Tag Archives: exhausted cat

Sunday Selfie Hopping


YAY – it’s Sunday!   Time to Hop with everyone doing a Selfie today!    Hosted by The Kitties Blue, it’s just a fun thing to do on a Sunday and if you’d like to join us, click their badge up above and link up.

My “usual” Flashback Selfie is here…………….I try to find a photo from my past since I came to live here in February 2017 that I can share from ABOUT this same day.   Mom was snapping photos of me all over the place after I came to live here.   These days I spend much of my time lying on my back or outside lying in the grass so she doesn’t snap as many.   You’ve seen one “belly up” photo of me, you’ve seen them all (although I HAVE gained some weight since I first came to live here!).

Here I am sort of inside my old red cube inherited from Angel Sammy.    It was taken by Mom September 30, 2017 and it sure didn’t take me long to tear this thing up by playing so rough with it after I moved in that February.   The “white knot” thing on the floor is what’s left of Angel Sammy’s white mouse.   Back then Mom called me “Mr. Destructo” because I really ripped things up by playing tough!

And here’s the selfie she made out of this photo – it too is an “oldie” so if you’ve seen it before – sorry about that!!

Here’s the puzzle – just click this “mini me” – this is a big puzzle (180 pieces) so feel free to edit it DOWNSIZED if you like!


Happy Sunday!!!    Hugs, Teddy