Tag Archives: chatty cats

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful for Poetry!

Today is Thankful Thursday with Brian but as you know it’s also my Thoroughly Poetic Thursday………..If you click Brian’s badge, you will be transported to Brian’s blog where you can use the Linky Tool to enter your OWN blog post about what you are Thankful for…….

As for me and what I’m thankful for – today I’ll tell you that I’m THANKFUL for poetry!   My Mom has always written poetry – as far back as she can remember.   Mostly for herself but in later years she edited a book of poetry for a publisher and contributed some of her OWN poetry to the book as well.   One of the poems in the book was actually contributed by Maya Angelou.    That publisher has long been out of business but Mom says she met a LOT of wonderful other writers through that experience.    Poetry is a good way to talk about things you might otherwise NOT talk about or to tell a story with rhyme.     Anyway, her love of poetry led to us creating our Thoroughly Poetic Thursdays and some of you participate by writing your OWN poems and posting them HERE on my blog or giving us your blog link in my comments so we can FLY to your blog and read your poem!    We’re working our way through the alphabet for the second time – honoring a letter of the alphabet each week with a poem about something starting with the next letter………and today’s letter is “Q”!



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 4/6/17

Cats ask questions ALL the time!

“Can I have more food?  Is this toy mine?”

Sometimes no words are needed, we have our way….

If we park in front of the door, do we REALLY have to say?

“Can I go outside?  Can I lie in the sun?”  

“Can I chase the birds and have a ton of fun?”

If we sit by our food bowls it’s plain to see

Our question to you is “Can you please feed me?”

Questions are important – we know you ask them too!


“How did I ever get along without YOU???”

Next week we’ll celebrate the letter “R”……………..and as we work our way to “Z” we’ll talk more about whether we should keep doing Poetry every week or some other fun thing we can do together!    Meanwhile, put your thinking caps on – oh – and don’t forget to ask a LOT of questions of your humans – they LOVE to talk so I’m sure they’ll be HAPPY to answer them!!!

Oui Oui, Mon Amis…..Je Suis Le Poet Extraordinaire!

Coming to you direct from my cloud at the Rainbow Bridge

Monsieur Sammy

Extra Extra Read All About It!

Teddy and I are Cat Scouts as you know – well Teddy is in the Scouts “CARDWOOD DERBY” Race and would REALLY appreciate it if you would VOTE for his fabulous Milk Truck (I know that sounds wacky but Scouts can be a bit wacky sometimes……the rules say you must post a photo of you INSIDE your vehicle AND  your vehicle has to be made using a cardboard box but it can be ANY kind of vehicle!!!!!)………Here’s Teddy and we wish we could show you ALL the cars but they are on the Cat Scouts site which you can’t see unless you’re a Scout.   Trust me – Teddy’s is the BEST (tee hee):

This is where you go to vote – There are THREE categories and of course Teddy is the BEST IN ALL THREE!!!!!    Trust me…….please consider voting for him!!  


Voting is open thru April 10th – we’ll keep you posted!