Bakin’ With Bacon and the KING


“Greetings Loyal Subjects!   

I have a Guest Chef with me today – my pal Raz!

Raz’s Mom Miss Sharon sent me a really tasty treat involving bacon that I believe you all will LOVE so I invited Raz to be my Guest Chef today as we prepare this delightful TREAT for you.

Would you believe:

Bacon Wrapped Oreos

Be prepared to be amazed how simple this treat really is.  Bacon-wrapped Oreos are a guilty indulgence that everyone must give in to from time to time.  If you’ve never had one, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.  It might be best to keep it that way, actually, because once you try a bacon-wrapped Oreo, you won’t be able to put them down.

This recipe is fairly simple and doesn’t require too many ingredients. You’ll only need Oreos and thinly sliced bacon. But be sure to grab the following kitchen tools:

  • a rimmed baking sheet (the rimmed edge helps to prevent bacon grease from spilling over)
  • neutral oil (like Canola oil)
  • toothpicks
  • a Dutch oven or cast-iron skillet (with deep sides)

There are two ways to make bacon-wrapped Oreos: you smoke ’em or deep-fry ’em.

How to Smoke the Oreos

If you’re going the smoking route, preheat your smoker (or oven) to 275° F. Take one piece of bacon and careful wrap it around one Oreo, then set on the baking sheet (seam side down). Repeat with the remaining cookies and Oreos.

Make sure that no area of the Oreo is uncovered, or else the cream will seep out the sides, potentially robbing you of the best part of this special treat! If your strips of bacon are extra long, cut them in half so that the bacon wraps completely around the Oreo, without doubling up. If the bacon layer is too thick, it could make the cookie a bit soggy.

Pop the Oreos in the smoker (or oven) and allow them to slow cook for about 45 minutes.

Deep-Frying the Oreos

If you decide to go the deep-frying route, secure the bacon seams by inserting a toothpick to ensure that the bacon and Oreo package stays together. Next, preheat about an inch of canola or other “neutral oil” to about 350-375° F in a Dutch oven or cast-iron skillet. Using a fork or slotted spoon, gently drop the cookie in the hot oil, and let fry until the bacon is golden and crispy. Remove the cookie using the fork and quickly transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil.

Let cool and dive in!

By the way – as you probably know, there are all kinds of Oreos these days including a really delish “S’Mores Oreo”.    They all work.   Choose your fave and go for it!

“Raz these really are sinfully delicious!   Thanks for bringing the recipe!!”  

King Teddy

This Recipe Has The Bacon Fairy Seal of Approval

40 responses »

  1. Nice to see Raz in your kitchen. Can’t go wrong combining 2 yummy things. Thank you for the recipe. Have a great day. XO


  2. Hahaha… love the Bacon Fairy Seal of Approval! Would it work if I just fried up the bacon and had a bite of Oreo and a bite of bacon? That would be good, too. I am feeling really lazy! Yeah, like Frank said… pass this on to Miss D! Maybe I could get SSNS to do it… it sounds dee-licious!


    • Actually yes I’m pretty darn sure it would be just the same – bite of oreo/bite of bacon – it’s still a FESTIVAL for the taste buds right? I bet you could get SSNS to try this… know – give him those big eyes and a “PULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE” !!


  3. I am sorry this is a big no for me. I am one of those people that cannot have these two things mixed together. LOL. I could eat them by themselves. Yum. Some rain today and till Monday. Nice though with it-59. My kind of weather. Have a good day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mom says that one would just be “too much” for her, but we are certain our dad would dive right in! It’s amazing what people will create using bacon! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


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