Tag Archives: cats rule

Sunday Selfie AND World Cat Domination Day!


It’s a big day…..June 24 is Cat World Domination Day!  

This is a special day started by our friend Angel Sparkle to celebrate the wonderfulness of cats and the photo/badge above is Angel Sparkle’s sister Summer who took over being in charge of their blog when Sparkle went to the Bridge.   Summer does a great job posing doesn’t she?    If you click her badge you can go visit her and see what she’s posted about this BIG DAY in the kitty blog kingdom.   She’s having a BIG HUGE giveaway too – man oh man the prizes are fabulous!

It’s ALSO Sunday Selfies day with The Cat On My Head and we have a “double selfie” for you today at the end of our blog today.

Back to kitties though……………my Mom is a kitty person…………she grew up with dogs in the family as her Dad didn’t like cats so that was that.   The MINUTE Mom was on her own and had her own apartment you can guess what she got right?   A little ginger kitten she cleverly named “Pumpkin” (there must be a bazillion ginger pumpkin cats out there!).    She was not supposed to have pets and was found out – but Mom’s sister Carol took little Pumpkin and found him a home near where she lived.   Ever since then, Mom has had cats wherever she lived and no matter what else was going on in her life.    She had some gray tabbies along the way but she always had a soft spot for ginger tabbies.    WE ROCK…….that’s what Mom says anyway.

Here are just a few of Mom’s many cats of the past:

Ricky…..a sweet ginger boy who Mom had many years ago and bottom photo is his sister Linda Sue


Sweet Charli – a dear sweet girl who Mom adored…..

My Angel brother Sammy who started this blog with Mom!

So Mom is definitely a cat woman and she “converted” my Dad from a dog guy to a cat guy.    Now I have to say that even though we believe cats totally dominate (!), my parents BOTH love dogs as well.   In fact, they are animal people PERIOD.

We want to thank dear Angel Sparkle for starting World Cat Domination Day and thank dear Summer for carrying on the family tradition.   It’s great to have our VERY OWN DAY to celebrate all things wonderful about cats and why WE RULE!

Yep – it’s a fact – just ask Garfield…..he knows!

And last but not least…………here is my Sunday Selfie which we do EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY with our friends at Kitties Blue – THE CAT ON MY HEAD.    You should consider showing off your fine self in a selfie today since it’s such a BIG DAY in the world of cats but even if you’re NOT a cat, a selfie is in order.   Just click their badge below to join in the Sunday fun!

I thought because it’s a special day, I would use as my selfie, a photo of me and my Angel Brother Sammy……………..even though I didn’t get to meet him, I feel him in my heart every single day.    We will always be “together” and one day we will TRULY be together but before that, I have a whole lot of living to do!    He will be with me every step of the way!

Happy Sunday

Love, Teddy