Friendly Fill-Ins Hop


Happy Friday everybody.    Today is EARTH DAY…………………’s also of course fill-in the blanks day thanks to our co-hosts who each give us TWO sentences with blanks for us to fill in.    I did this poster for Earth Day with Mom’s help:

We sure do need to take better care of this beautiful planet we live on.   Every day there’s more and more evidence that we are taking advantage of “her” and not being responsible  occupants of this BIG BLUE BALL in space.    What can we do?    There are tons of resources in YOUR town – lots of opportunities to do our part.    Start recycling, plant some trees to help keep the air clean, the list of things that will help preserve and improve our environment is almost endless.

Now – to the filling in!    This week I asked Mom if she’d like to help me out – she said SURE – so her words are in RED and mine are in BLUE.


1. A book or movie I recently read ( or saw) that I recommend is “The Celestine Vision” by James Redfield.
2. I prefer to shop early mornings when the doors open before the crowds arrive!  
3. I have a lot of trust in my Mom and Dad – I know they look out for me in every possible way.
4. I have very little trust in the mailman arriving every day at the same time – I like to watch for him or her out our front door and sometimes it’s 11AM and sometimes it’s 6PM when they get here.   Crazy isn’t it?!   After all somebody might be sending me something!!!

So that’s it for another week.   HAPPY FRIDAY!

Do what you can to help our planet be the wonderful home it is for another zillion years!

Hugs, Teddy

52 responses »

  1. Hey, those mailmen can be very suspicious, but how nice he comes at the same time. We have a mailwoman, a mailman, and a mailboy, haha. They ride up on motorcycles. YES, save our planet. PLANT A GARDEN. Plant a pot. Anything.


    • Indeed……and our town is giving away sapling trees for people to take and plant wherever they wish……more trees, more beauty, more oxygen……we’re going to get 15 or so to add to our woods and front yard.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  2. Happy Earth Day!!

    I enjoyed the fill ins this week. I don’t mind the crowds too much if they don’t josltleme…but when thhe crowds are like a swarm…nope, not for me!
    We went to Union Station in DC once years and years ago…it was a moving can of sardines in there…never ever have we gone there again, LOL!


  3. Great fill-ins. And yes, shop before the crowds. Mama hasn’t been shopping for 2.5 years, haha. And yes, we must save our lovely planet or,…


  4. I also go shopping at opening time. It certainly beats facing the crowds later. Here, there are lots of people who shop with their young children, reasonably enough, but having children whining and or blocking the way gets old fast.


  5. Hi Darling. Mommy said she’d send a quick note when she gets back from K-Town this morning..but meanwhile, her mail person does the same. You never KNOW when he or she will get there.


    • Mail people – what would we do without them – I guess sometimes they may have to do two routes if someone’s out so they’re later than usual. Our mail lady is really nice – sometimes if we have a lot of mail she rides her little car up the driveway and brings it to our front door!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love both of your graphics for Earth day, so pretty. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. I am excited about this book, I assume it is by the same author who wrote The Celestine Prophecy which was excellent. Your mail comes even later than ours. You should sign up for informed delivery and then every morning you would get an email with photos of all the mail that is coming. 🙂 XO


  7. I like shopping early too. If we have a sub mail person ours is late around 4pm. Otherwise here between noon and 2 pm. Hope you gets lots of mail Teddy. Rainy day today and 42. Enjoy your day.


  8. I agree about being an early bird shopper.
    OMCs Teddy we might have the same mail man . One day he is here before lunch next day we’re lucky to have our mail before supper. It is the same mailman. I don’t know who sets how his route starts but just crazy.
    Hugs cecilia


    • I have to think that some days our mail people take extra routes when someone is out sick or whatever…….such wild swings in delivery times can’t be NORMAL (whatever that is!).

      Hugs, Pam


    • A tree is a wonderful thing to plant and nurture – they are hard working members of our earth community too! We’re excited to get a bunch of baby trees to plant…..LONG LIVE EARTH.

      Hugs, Ted O Nator


  9. That is the cutest poster for Earth Day… The Graphics, er… your Mom was a big help. You do creative work together. We know that our mail lady will regularly be here after lunch and anytime up to dinner. Lovely Earth Day post, Teddy Boop!


  10. Being a night owl, my human shops the opposite way for the same reason – she usually shops during the last hour the stores are open, when everyone else has gone home!


  11. Happy Earth Day to youss’ there teddy!!
    Wee due our best to care fore birdss an anipalss. Wee do NOT littur or use chemmycallss. Wee due THE 3 “R’ss”….
    Last nite at Elbenty O’Clock sumone set off a bunch of Fire Werkss over on East Bayshore an they scared THE CR*…heck out of both of us! Ironic rite? Earth Day an sum IDIOT setss off dangeruss firwerkss!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

    Pee S: Same with our Mail Peepss here! You nevurr know when they show up 😉


  12. LOL, T. Our mailperson is the same way. Unpredictable. If Mom and I hear the mailboxes slamming in the mailroom (which is down the hall from us), then we will go out to check. Otherwise, we sometimes don’t bother till the next morning.

    Love and licks,


    • My Mom and Dad often wait until the next morning to get our mail too…..on Sundays on their way out to do weekly grocery shopping they get the Saturday mail from the bottom of the driveway mailbox. It’s just EASIER – we have a long DOWNHILL walk to the mailbox and a long UPHILL walk to the house again. Used to be easy for my Mom and Dad but now they’re – well – er – um – older?!

      Hugs, Teddy


  13. Cute graphic with a great message. Hey, you might have the same mail person we do…some days early, some days after dark (we’ll before Daylight Saving time). And he drops mail on the ground and delivers to the wrong houses. Sheesh! Hugs and love to everyone at the Kimmell house.XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


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