Tag Archives: St. Andrews

Teaser Tell All



Hello!   I guess I have egg on my face this morning (or maybe it’s huevos rancheros from yesterday’s Mexican feast???) – but I thought the Teaser might be easy and apparently it wasn’t except the one who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER may have thought “EASY” !

Here’s the photo again:



There was one little hint – see the tiny little flag in the middle of all that green space?   Well it’s the flag at a hole in a golf course…………yep – sure is – and that golf course is one of the most famous ones in the universe…………..”The Old Course” at St. Andrews, in Scotland!!!!     Here’s their link if you want to see this incredibly beautiful spot………. CLICK HERE.   My Mom and Dad are not golfers, but this is just one of those places you HAVE to visit – and they did some shopping for golf souvenirs for their golfing buddies while they were there – how could you resist??!!

FIRST COMMENTER yesterday was a TIE between Easy and Oliver & Calvin!    Imagine that – their FIRST COMMENTS arrived in my WordPress blog inbox at the EXACT same time!   Concatulations!


Who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?   It was our amazing friend EASY!    So he was one of the first commenters and the first right guesser………a double win!


If there were any OTHER right guessers you win this little gem:


Those of you who need more GREEN in your life and were wrong or had no idea – here’s your GREENIE!


WOW……………may I say that a lot of you REALLY hunted around in that photo for clues……..the little flag was on a golf course BUT it sure could have been on a race course – and it DID look like a race course…..made it tough……the line of cards – I’m  not sure but I think they’re actually PARKED on the road?  Maybe they’re waiting to get into St. Andrews but that road is packed with shops of all kinds so they may just be shoppers!


Thanks for playing Tuesday Teaser with me – I love it as much as you all do……….believe me!

Hugs, Sammy