
Sam grazing on the grass

I like my salads....I eat my "greens" ! Maybe I'm a sheepcat? Well, there are sheepdogs so why not??

Yesterday morning the sun was shining like crazy and while it wasn’t WARM, it wasn’t FREEZING either.  So, since nothing was covering the grass up (like that pesky snow), I asked Mom if I could go out and do some grazing. 

Sam grazing on the grass in the front yard

So I like a little green stuff in my that a problem???

I just walked along the edge of the sidewalk out front and “trimmed” the bits of grass that were readily available…..I do enjoy a good salad from time to time.  Mom knows that sometimes when I want to go outside to eat grass it’s because my tummy is upset but not always (and believe me, Mom can tell!).  Other times – like yesterday morning – I just want a bit of a snack.  I feel great but I’m in the mood for some “recreational grazing” !

I’m not sure all cats enjoy grass……but I have since I was a tiny kitten.  Maybe it’s my feral genes???  I’m sure my cat parents – whoever they were – had to eat all kinds of stuff out in the wild including grass when they found it.  Maybe that’s why I enjoy drinking water from puddles too?  Hmm….I hadn’t thought of that before but who knows?!  Come to think of it, I like to munch on a moth that I catch outside from time to time too. 

Well, I still think it would be tough for a spoiled cat like me to survive out there on my own – even if I do eat moths, grass and drink puddle water.  I MUCH prefer my nice warm house and my yummy cat food and treats. 

But I do love my nice green crunchy grass……maybe I’m a sheepcat???? 

Happy Friday

Sammy, Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh (my best sheep impression)

24 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy. Looks like you enjoyed the pretty weather yesterday – now Mom needs to look for you some kitty sunglasses! You would look SO cool in those!
    My kitty-cousin, BJ, likes grass, too. So for Christmas, my mom always gives her a little container of grass from the pet store.
    Happy Friday!
    Love, Sundae
    (I mean it about those sunglasses…..)


    • Hmm….sunglasses….that reminds me that I have that visor with sunglasses on top which I wear in the summertime. Maybe I’ll have to get that thing out for these early morning grazing sessions???

      Happy Friday Sundae!
      Love, Sam


  2. Grass is good. Sheepcats need grass. Keeps a balance in their diet. Moths and drinking out of puddles is another thing. And no, you wouldn’t last too long in the wild.


    • Hi Miss Georgette! How nice of you to come visit me this morning. Thanks for the congratulations for the WONDERFUL award – Miss Dianna and her cat Sundae (hubba hubba ;)) are such good friends and my Mom and I LOVE those sunsets and sunrises on the water. Life is mighty good for me so I never run out of stuff to say in my blog. I think I’ll take a PAWS and go visit yours RIGHT NOW!!

      Kitty Hug,


  3. Sammy, you are one clever cat! Imagine thinking you might be a sheepcat! I would never have come up with that one…shows what a creative brain you have! Maybe the grass has something to do with that…just don’t overdo it! And I think Sundae is right, you would look super-cool in sunglasses!


    • Hi Miss Linda! I’ll have to get my visor out and wear it again – I knew I’d need it this summer but I guess my golden eyes need protection in the winter too! Mom and I saw your photos of Ireland on your blog….my Mom and Dad LOVED their trip to Ireland – just about the prettiest place they’ve ever been. I’m a redhead – so maybe I have some Irish in me too??????

      Kitty Hugs


    • Cody, you might find yourself hooked on the green stuff too….I don’t eat much really – just trim off the tops of a few tender bits. I bet your Mom would bring some inside for you to try! I tried that “cat grass” Mom got in the pet store once but didn’t care for it….some cats LOVE it though. Maybe I’m just too picky?????? Who MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

      Kitty Hugs
      Sammy Sheepcat


  4. Hi! I just came here from These Days of Mine. Congrats on your Wonderful award! I love my kitty, Stormy. She pretty much rules at my house, much like you do at yours! She says to tell you hi!
    You have a really cute blog, I’ll sign up as a new follower and be back to see what you are up to. Have a nice weekend!


    • Hi!! Gee, thanks for stopping by to congratulate me on my newest award…I’m pretty darn excited about it. So you hve a kitty too huh? I like her name….Please tell her I said HI right back OK? 😉 I’m glad you like my blog too – I sure have fun writing it every morning before my parents are up and around and wanting to use MY computer. Mom and I see your comments on Miss Dianna’s blog all the time. I think I’ll go check out YOUR blog now….isn’t it fun to find new friends in cyberspace????

      Kitty Hugs,
      Your New Friend (and Stormy’s too!)


    • Hi Lilly!! So you like the green stuff too huh? I can’t wait until Spring so there will be a lot of nice tender grass shoots popping up out in the yard. Right now, it’s a little tired from fighting off the snow (!) but I can find a few springs to munch on if I try hard enough!

      Kitty Hugs,


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