

Well!  Yesterday was quite a banner day for me because I received TWO – count ’em – TWO blogging awards!  My friend Pedro honored me with The Versatile Blogger Award:

WOW...another award!

Thanks to my friend Pedro  Thanks!

 AND, if that wasn’t enough blogging bling to received in a day, I also received THIS one from my friends Isobel and NotCat:

More award bling!

Thanks Isobel and NotCat Thanks!

I’m just plain overwhelmed – really – I’m quite excited to have received two awards to add to my ever-growing list of accolades.   The requirements for both awards are the same:

1.  Thank the person who sent the award with a link back;

2.  Pass the award on to 15 bloggers you’ve discovered and let them know they have been included in our blog post; and

3.  List seven things about myself

The only thing is – Mom and I don’t have 15 other blogs we visit or have gotten to know in the short time we’ve been blogging!  But in the spirit of the awards (and so I don’t have to give them back…sniff….sniff…) I’m going to nominate those few that I DO know and have come to love.  The other “complication” in the list of blogs I’m enjoying these days is that several of them already HAVE these awards.  Makes it tough because I don’t want to award someone an award they already have – right?  If I’m putting a link here to someone who has one of these awards (and I just don’t know about it), please forgive me.  Just goes to show how “award-worthy” you are! 

Here they are – in no particular order – my FAVES! (Pedro you have the Versatile Blogger award but not One Lovely Blog I don’t think….?) (Isobel you have One Lovely Blog but not the Versatile Blogger award I believe….?)

So, please take what you don’t have and don’t take what you do have (huh???).  This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO confusing.

Now, here are seven things about me!

1.  I hate thunder, doorbells, telephones, strangers, bears

2.  I love my parents, naps, blueberry yogurt, bacon, QUIET, watching football on TV

3.  I like to play games like hide and seek and fetch

4.  I’m a polydactyl cat with extra claws on my front paws

5.  I do NOT like water….except in puddles

6.  I’m not crazy about the barky beagles next door

7.  My eyes change from brownish to greenish if I’m REALLY happy

Happy Awards Day to everyone!

Sammy, One Highly Honored and Flattered Cat

8 responses »

    • Hi Sundae……you and your Mom are super welcome for the award – we love your Mom’s blog and it’s the FIRST thing Mom reads in the morning while I’m sitting here deciding what to write about every day. We wanted to share!!

      Kitty Hugs


  1. All in one day!? How cool is that? Congratulations to the both of you.
    Thank you for nominating me, I don’t have either one of those. Which reminds me I forgot to display the Liebster Blog award that Dianna at “These Days of Mine” gave me a little while ago – I’ve got a lot of work to do!
    Thanks again!
    p.s. What’s up w/the blueberry yogurt?! Silly cat. 🙂


    • Hi Miss D! Yeah – way cool on the awards huh? Mom and I both agreed that we just love reading your blogs and seeing your photos so we wanted to SHARE the awards with you. As for my “thing” about yogurt…..blueberry is my favorite but I also like raspberry. If Mom opens a container of yogurt I can hear it anywhere in the house and I come running…..we share….

      Kitty Hugs


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