Tag Archives: bored cats

Mr. Cranky Pants


Can you believe it?  That’s what Mom called me all day yesterday!  Just because this weather is getting to me….it’s getting to everybody I think.  I kept checking at the front door though, hoping that something miraculous had happened and there would be a nice cool breeze out there……but every time Mom opened the door – YUCK! 

Funny Face Sam

Do I look cranky? I think I look CUTE!

I know that some cats love the hot weather…..I can take it for maybe ten minutes at the most and that has to be in the total shade.  Like yesterday afternoon, Mom went out to fill up the birdbath with more water so I decided to come out with her.  I seriously thought about asking her to spray ME with the hose but decided that wouldn’t be dignified!  I stayed in the shaded area of the garden and watched her…..the minute she finished coiling up the hose again by the back door I QUICKLY flew to the door and told her to please open it ASAP!!  We both came inside and boy did that nice cool basement feel great………Whew!

Mom started calling me Mr. Cranky Pants because I got really bored yesterday – so bored I resorted to driving her nuts by asking her to let me into closets, pantries, the garage…..every time she’d sit down I’d ask (nicely of course) for her to let me through some closed door SOMEWHERE.  When she’d get up and come to where I was asking to be allowed entry, I’d run off….tee hee….she was not amused.  The other thing I did was pretend to be a tiger taking down its prey in the Serengeti – I’d wait for her to walk by me and leap out and bite her ankles.  Again, she was not amused. 

Mr. Cranky Pants????  Well, maybe a little………

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (ready for this heatwave to be OVER!!)