Tag Archives: funny cat photo

Seeing Triple


Happy Sunday All…………..well, you know about “seeing double” but how about “seeing triple” ???

Yesterday morning I hopped up on Mom’s studio couch after she’d set up my famous afghan tent for a nap.  She couldn’t resist grabbing her digital and snapping this photo.  She thought it was too funny to pass up.  Humans have an interesting sense of humor……

Will the REAL Sammy Kimmell puleeeeze raise your paw????

Imagine THREE of me.  The mind boggles. 

Yesterday both of my friends Miss Mollie of Mollie’s Dog Treats and Cody from CAT CHAT blogged about their surprise packages which I’d sent to them since they won the photo contest I had a couple of weeks ago.  If you didn’t see the blogs – you should check them out!  They both loved their Sammy Swag.  That makes me so happy!

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

See? I’m smiling!

And a Happy Sam is a Hungry Sam……..so if you’ll excuse me, Sunday breakfast is calling and I do believe I small BACON BACON BACON – that’s TWO days in a row!  Wow…..sometimes I can’t believe my good luck.

Happy Sunday to one and all……….

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

Psssst….It’s A Secret!


Hey gang……listen……it’s 4AM and my parents aren’t up yet (of course) but this is the BEST time for me to hop online and give you the scoop without them knowing…………

See, this morning I’m SUPPOSED to have my appointment at the vet.  It’s scheduled for 9AM……Mom THINKS I don’t know about the appointment but when I saw her bring my harness and leash upstairs yesterday afternooon – well – I’m no DUMMY!  

So, I’m running away from home – got my camel bag packed and I’m staying away just for the day – long enough so Mom has to cancel the appointment and I can try and talk her out of the whole thing.  Know what I mean?  Yeah, I know I SHOULD go but I don’t wanna…..so there.    Let’s just call this a minor panic attack OK?  

If this doesn’t work out (my Mom has some kind of psychic thing going on where she knows precisely what I’m thinking and where I am ALWAYS!), then I guess I’ll be blogging tomorrow about how the vet visit went.   Now don’t tell!

Hi Ho Silver……Awaaaaaaaaaaay!

Secret Sammy Hugs!!!!  😀 😀 😀

Sunday Silly Sam


Happy Sunday!

Mom and I were cruising through my photograph collection and came upon this one from an old blog of mine……we couldn’t stop giggling.   This is an old family portrait with cousins and a couple of family friends who stopped by in time to join in the photo taking. 

May this photo start your Sunday off with a smile……..

Sam photoshopped visiting "friends" in India!

Some of these relatives are...well....rather distant....OK, so they're VERY distant cousins!

See what I mean about a good giggle???? Kitty Hugs, Sammy