Monday Morning Meow

Enjoying the yard and the nice fresh air!

Things are back to normal in my yard!

Well, Mom and Dad did a great job of cleaning all the stuff out of my yard after Irene.  So that’s that!  We’re moving on to bigger and better things now – like cooler weather and leaves changing.

Mom and I are thinking about changing the look of my blog.  If you visit me in the next few days and see something DIFFERENT, don’t be too surprised!  We may try out a few different looks before we decide to change – or not.  I like the colors on my blog right now but change is good as my wise friend Merlin said on Cat Wisdom 101 this morning!   Let me know what you think when you check us out OK?

I might even let my Mom have a whole page on my blog just so she can show off some of her paintings and photos!  Old Mom is pretty good to me so it’s the least I could do for her.  We need to take good care of our humans like they take good care of us.

The sun is supposed to shine all day so I’ve got my visor ready and my favorite spot on the sunny stairs picked out…..inside and out, I’ll be set to go!

Sam in his visor and sunglasses!
Bring on the sun!

Hope you have a super, duper day fellow cats (and your humans!)

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat

14 responses »

  1. Good Monday morning, Sammy,

    Can’t wait to see what surprises are in store on your blog. And you’re generous to give your Mom a page!! You’re right: we do have to spoil them a little, don’t we?
    Enjoy the sunny day. And I think you look so handsome in that visor!


    • Hi Sundae! So you like my visor huh? I guess since you’re an inside girl you don’t need a sun hat but I think you’d look mighty cute in a little straw hat with a ribbon and flower on it! I think Mom’s planning on helping me try out some new looks on my blog this afternoon so maybe tomorrow we’ll have an “experimental” new look – you’ll have to let me know what you think……So glad you guys are OK.

      Kitty Hugs,


  2. I agree with changing things. It just gets boring to look at the same thing day in and day out, so let her fire away and well be looking for it.

    I know you are happy to get thing pretty much back to normal up there on your little hiss. I’m glad for ya.


    • Hi Miss Caren and Cody! I’m glad you like my current “look” but it’s hard to resist playing around with it a little….besides, like I said, I think Mom deserves a chance to show off her artwork (I’m SOOOOOO generous aren’t I ??!!). Tomorrow I’ll have my first “experiment” with the blog……..should be fun!



  3. I agree with everybody else that your blog looks terrific just the way it is. But I’ve seen your mom’s paintings and photography and I think it would be awesome to feature them on your blog, too. She is extremely talented. I love using her note cards and I always get great comments about them! Glad your home is back to normal after Irene passed through!


    • Hi Miss Trish! Thanks for saying you like the blog but it’s gonna be a lot of fun playing around with it I think. I told Mom what you said about her artwork and notecards and she was VERY happy (I like it when she’s happy!). We’re so glad you and your dogs (and fish) are OK after that crummy storm came through North Carolina on her way up to visit us. Whew! We are mighty lucky huh?

      Kitty Hugs


  4. Your yard is so clean! We have over an acre of millions of twigs. We’re looking forward to your new “look”. Our mom is in the middle of re-designing and tweaking her other blog The Boomer Muse for its 3rd anniversary this week.


    • Hi Miss Layla…..Mom sent you a message on Facebook this morning to let you know that we mentioned Merlin’s awesome blog comment about “change” and butterflies in MY blog this morning! We’ve been working on my blog look all afternoon and have one picked out to try tomorrow…..then Wednesday we’ll try another one…..who knows – maybe we’ll just go back to the original but it’s fun to PLAY!!! Cool that you’re working on the Muse blog too…….it’s fun to “redecorate” isn’t it.



    • Hey thanks! Mom and I have been “trying on” new backgrounds this afternoon so we’ll have the first “trial run” of a new look tomorrow. Let me know what you think!! Thanks for the compliment about my new visor. Way cool dude huh?



  5. I’m all for what ever it is you guys want to do! I’m excited to see what you guys come up with! It’s fun to be creative!
    Glad you got all tidied up from Irene! Whew. By the looks of what we are seeing on the news…she sure did make a mess in the North (Vermont is what we are seeing on the news right now).


    • Vermont and parts of New York got a whole lot worse stuff from Irene than we did that’s for sure…..SO MUCH WATER…….it’s sad to think about all those people’s homes and businesses being destroyed or under water. I have to admit, I worry too about all the animals….very sad. GOODBYE IRENE…….!



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