Tag Archives: cats and Christmas

It Pays To Be Good!

Sam Red Christmas Bow

Aww Mom...do I have to wear this girlie bow?? I look silly! Alright....I'll cooperate....just for you since it's Christmas Morning!

Merry Christmas (again!).  So we just finished opening all the presents from under the tree and in our stockings and Dad’s taken the trash outside and Mom’s put all our unwrapped presents back under the tree so we can admire them the rest of today….whew!  I was overwhelmed – so many boxes, so much tissue, so many ribbons and bows…..that is always my favorite part.  I could almost do without the goodies Santa brings me (I said ALMOST!).

So what did I get you might ask??? 

Sam With His Christmas Presents!

OK Mom....check in my stocking for me and make sure EVERYTHING's out!

I liked the “Greenies” treats but I think my favorite thing was a little white mouse on an elastic band with a plastic ring on the end.  The orange worm was kinda cool too…….the one thing I didn’t care much for (in fact I tried really hard to bury it under the tissue paper) was that KONG Kicker thing (the big tiger striped thing with a black tail filled with catnip).   The package showed a kitty holding it in its legs kicking it with its back feet and having a great time………purrsonally I don’t GET it……but I’ve never been one to really like anything catnip-ish.  Poor Mom – she keeps trying it out on me though!!!  After twelve years you’d think she’d give up.   🙂

What I really enjoyed this morning though was watching Mom and Dad open their stuff and playing in the wrapping………..

Sam Under Christmas Tree
Go on Pop – open another present! This is fun……
Sam on Christmas Morning
OK Mom – YOUR turn to open one now!!!!

So, everything has calmed down in the house now – Mom’s got the turkey in the oven and all the other stuff ready to go….the house smells yummy although I’m not “big” on turkey (oh I’ll force myself to have a bit…..don’t worry!).  Later tonight Mom’s apple pie will be cooking and making the house smell great all over again…….we’ll round out our Christmas by watching the new Muppet Christmas movie (one of Dad’s stocking gifts!).  It’s been a really swell Christmas. 

I know Christmas is not all about the presents……we’re celebrating a very big and special birthday that happened many, many years ago in the little town of Bethlehem.  See?  I know the whole story because Mom told me all about it.  It’s a very magical story.  That night with that bright star in the sky WE got the best gift EVER……….
Mom, Dad and me hope you had the BEST Christmas!!
Love, Sammy


For My Blogging Buddies



Sam's Holiday Card

To all of my blogging buddies be you cat, dog, bird, fish, horse or HUMAN !!

 I thought it was about time I gave you all your Christmas card from me!  Did you think I forgot you?  Did you think I wouldn’t wish you a Merry Christmas in time?  Well, I have been busy that’s for sure, but never so busy that I would forget to give you my holiday card.  Since I can’t mail them – I’m posting it instead!! 

Speaking of cards – my Mom and Dad have sure received a lot of them.  Mom stuck them in the foyer at the entrance to the family room.  They go all around the doorway and look really swell.  Once in a while one falls down and scares me while I’m snoozing on the couch but hey – that’s to be expected.  I just turn over and go back to sleepyland.

So many of you have posted photos of your trees and decorations and it’s so much fun to see how pretty everybody’s house looks now.  Most of the stories of “decoration destruction” I’m reading about are with those of you who have a new kitten in the house OR cats who are just getting more excited (and get into more trouble!) than I do at my age!  There are some tree climbers, tree explorers, tree bark scratchers, tree decoration chewers, tree light pullers, and then there’s me……I’m a tree admirer!

So for all my animal buddies who might not have received their very own Christmas card – – – NOW YOU HAVE!