Dad’s Trail Project


Hi Peeps!  I’ve been asked a few times lately to show you a photo of this “trail renovation” project my Pop has undertaken.  I figured I’d better get a photo of it NOW so that when it’s done you’ll be all impressed and I can tell HIM that and his head will swell up even bigger than it already is!   But that’s our little secret – right?

So, anyway, here’s a few shots Mom took for me this afternoon.  There are THREE shots of the trail from various angles and on her way back into the house my nemesis (aka The Pest) Stevie the neighborhood mooch, came around to the back yard and posed for Mom (nice of her huh?).  I’m always talking about her so I thought I’d give you a decent shot of her!

Onward…….here’s the photos:


Top of trail, looking down – “my” bench is about halfway down on the right!

The cross pieces are the new bits Dad added recently – along the sides are old limbs, bits of trees from the woods which will be replaced in “Phase Two” of the trail renovation project. 

Bottom of trail looking up to the backyard….see? It’s not a very long trail – just far enough to come down to the bench and a bit beyond….Mom will add some plants, etc. – should be really nice…..eventually…..

Then here’s the shot of Stevie, (or The Pest, or The Mooch, or The Cat That Picks A Fight With Me In My Own Yard)


Stevie….enjoying MY grass!

Now, as the trail renovation moves along (assuming it does!) I’ll provide some updated photos… actually should be pretty swell when it’s done.  In my younger days I spent a great deal of time down that trail (which used to extend a lot further down into the woods eventually coming to a very small stream).  Mom and I would go down the trail for my “morning walk” and wind up sitting on the bench for a bit before coming in.  I really don’t do much bench sitting anymore…..and the old trail has been covered up for years with leaves and branches and stuff. 

Mom says it’s a good project for him to keep him out of her hair (I’m not sure what that means but I think it’s a GOOD thing). 

Happy Friday To All !

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

37 responses »

  1. Hi, Sammy,
    Cool-looking trail! Wish I could go for a stroll there with you (wink, wink!). So Stevie is a girl, huh? Maybe she’s flirting with you??
    Happy sunny Friday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..My Dad named Stevie and by the time Stevie came close enough for us to tell she was a girl we just kept calling her that….now we say it’s short for Stephanie (hahahahaha). Then of course there’s Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac! 😀 She doesn’t flirt with me as much as try to make me LEAVE so she can take over my house……sorry Stevie…..”ain’t gonna happen!!”……..

      Love, Sammy


  2. Oh Sammy!! That trail looks so shady, cool and magical! It would be the purrfect place to sit and read a book, daydream, draw, or even take a nap! I think your Dad is doing an amazing job! That’s A LOT of work!

    Hmmm…you said that Stevie is a girl? You think she has a crush on you Sammy and that is why she lays there flaunting her “stuff” like that? She sure looks comfortable in your yard!

    Have a great weekend my friend!
    Love, Cody


    • Hi Cody! Well, if she wants to flirt that’s fine but she generally takes a swipe at me or pokes me when we’re close…..and it doesn’t FEEL flirty! HAHA I’m glad you like Dad’s trail – it’s coming along. Mom likes to read while sitting on the swing….I just put my pink nose up in the air, close my eyes and “drift” !!

      Happy Friday! Sammy


  3. Your trail looks so magical! I’m sure you and your MOm will enjoy strolling down to your bench. Sounds like Stevie is jealous of your home and family. Hope she has a nice one of her own and is just visiting you.


    • Hi Miss June. Stevie has a good home but I think maybe she hangs out here because in her real home they have other cats and dogs. Here she can be “queen of the yard” because I’m hardly ever out there. Besides, the food is probably better here!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. Then again, maybe dad is doing the project so he can stay away from mom getting in “his” hair. Just an observation. I bet the train is going to look great after its finished and mom does her flower thing.


  5. It’s a gorgeous trail, Sammy. Your dad should be super proud. Just think what fun you and your mom will have walking along that trail to sit and relax on your bench. And your mom is gonna plant some plants? Neat! Peep is curious what she’s thinking of planting. Okay… so am I… ’cause I’m a cat… and cats get curious. purrs


    • Hi Nerissa! Not a lot of stuff will grow down in those woods but Mom knows there’s lots of wild ferns she can transplant from deeper in the woods to spots along the trail. She’s done that before and it’s worked…..then she’ll see what the guy at the nursery advises might work to supplement the ferns. Gotta be “deer proof” too which won’t be easy to find…..likes shade, deer won’t eat it, doesn’t get a lot of water…..blah blah blah. Maybe she should buy some plastic flowers and just stick them in the ground?!?!?! (just kidding :D)

      Kitty hugs, Sam


  6. Oh Wow! Your Daddy is doing a fabulous job, he head should gets bif. Me can’t wait to see it with all the flowers. Me thinks that Kozmo would loves to hunt along there, me is more likes yous – curl up in the sun on the porch.


    • Hi Nellie! I’m sure Kozmo would find LOTS of stuff to hunt back in the woods. Stevie brought a dead chipmunk on our front porch this morning….ICKY…..Daddy had to give it a decent burial. I have a feeling Stevie got it in the woods cuz I see lots of them when I’m in the back yard. These days I just like to hang out – like you – WE know how to spend our time best don’t we Nellie Bellie???!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. spectacular! what a great home you have Sammy! BTW I may not show up in comments for a couple days…staff is taking off AGAIN!!…sigh…Auntie Shannon will be with me so I have someone to snuggle with at night and to play with…paw pats, S


    • Hi Savannah…..don’t worry about comments – it’s nice to have a break once in a while anyway!! I’m so glad you have Auntie Shannon to keep you feeling secure at home while your Mom and Dad are away though!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss D! Haven’t heard from you in a while…..Yes, the trail is a great project for good old Dad – I think it will be a while before he’s “happy” with it – lots more to do. Mom says she hopes you got your cards OK!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Yes, I’m sorry, been over run with work here at the farm. I got the cards fine…I love them!!! Thank you and thank you both for the extra surprise! I looked once for your address to drop you a note but failed to find it in the time allotted me! 🙂 Have a beautiful weekend!


  8. Your backyard looks so serene. I bet you get a lot of relaxing done back there, Sammy.

    Tell your Dad the trail looks beautiful. I can’t wait to see what it’ll look like when it’s done.


    • Hi Sparta….if he does the stuff he WANTS to do, it will be a while before it’s done. Gotta find downed limbs for the sides of the trail – then buy some wood chips or gravel or river stone to put ON the trail (he doesn’t want it to be just dirt) – then Mom takes over with some landscaping along the sides. I’m hoping it ACTUALLY happens! 😀

      Kitty hugs,Sam


    • Hi Miss Isobel….yes Stevie really thinks this is HER yard. I have to “look both ways” when exiting a door for some yard time myself because she will pop out of nowhere and give me a swat. I think I’d like being on a boat like NotCat is when he accompanies you – he looked quite comfortable in those latest photos! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well, it’s not exactly a LONG trail, but it leads to a nice swingy bench and THAT’s nice for sure! Hopefully when Dad gets it finished it will look nicer than it does now…..don’t hold your breath….. 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Wow that looks great! Our Mummy likes woodland walks and things like that. She brings back photos and stories to tell us about what she has seen! 🙂

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy


  10. That trail sure looks inviting! I have been so busy these last few days, I have not had time to keep up with what you were up to! Trying to catch up tonight.
    Hugs, Linda


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