farmers around here needed some WET and while it hasn’t been snow, we’ve had a lot of rain. WHATEVER WORKS! Mom says in that photo I was “stalking” a butterfly. One of my hobbies (I never catch them though!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. You’re so well hidden I can’t find you even when I ZOOMED in…guess I’m just bliind today…you really are camoflauged!! But love the picture..looks like a warm spring day and I’m so ready for spring.


    • Cody Mom and I hope Dakota had a SUPER DUPER SPECIAL birthday today! We had a sunny but cold day which is SO much better than tons of snow like some of our friends like you got. We shouldn’t complain – we’ve been super lucky this winter.

      Kitty hugs, Sam


  5. We had a warm day yesterday. me even went out side and sat on the railing of the deck and chased some flies! And some of the mountains of snow has melted! Me is one happy kitty!


    • Oh Nellie that’s good news! Spring really IS on the way isn’t it…….especially if you’re losing some of your snow mountains. We had a nice (but cold) day here and Mom went outside to see if anything in the gardens is poking up yet. Just some tulip tops that the deer haven’t found.

      Kitty Hugs and stay happy!
      Love, Sam


    • Hi Remy!! Good for you……I’m pretty well hidden in that photo but if you found me BRAVO! Don’t worry about the Teaser – – – one of these days you’ll see the photo and know FOR SURE where it is! I promise!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. The snow is all gone from my primrose garden now. There is snow elsewhere, but not there. Can’t wait for them to bloom again. I do look quite dashing among the primroses. At least, that’s what I’ve been told…



    • Hi Rumpy! You know my Mom used to live in Florida….Clearwater….she liked the fact that there was something blooming year round. Up here we’re waiting for just one green leaf to show up after a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG winter!! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I think it’s coming……Spring pretty much happens when it wants to and not when WE want it to…..we’ve had a weird Winter in Virginia so I’m thinking Spring will be weird too……..sigh.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Winter waz late startin here in Canada n den it settled in….it iz too cold to put out wet food fer da feralz so dey just gettin kibble….better den eatin bird seed…poor kittehz!!!!
    Me sniffz out da window once in a while but it iz far too cold fer a kitteh like me to be out in….Winter iz fer snugglin n nappin n playin toyz 😉


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