Tag Archives: day after turkey day

Friendly Fill Ins


HAPPY FRIDAY everybody.   Did everyone eat so much food yesterday that they can barely walk today?   Well, that’s what you’re supposed to do on Thanksgiving.   Enjoy yourself, eat lots, hug lots, and be grateful and thankful for everything you have.    I missed my Mom and Dad as they were away overnight but when they get home later today “ALL WILL BE FORGIVEN”.

Anyway, since Mom and Dad are gone, I get to do the fill-ins all by myself today.   I think I can handle it………………my answers are in BLUE (because it’s my favorite color!).


1. Black Friday is just another day for us – Mom doesn’t go out to shop with all the other shoppers nor does she go nuts online shopping – we just try to recover from THANKSGIVING!!
2. A pet peeve of mine at this time of year is that I have no pet peeves!   What’s a peeve anyway?   What kind of pet is that?  I don’t know so I guess I can’t answer this one (tee hee).
3. ‘Tis the season for Mom to write a bazillion Christmas cards and start decorating the house so it looks like the inside of Santa’s workshop!

4. I never jumped on the turkey bandwagon.   (What this means is that I am probably the only kitty in the world who does NOT care for turkey…..or chicken…..so I suppose that means I’m unusual!)
There you have it……………….just me – alone on the Friday after Thanksgiving taking care of Filling In ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL by myself!    Now I’ll just sit here and wait for the garage door to open and for Mom and Dad to come into the house through the kitchen.   They’ll spend the next hour unpacking and then I will FINALLY get to go outside.   I’ve been stuck in this house for a whole entire 24 hours without getting to be out in my backyard which is my FAVORITE thing.

Happy Turkey Day Plus One!   ONWARD TO CHRISTMAS WE GO!!!

Oh I think that was the garage door………I’d better get down there and see!!!!