Tag Archives: find yourself

SPARK on Monday


I love this graphic and always will.   Although the blogger who started the SPARKS Blog Hop is no longer blogging…….she certainly lit a spark when she inspired so many of us who followed her blog to begin each week with a bit of positive inspiration.    A thought, a graphic, a story – anything that might bring hope or LIGHT into each others’ life by sharing it.

Sometimes I spend a great deal of time looking at inspirational quotes – many of them speak to me – some of them loudly and others softly but every single time, my eyes will read something and it’s just “THE ONE”…….the thought I needed at that moment or that I felt would mean something to someone who reads it and thinks about it.    It might be just what someone ELSE needs to see………..if it rings true to me – maybe it will to you!

Yes – you are “in there” somewhere……………..let yourself out of that box, that corner, that life, that routine and find yourself again…………………

Love, Pam