Tag Archives: bacon snack

Bakin’ With Bacon and Teddy


Hello Friends!  Come into the kitchen and I’ll show you an easy Super Bowl snack!    This is one that’s been popular for years but just in case you’ve never tried it…..this could be your chance:


Bacon Cheese Puffs

A very tasty snack for Super Bowl or any time you’re binge-watching stuff on TV.    OR – you just want something delish!    You have a choice of breads to use but the photo is using French bread (which is my favorite!!).


  • 3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 lb of sliced bacon
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 lb sliced French bread (or pumpernickel party bread if you prefer)
  • 2 Tablespoons of prepared mustard


  • Cook bacon and crumble
  • Preheat broiler on high
  • Combine mustard, mayonnaise, bacon crumble, and cheese. Stir thoroughly.
  • Spoon mixture onto pumpernickel slices or French bread slices.
  • Broil for 5 minutes or until bubbly
  • Enjoy!



Sign these guys up – they’re lookin’ good!!

Have fun watching the Super Bowl tomorrow if you watch…………….not sure if we will or not.  Mom likes football but Dad isn’t into it……………………I predict there will be a lot of napping in front of and under the television at the Castle Baconia tomorrow.     That is when we’re not eating Bacon Cheese Puffs of course!

“How can a King look dignified when being carried like a piece of baggage by the King’s Dad???????”

Enjoy!    King Teddy

Bakin’ With Bacon and The King


Greetings from the castle kitchen in the land of bacon!   Let’s eat!

I have a swell appetizer recipe for you today but it could easily be a whole meal with a nice bottle of wine (Mom says so anyway – what would I know????!!!!!).      We saw this recipe as we arrived on my blog this morning – good old AOL handed me a great idea and I’m running with it!

Creamy Feta and Bacon Bruschetta



  • 6 ounces feta crumbled
  • 2 ounces cream cheese
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic minced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 6 slices bacon cooked and chopped
  • 1/2 cup grape tomatoes halved
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh basil julienned
  • 1 baguette cut into 1/4 inch diagonal slices, toasted


  1. In a food processor combine crumbled feta, cream cheese, olive oil, minced garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Pulse until smooth and creamy.
  2. Spread creamy feta on top of each toasted baguette slice. Top with grape tomatoes, bacon, and basil.


Now doesn’t that sound wonderful on a HOT summer evening with a coolish breeze blowing and a COLD glass of white wine or maybe Prosecco?????    Oh boy.    What can I say – Mom and Dad can eat enough of these little bruschetta bundles of joy to make a complete meal out of them.    Finish it off with a little sorbet or maybe vanilla ice cream with fresh fruit.     Magic!

Thanks to Friends Furever for this one!!

May the bacon fairy visit you soon and inspire you to try this recipe!!!!

Kingly Hugs………………Teddy

Bakin’ With Bacon and King Teddy


Hello From Castle Baconia’s Kitchen!

Greetings visitors to my kitchen…………..I’ve given the Castle Chef the day off again just so I can spend time with you passing on some of my favorite baconized recipes.    I’m continuing the trend of EASY PEASY RECIPES today with one that’s almost TOO easy.    However, don’t let the fact it’s easy lead you to believe it’s not good.   Because it’s kind of like CANDY and who doesn’t like that?!

Bacon Wrapped Crackers – a fab snack!


1 pkg. bacon – thick cut or regular cut – doesn’t matter.

Crackers of your choice – Keebler or Ritz – any buttery cracker will do.    Usually this recipe makes one whole “sleeve” of crackers AT LEAST.

Parmesan cheese (package of shredded parmesan is way better than using the shakeable parmesan in a can)

Brown sugar – depends on how much you put on each cracker but you don’t want to OVERLOAD them!



  1. Preheat oven to 250F.   Put sheet of aluminum foil on your baking sheet and if you have a “cooling rack” put that on top of the foil so the crackers sit “up” a bit.
  2. Cut strips of bacon in half, then lay the crackers in rows
  3. Place a teaspoon of parmesan cheese and brown sugar on each cracker, then carefully wrap each one in a strip of bacon. (If you’re using thicker bacon strips, use a toothpick to secure it)
  4. Put the crackers on the rack (on top of the baking sheet), and bake them for 2 hours at 250°F.

See what I mean?   Easy?  It’s actually beyond easy.    Now let me say this – I tried this recipe both ways………brown sugar on TOP of the whole thing assembled and brown sugar UNDER the bacon and both are delicious.   I preferred the brown sugar on top myself.    Also, some people think parmesan cheese isn’t necessary in this recipe and I agree.    But it IS tasty with the sweetness of the sugar and the saltiness of the bacon.    You can experiment yourself!!!


Two Thumbs Up!


See?    Rave reviews………..you can’t ignore RAVE REVIEWS can you?

Enjoy!   Happy Caturday, King Teddy