Please Pay Attention!



C’Mon Mom….get off the computer!!!

Happy Saturday! 

Mom took this photo of me yesterday while she was working on my Cafepress store – and I was TRYING to get her to pay more attention to me than the computer screen……Geez!  Sometimes I think she loves that machine more than she loves little old me!

Now you know I’m not serious – my Mom adores me (as well she should) and I adore her but sometimes I have to go up to her studio and look pitiful (i.e. this photo) in order to give her the BIG HINT that maybe it’s time to come downstairs.  Maybe she should shut down computer operations for a while and let me curl up on her legs on the recliner…..or give me a treat…..or take me outside.   I want her to appreciate some of the FINER things in life – like ME.

Am I being selfish?  Naw…..I’m just an only cat who happens to think his humans are two of the best kitty toys he has and that his TOYS should be available to him 24/7 – not when there’s nothing else for his TOYS to do.  Get it?

So tell me – because maybe I can use some of your techniques – what do YOU do when YOU want attention from your humans???????


Kitty Hugs, Sammy

26 responses »

  1. Our Sweetie Dog just jumps up and gets in our face – she is not a barker, or whiner, so we have to pay attention to her jumping around when she wants something. I am sure your mom and dad are glad you love them so much…and that they are your favorite toys!
    Have a happy Saturday – hugs, Linda


  2. Sam, poor little ginger kitty! Our Z Cat used to come find me and go running down the hall looking back and head for the closet where we kept her cat teasers and stand and look at the door then stick her paw under it. Most all the other times she just jumped up in my lap and gave me a good head bump!


    • Good Morning!! I think my Mom needs a different type of chair in her studio for when she’s on her computer….something with some snuggle room available. I don’t quite fit on her lap when she’s sitting there – THIS IS A PROBLEM! 😀 I can get her attention though in a variety of interesting ways: Dad’s bathroom is near the studio door and I can go in there and open cabinet doors and let them slam shut (that works)…..or go down the hall, hop on their bed and scream (that works)……or sit on the studio couch like in this photo and look just plain PITIFUL (that works). We have our ways just like Z Cat did – sneaky little boogers aren’t we???

      Kitty Hugs,


  3. Sammy – it’s simple, just jump up in your Mom’s lap WHILE SHE’S AT THE COMPUTER! That’s the ONLY time I get in my mom’s lap. She just clacks away on those keys, and I snuggle right down. She stops typing and gives me scritches every few minutes, and we’re both happy.
    Hope you’re having a beautiful morning with lots of lap time. Sun’s shining in my neck of the woods!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I don’t quite fit on Mom’s lap (at least when she’s at the computer!) but sitting on her couch looking pitiful seems to work fairly well. 😀 We’ve got sunshine here this morning too thank heavens….Mom promised me lots of out time too as long as it stays nice. YAY!

      Happy Saturday 😉
      Love, Sammy


  4. Awww! You do look pitiful, Sammy. I know your Mom couldn’t resist such a sad face! Hope the computer is OFF today so you have plenty of snuggle time on that comfy lap.


    • Hi Miss June…….Mom and I have had lots of snuggle time today – Dad’s been outside in the yard doing some chores (noisy ones so I didn’t go out with him). BUT I know Mom has stuff she wants to do other than have me lounging around on top of her legs all day SO, I’m giving her a break. A Mom’s gotta do what a Mom’s gotta do after all!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. Personally, I purr whenever my peeps pick me up. They really like to hear me purr and be all happy and whatnot so I think they’re pretty well trained now to know that if they wanna hear the purrs, they’ve got to pick me up for a cuddle. It seems to work.

    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Ahhh yes. It’s in the training isn’t it?! Some of them are tougher to train though…gotta catch them when they’re either (a) most vulnerable or (b) too old to fight. HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  6. well, I’m just learning…and it has taken some time for me to realize I really do WANT their attention lots…soooo…it appears I am finding my voice…and it kind’a loud, so Mom and Dad say…harumph…but I talk to them lots now when they start the conversation…but the one thing I have always done, and I even do it in my sleep (go figure)…If I wake up and find myself alone and cannot hear them, I stay right where I am and sort’a yowl like…and loud…and they come running to make sure I am ok…and sometimes I am already back asleep. Hmmm any such thing a “sleep yowling”??


    • Oh indeed there’s such a thing as sleep yowling….at least I THINK there is. Mom says I squeak, moan, and even “bark” in my sleep sometimes. I suppose I’m having some interesting dreams! You’ll learn more and more fun (for you!) ways to get your humans’ attention as time goes on.

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  7. Sammy, when I want my human’s attention, I just jump right on her desk and poke her. Sometimes I slap her. When she is really bad, I sit on her mousepad.


  8. NotCat is really very good. He does yell loudly, weave about me, race around the flat and sometimes prod me, but it is bearable. He is not particularly worried by the computer, but hates the vacuum cleaner. But Cat used to bash dishes together, play bouncy castle on my chest when I was asleep ( see Simon’s Cat for illustration) rock the vase of flowers in the bedroom, jump to where I was working and push the papers onto the floor, lie across the computer keyboard, rub his face in mine when I tried to talk on the phone, and even bite me if I didn’t pay him the attention he thought was his due.


    • Hi Rumpy….yeah, life can be kinda unfair but on the other hand it could be a whole heck of a lot harder on us than it is – right? LOL At least our humans give us what time they can spare (sniff sniff).

      Happy Sunday Dude!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Kush is a girl after my own heart…..I say whatever we have to do to get ourselves heard is fair game (although I admit I’d draw the line at leaving a dead mouse at the foot of Mom’s bed!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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