Tag Archives: happy tabby

Sam’s Cat Tail Tale

What a view!

Don't I have a nice tail?

Hi !  Today I’d like to talk about my tail.  Funny subject matter you say?  Well, maybe, but I happen to like my tail a lot.  Whenever I’m giving myself a good grooming I never miss making sure it’s all nice and neat too.  I roll onto my side and hold my tail with my front paws and smooth it down and make sure it’s clean like the rest of me.  Mom likes when I do that – she said none of her other cats ever held onto their tails like I do but then I’m the first kitty she’s ever had that has extra toes!!!!  Makes holding stuff super easy. 

Anyway, Mom says when I’m asleep – SOUND asleep – my tail will raise up in the air and sway slowly back and forth…..or up and down…..that’s because I’m dreaming that I’m an orchestra conductor.   She also has told me that sometimes my tail will just slowly lift and stay there in the air for a few minutes then slowly go back down.  I’m not sure what I’m dreaming when THAT happens but sometimes – honestly – I think my tail has a mind of its own! 

One of the cats that lives in the house next door has a very short tail…..Mom says some kinds of cats have short tails or even no tails but I think something GOT hold of that cat because I remember it used to have a LONG tail!  The people next door leave their cats outside almost all the time and I just bet that gray cat with the short tail had a bit of a disagreement with a fox.  EEEK!

So what’s YOUR tail tale?  

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (and his tail)


Monday Morning Meow

Enjoying the yard and the nice fresh air!

Things are back to normal in my yard!

Well, Mom and Dad did a great job of cleaning all the stuff out of my yard after Irene.  So that’s that!  We’re moving on to bigger and better things now – like cooler weather and leaves changing.

Mom and I are thinking about changing the look of my blog.  If you visit me in the next few days and see something DIFFERENT, don’t be too surprised!  We may try out a few different looks before we decide to change – or not.  I like the colors on my blog right now but change is good as my wise friend Merlin said on Cat Wisdom 101 this morning!   Let me know what you think when you check us out OK?

I might even let my Mom have a whole page on my blog just so she can show off some of her paintings and photos!  Old Mom is pretty good to me so it’s the least I could do for her.  We need to take good care of our humans like they take good care of us.

The sun is supposed to shine all day so I’ve got my visor ready and my favorite spot on the sunny stairs picked out…..inside and out, I’ll be set to go!

Sam in his visor and sunglasses!
Bring on the sun!

Hope you have a super, duper day fellow cats (and your humans!)

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat