Sunday Selfies Blog Hop


Happy Sunday!  Time for selfies…………and the place to show them off is at the Selfies Blog Hop hosted by The Cat On My Head.    Just click the badge above and load up your selfie at the link.

Mom took this photo of me a couple of weeks ago – I’m just relaxing outside – Mom does not like me to lie in the dirt but I find it nice and cool.   Besides, THIS is where I find bugs – can’t see them in the grass but in the dirt – they have nowhere to hide!

Anyway, we thought this photo was a little boring so Mom uploaded it to Lunapic and here’s what she came up with!    This was using Lunapic’s “SPLASH” art effect at 45%.   At 100% it made us dizzy to look at it!   LOL

AND of course we made a puzzle for those of you who so inclined!!

Just click this mini-me and you’ll get the puzzle…………..have fun!


Happy Sunday Hugs, Teddy

47 responses »

  1. WOW, we almost chose the same Loonypic. What a relaxed kitty you are, you beautiful blond tabby Teddy. So nice to see you on Sunday.


    • Oh yes I know there are some BADDIES out there like ticks – Mom always insists on doing a body check on me before I get to come inside – looking for ticks. I think I must taste awful or something cuz she’s never found on on me!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi Julie……I do find a lot of bugs….worms are interesting too – if I poke one it curls up in a little ball. Some bugs are FAST and hide pretty good in the grass so I “lose” them but others are slow and I give them a run for their money! Tee Hee

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. The dirt is a good place to lie when the weather is so hot. I am almost tempted to do so myself! That is a nice selfie, and colourful art.


    • Your boys knew about dirt….those plant pots of theirs were comfy not just because they were round and perfect for a “curl up nap” but there was nice cool dirt in them! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. That is a cute photo of you and I love the art your mom made with it- blue is my favorite color. Thank you for the puzzle. XO


    • HAHAHAHAHA………Ernie I have NO IDEA why, but dirt doesn’t stick to my furs! I may get a bit of a leaf on me or something which Mom pulls off before we go inside again but dirt doesn’t do a number on me for some reason. Just lucky I guess!

      Hugs, teddy


  4. Well, the dirt is usually cool and you have to be where the bugs are… I think your Mom knows all about that and she is good with it. This is a very sweet selfie because there is just something about boys and dirt outside. All you are missing is a skink but I suppose you would have to move to the front porch for one of them. Z loved the dirt too. The Splash effect is awesome, I just love blues and browns together and there you are right in the middel with some handsome gingerness!


    • Miss Pix you’re right! Mom is OK with me being in the dirt and bug-hunting – the skinks I think have been staying under the sidewalk in the cool because I haven’t seen them in a couple of days. We’re gonna be hot all week and I think Thursday in the low 100s. Mom says she may try lying in the dirt with me if it’s that hot outside when she’s snoopervising me! THIS I GOTTA SEE!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Teddy, no photo of you is ever boring, as you are super handsome. Hope you found some bugs the day your mom took the photo. That art effect does make our head spin a bit. Mom says thanks for the puzzle. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  6. The dirt in shady areas is cooler too…us pups know all about that…and we even dig ourselves a bit of a nest in it to further find coolness…petcretary says we are silly because the real cool in inside the house,, LOL!

    Great selfie, and that art effect sure is an eye popper!


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