Tag Archives: Valentine’s Ball

Straight From The Heart




Well we’ve had a heck of a day with the Ball and the winding down of the festivities.   We’re on our jet now and talking about our grand time  but anxious to see good old Virginia and our parents!  Sundae and I were truly READY to take off our dancing shoes and get back to our lives of leisure. 

As you all know,  there has been a contest going on in several categories with prizes being awarded – and considering how many cats, dogs, guinea pigs and mini pigs there are here at the Valentine’s Ball, I’d say it’s amazing Sundae and got ANY votes however we sure have.


As I said, today was the Valentine’s Ball itself and everyone is all buzzing about “who’s gonna get a prize” !!  I’ve just got to say again, neither Sundae nor I will be forgetting THIS party for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.   If you want to catch up with what’s happening, just CLICK HERE to visit Mollie’s!
I was happy to learn from Mom that we had some winners on the Tuesday Teaser……woo hoo!   Thanks to my Auntie Carol for providing the photo – it was a goodie. 
Mom says it’s been raining back home…..hopefully this morning the sun shined on their Valentine’s Day – this is the first one I won’t be spending with them.   I made cards for them both and Mom said they saw them when they came downstairs for their morning coffee!
She told me that they went out to dinner last night for their Valentine’s Day celebration – our little town is SO small that all the restaurants are always booked for Valentine’s Day dinner SO they go the day before and have no problem and have a nice quiet dinner by the fireplace they have at their favorite restaurant.  Smart parents huh?   Also, it was SNOWING there…..started yesterday evening and when they got out of the restaurant it was coming down like crazy BUT not on the streets – just on the grassy areas. 
What are YOUR humans doing today to celebrate Valentine’s Day? 
YAWN………..well, excuse me but I’m going to get in some snoozing before we land…….I need my beauty sleep you know!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Pooped PAWTY Animal 😀 😀 😀 

Tuesday Teaser AND Day 2 of The Ball


Hi Everybody! 

As you know, Sundae and I are still at the Valentine’s Ball “across the pond” but since Sundae’s Mom very kindly loaned her the laptop so we could stay in touch, I’m STILL able to report on the Valentine’s Ball activities!

My Mom is taking care of Part 2 of today’s blog which is the Tuesday Teaser.  (xxxoooo Mom!)

So, if you saw yesterday’s post you know that the big dancing video was a HUGE hit.  Anyone who didn’t go to Mollie’s blog to see it can take a gander at this still photo of Sundae and me tripping the light fantastic! 

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers?  No!  It's Sundae and Sammy!

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers? No! It’s Sundae and Sammy!

We had an incredible buffet at Ranger’s with all kinds of yummy treats and we managed to stuff ourselves with all our favorites.

Today is the big RED CARPET walk – all the guests dressed in their Valentine’s finery are going to be there so don’t miss it!   Here’s how Sundae and I will be looking – mighty fine I’d say, wouldn’t you?

Awww...Sam looks a bit like Charlie Chan but Sundae is stunning in her hair weave and tiara!

Awww…Sam looks a bit like Charlie Chan but Sundae is stunning in her hair weave and tiara!

There will be voting starting today too – you take a look at all the attendees and vote according to what Mollie tells you on her blog.  Please make sure and take a peek and vote – there will be prizes for the winners!  Voting will be today and I think tomorrow as well with the prizes being awarded on Valentine’s Day!

Well, Sundae and I need to leave for the RED CARPET WALK now but I’ll check in tomorrow and give you an update………..meanwhile, I’ll turn it over to Mom back in Virginia for the Teaser!

Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy 😀 😀

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Hello Sammy’s Friends!   As you see from Sam and Sundae’s “checking in” post above things are going swimmingly at the Valentine’s Ball.  Sam asked ME to take over duties for the Teaser and it’s a pleasure to help out. 

Especially since the GUEST TEASER today is my wonderful sister and best friend Carol Jones!  This is a vacation photo of HERS and we thought it might make a great Teaser.   Without further hoopla, here’s your teaser for today!

Mystery Photo 550

I’m very proud of my big sister……..she just published her first book – a wonderful murder mystery called “Tie-Died: a quilting cozy” and it’s a really fun book with lots of great twists and characters.  There’s some quilting going on in the book and Carol is a long-time quilter of incredible talent.  I have a house full of beautiful quilts and throws she’s made.  If you’d like to read a bit about the book just CLICK HERE !

My Sister Carol The Author!

My Sister Carol The Author!

Sammy has authorized me to hand out BIG SAMMY HUGS to everyone who guesses correctly on the Teaser.   So take a look at the photo and tomorrow we’ll have another update from Sam AND some hugs to hand out!  

Have a wonderful Tuesday…………..

Human Hugs, Sam’s Mom Pam