Pre-Dawn Door Patrol

Sam Standing at Front Door

C'mon Mom....let's go "owwwwwwa" (out) !

I know this door might accidentally open and I might accidentally slip out – accidentally……on the other hand, it’s DARK outside and when it is (as it’s bound to be at 5AM) the only door I can go outside from, is in the basement.  Why?  Because that’s where my harness and leash are and for twelve years, that’s where we’ve gone OWWWWA from! 

Still, whenever Mom’s passing by the front door and I just happen to be looking out the side window, I can’t resist asking.  Once it’s light outside and Mom can SEE me and where I’m wandering, then we can go out this door because it leads to the porch – one of my favorite spots. 

Can’t blame me for trying though.  A couple of times through the years Mom has “trusted” me to stay by her side without my harness when it’s been dark outside – she had a flashlight at the time of course to keep an eye on me and I thought it would be fun to play “catch me if you can”…..Mom didn’t think it was as funny as I did.  She just worried that I’d run too far, too fast trying to get her to chase me for fun and maybe she was right.  SO, we don’t go out the door without the harness on if it’s dark.  PERIOD.

This morning we tried to do a harness walk out of the basement but a neighborhood cat was out there and once I saw it, I changed my mind about wanting to go out there!  I don’t do so well around other cats – especially when they’re “invading” my yard…..SO, I guess I’ll just wait for it to get light and I’m sure Mom will go out with me with OR without my harness on.  

After all, she’s just trying to protect me…….I just get impatient sometimes!!  Don’t we all?????????????????????

Happy Thursday



16 responses »

  1. Your mom loves you so much, Sammy. I’m sure you understand her concern. Our moms couldn’t stand for anything to happen to us.
    We are so LOVED! And isn’t that wonderful?!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….yep it is wonderful. I know it’s for the best that we have this “harness policy” here but it’s hard to resist at least ASKING once in a while. Besides, it keeps Mom on her toes….tee hee. 😉

      Love, Sammy


  2. How wonderful that your mom knows you so well, Sammy! You really are lucky to have someone to look after you – it is a big and scary world out there for the smaller ones! Have a wonderful day…and stay safe!


    • I am a lucky boy – lots of kitties are left to make their way around outside on their own and they get into BIG trouble. When I first came to live with my parents we had lots of red foxes living in our woods and they would have found me to be a pretty yummy snack! That’s why I’ve always had a harness……cool huh?

      Have a happy day!!


  3. You better believe it that Mom is trying to protect you, Sammy, so why dont’cha quit giving her a hard time. She would be very sad if anything happened to you, and you wouldn’t want her to have to cry, now. So behave yo’self, you heah?


    • YESSIR! 😉 I actually DO behave all things considered. It’s not easy sometimes (as you well know….) but I don’t want to cause Mommy any worry (nor do I want to get attacked my a fox!!!). I’ll be good. Uh huh…trust me I will.

      Kitty Hugs,


    • Hi Cody! Well, you know what? If you stay inside you are ALWAYS safe and comfortable. I sometimes am taking chances that I’ll have to go through a puddle or get muddy feet (yuck) or even though I’m on a harness/leash a stray cat might come and try to pick a fight……SO, just stay inside and love life my friend. I’m honored to be like your Grandpa Bobo though 😉 !

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, we have doggie doors at our house so we let ourselves in and out all day long, about a gazillion times every hour. We have a four foot iron fence around our back yard and we’re doggies who don’t jump (well, I do but I haven’t gotten as high as four feet yet) so we’re okay with that. But about a year ago, folks were trying to get our Mommy to adopt some shelter cats and she said she couldn’t. Because what if they went through the doggie door, hopped over the fence (apparently they are better at it than I am) and get hurt? And she couldn’t close the doggie doors to us doggies because, well because we’re spoiled. I think it’s pretty awesome that your Mommy takes you outside every day like she does! She obviously loves you very, very much! Love from Eddie the JR, Simone the collie and Mattie the foxhound


    • Hi Eddie (see? I know YOU’RE the jumper around there!!)……Guess what? My Mom says when we move (if we ever do!) we’ll have a screened in porch and a doggie door through to the kitchen so I can go in and out to the porch any time I want to just like you all do into your backyard! How cool is that??? With your yard and that nice fence, you all are safe all the time but for sure a cat would go right through the fence or over it easily….so your Mommy was right about adopting cats. Besides, I just bet you all wouldn’t be too crazy about having kitties either IN your house – would you?! 😉

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy, you are so lucky that the Mom takes the time to take you our on a leash. That is so great. We do get to go out loose, or at least some of us do. But we live in the country and so it is fairly safe. So don’t sneak out that front door. Take care.


    • Oh I won’t be doing any sneaking….been there/done that and wasn’t too crazy about the feeling of “aloneness”!! I do like to walk alongside my Mom on the leash though. Stay inside and stay safe (those of you who can) and the rest of you just be careful!!!!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Friday!


    • Hi Isobel…well, NotCat seems to have pretty good survival instincts and a grand ability to scale tall walls and hide in trees. That protects him to a great extent when he’s out and about. Sam wouldn’t know quite what to do if a red fox was on his tail and we see them about quite frequently. Our visiting bear from a while back must have moved on (thankfully).



    • June Buggie is SAFEST inside anyway. If I didn’t get trained on the leash and harness when I was TEENY TINY, I would have been always inside but Mom gave it a try and I LOVED it. These days though I don’t stay out as long as I used to – I just plain prefer being inside and snoozing!!! tee hee



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