Friendly Fill Ins Hop


Friday and time for the Friendly Fill-Ins Blog Hop hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing.   If you’d like to join in the fun and fill in the blanks in just four sentences – click the badge above to link up with us.

Here are the four sentences (two from each co-host) we have and our “fill in the blanks” !    I filled them in ALL BY MYSELF this week.   My words are in RED.


1. A fun way to celebrate Christmas in July is get the cat (me) a lot of presents and put up the Christmas tree (Mom) so the presents can be under it!.
2. My favorite summer activity is the same thing as my favorite fall, winter and spring activity is – NAPPING.
3. When I sleep, my dreams are apparently mostly about me running in a marathon because I often move all my legs while I’m dreaming!
4. Fireworks scare(s) me more than the doorbell ringing.


YAY!  I did them all by myself.    I love this Hop – it’s fun to read what everyone else says – we learn a lot about each other don’t we!!    Thanks to our hosts for this fun HOP!

Happy Friday!

I’m at the start line – ready for the race!   

Hugs, Teddy

42 responses »

  1. I swear Teddy, you got me and mom smiling this mornng. I have a few times of running too. And I sure do a lot of twitching!


  2. Good job, Teddy. We let our mom do one of the fill-ins this week. We really like your Christmas in July plan. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  3. Thank you for these great fill-in answers, Teddy. I always wonder what cats are dreaming about when
    they move their feet. Sorry you are afraid of the fireworks, I hope they are done now. Have a nice weekend. XO


  4. Teddy you aced those 4 fill ins!!
    I don’t like fireworks EVER. I don’t mind the door bell as long as there is not a crazypants person there trying to sale something…which by the way we don’t have as many now that we put a sign by our door bell that reads no solicitors.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Fortunately we have a very long driveway that slants UP from the road so we get VERY FEW who want to travel the distance but even if it’s not a stranger – like a neighbor – I still HATE that sound!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Doorbells are scary but not nearly as bad as those doggone fireworks. At least we shouldn’t hear any for a few months now. Whew. The real trick is to stay cool. Hope you guys are drying out. And you’d be most welcome to send any excess rain back our way-we could sure use some.


  6. Your fill-ins are purrfect, Teddy! Except we wish you didn’t have to be scared by fireworks. While I enjoy the occasional professional display of fireworks here and there, I wish not so many occurred in neighborhoods where kitties and other animals get scared by them. We hope there aren’t any fireworks going off right now, Teddy, because you need your beauty rest while you wait for all those Christmas in July gifts to appear under that tree. Purrs!


    • Hi Gang! yeah the “after the occasion fireworks” are silly we think – we can handle a few for a special occasion but just to hear the noise? NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!! We worry about the feral animals too – what the heck do THEY think when they spend most of their time looking for some peace and they get that noise instead??? Oh well – it’s just usually once a year. Thanks for visiting us!

      Hugs, Teddy


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