Reclining on the Recliner

Napping on Mom's lap (as usual)

Some photos need no explanation.....zzzzzz.....

I’m sure ya’ll get tired of hearing me talk about my naps…..even though they are a HUGE part of my life (and getting moreso as I get older!) – but really, what’s more relaxing for humans OR their companions than knowing they can grab some “Zs” in safety and complete comfort?  Hmm? 

Today’s going to be a lazy kind of day anyway.  My parents are leaving me later this morning to drive out into the country to meet my Auntie Carol and her visiting daughter Barbara (from some place far away called California) for lunch.  When my parents aren’t home, I just curl up somewhere – like their bed – and WAIT.   Waiting leads to napping of course….and my naps are usually pretty long (assuming the doorbell doesn’t ring) so by the time I’m ready to wake up – they will be home I’m sure.  Then I’ll lay on the usual guilt trip for leaving me ALL ALONE….sniff…..with my meows of gratitude and cute faces when actually I’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet of having the house all to myself! 

So you guys know where I like to have MY naps around here – what’s YOUR favorite nap spot?  Huh?  Maybe you’ll give me some new ideas for nap locations………….I’m always up for that!

Hope your day is as comfy as mine is gonna be……

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat

7 responses »

  1. There’s nothing more peaceful than a sleeping kitty. Allegra and Ruby have a lot of different nap spots, but their favorites are the window perches, especially when they’re in the sun. It’s even better when the windows are open and a soft breeze blows in through the screens.


  2. There’s nothing more peaceful than a sleeping kitty. Allegra and Ruby have a lot of different nap spots, but their favorites are the window perches, especially when they’re in the sun. It’s even better when the windows are open and a soft breeze blows in through the screens.


  3. Hi Miss Ingrid! Mom and I have seen a lot of photos of your girls in the sunshine coming through the windows in your house…..I love the sun too as you know….feels good on these middle-aged bones of mine! As for soft breezes – I’m sure I’ll have bunches of those when we finally get a screened porch one day. Mom said I’ll get a cat door so I can go out there any time I wanna! Wow…..

    I hope you and Allegra and Ruby have a super nice Tuesday…… know where I’ll be today!

    Sammy the Snoozer


  4. Hey, Sammy,
    Enjoy that peace and quiet! I do the same when my family’s away. (Don’t tell them, but I can’t wait til they come home and I can sprawl out at their feet for my tummy rubs.)
    My favorite nap spots: my window seat or my Mom’s recliner, but only if my favorite blanket is on it.
    Have a good day.
    Your friend, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae……so you like recliner naps too huh? I need a blanket too – Mom usually puts one over her legs, I get on top and nap – and if she has to get up, she slides out from under me and pulls the blanket up around me so I’m nice and snuggy until she comes back! Window seats are way cool spots too – – all that fun stuff to watch outside……

      Hope you have some great naps today! (oh – and belly rubs too!)


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