Tuesday Teaser!


OK gang – I said this would be a toughie, and I do believe it is…..of course I’ve thought that before and SOMEONE recognizes it so we’ll just have to wait and see right?

Remember you can enlarge the photo if you like to take a closer look by just clicking on it.  Mom was the photographer again – she says my Dad was taking movies at the time so she took the photo.  As for poor little me – you all know where I was when this photo was taken – at the kennel waiting for my parents to come home and get me!!! 😦

You know the rules……I won’t be telling who’s right and who’s wrong until tomorrow’s blog so tune in Wednesday to find out WHERE this photo was taken.  OK?  Remember, all winners receive the fabulous prize of a very large, very furry, very sincere…………


See you tomorrow and good luck…………….Sammy the Tease

37 responses »

  1. Hi, Sammy,
    I’m gonna guess…..Russia!
    Hope you have a good Tuesday, you teaser, you!
    I’m sitting on my window seat, staring at the sunrise. Life is good!
    Love, Sundae


    • Oh wowzers Sundae – that’s a fun guess. You know I can’t “kiss and tell” (tee hee) but I’ll let you and your Mommy know how close you were to being right when I blog tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy that window seat – – – it’s gonna be another hottie kind of day I think.

      Love, Sammy


  2. I am going to guess somewhere on the Rhine River in Germany. Of course, that is totally a guess, since I haven’t been there! But, there is a river…and apparently they were on a boat when it was taken! I will just have to wait until tomorrow and find out! You sure are good at this teasing thing!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Say, that’s a good guess AND you’re observant to notice they were on a boat at the time. I’ll let you know just how close you were to guessing right tomorrow – in the meantime thanks for the compliment about my teasing ability – I TRY !!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Rumpy! Austria huh? Well, I promised you guys a toughie and who knows – maybe I came through and maybe I didn’t…you’ll have to be a good doggie and wait until tomorrow to find out! 😉

      Kitty Hugs and keep cool!


    • Sounds good to me – chicken is also yummy….then there’s – what? – oh – oops – excuse me! – I thought you were suggesting something for me to eat for dinner tonight – you were GUESSING THE TEASER RIGHT???????????????????? 😀 😀 😀 Ok – enough silliness….good guess but tomorrow we’ll just see how right or wrong you are Miss Pix!!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


        • My notification button up there is not doing any notifyin’. I am going to have to check the dreaded “notify me of follow up comments” cause I missed all this fun here in comments today cause I was food shopping in 102 degree heat. I am moving out of MissouREE as soon as I figure out where I would be happy!


          • Hi Miss Pix! Sounds like WordPress (or your computer!) needs a swift kick in the “whatever” got not giving you your notifications today…..or can we blame the heat?? Guess what – it’s 100+ here too lately so I guess if you’re gonna move, this isn’t the place to come to either… 😦 ….maybe the North Pole? I bet they don’t have this kind of heat..I’m gonna ask Santa Claus about that when I see him this December!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hmm….well, you’re just gonna have to wait for the scoop tomorrow. Besides, if you aren’t right, I’m SURE I can squeeze out a nice Sammy Hug for you as a booby prize anyway!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. I’m gonna go with Russia too. That was my first guess when I saw the arche.. archecte…. archetecture…. that building in the middle with the pointy spire thingy. The fact that others are guessing Russia too makes me feel more confident. Now, if I could only spell archete…. you know what I mean. purrs
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Hi Nerissa! Hey – I have no idea how to spell that word either but I totally understand “pointy spire thingy”. Tomorrow you can find out if my parents were in fact in Russia or some other far flung corner of the big old world!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I’ll be divulging the info as to where my parents were on vacation when they took this shot on tomorrow’s blog! You’re the first to guess Romania……we shall see!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. It looks green, so not too southern, you are on a river I think, so that it means it could be anywhere! I am going to go for Central to Eastern Europe. It’s not Prague, so I am going for Budapest where I have never visited.


    • Hi Isobel….good detective work BUT tomorrow Sam will tell the world where his parents were when this was taken…..it was on a river and it was EARLY in the morning but that’s all I’m gonna say for now!



    • Hi Miss Caren and Cody! Exotic Istanbul huh? Well, tomorrow’s the day when the world will find out WHERE my folks were on this day during their travels. 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hey All! Good guessing – check me out tomorrow for the scoop as to where the photo was taken though….that’s pretty cool that your Grampa is an artist! See you tomorrow!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Callie!! Well, today’s the day for the Teaser Tell All so I won’t be giving it away (after all it’s on today’s blog) but it’s Budapest! My parents have taken a Rhine River cruise though and we HAVE had some pix from that trip on my Teaser before so you, my dear Miss Callie, get a HUG anyhow, anyway 😀 :D!

      HUG, Sammy


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