Teaser Tuesday Time


“All seems quiet on campus….our job is easy this morning – let’s just report in then go eat!”

“Good Morning Students!   Believe it or not, it’s TUESDAY and time for class – HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET?   You’d better…….”

“Darn!  I had to stop for gas for the motorcycle or I would have been a FIRST COMMENTER!!”

We have a Graphics Department provided Teaser photo today but before we show it to you – and as you are getting settled in your seats – we’ll review the rules of Teaser play and remind you of the badges that you just might be lucky enough to win.

“Hey!  Isn’t it time that Graphics Department of yours made some NEW badges??

Well, actually we were kind of thinking it might be time for some new ones.   We know you collectors of badges like having FRESH ones to win.   Maybe next week we’ll have some for you.   MAYBE…..

In the meantime, are you ready to SEE today’s Teaser?????????????????   Let’s see if our Security Guard is available in the building………..

“ATTENTION!  Teaser Security Guard report with photo to Class PULEEEEZE!”

“Here’s your Teaser Photo for today Professors!”

OK Students!   Study it and make your guesses!  We’ll see how you do tomorrow at Tell All!

“Uhh….I dunno where that is but I wanna jump in that water for a swim!”

Cheer Team?   How about a quickie cheer – everyone is starving today!!

You say you want a “quickie cheer”
We can manage that since we’re already here
But this will be short but maybe not sweet
Our motorcycles await us now so we’ll hit the street!

We will be happy to tell you where this is TOMORROW.   Meanwhile you just study it and figure out WHERE this photo was taken.   That’s the important thing.    Of course it’s not the only important thing – we also need to FEED you all so if you’re ready for lunch, follow us……..if you want to stay here and study – GO FOR IT.

“If it’s a choice between studying and eating…..I’ll choose eating every time!”

Welcome to the Cafeteria students………ready to eat?  Let’s go!

Menu of the Day:


91 responses »

    • WOWZERS! Taipeh as in the capital of Taiwan? Well, how about you boys come back tomorrow and we’ll let you know if you are right or on the wrong side of the planet! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  1. Thanks Miss Kitty and Security pups. Class friends and fur sure Miss D and that courageous cooking staff. We are going to each have the Lasagna and a Italian Hoagie to share. Thanks Professors we will check in to see the test scores tomorrow.


  2. We are changing our answer.mom found the exact photo: it is Color On The Creek, an all volunteer inspired and managed water garden located in the Carroll Creek Linear Park which runs through the heart of downtown Frederick Maryland. Created in 2012, the garden transformed an algae plagued creek into a place of real beauty. The water garden blooms from April through October and is open and free to the public.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Well your first guess of Frederick, Maryland would be good enough (if it’s right) since we only need the town/city and state/country………..we’ll find out tomorrow – wherever this is it’s GORGEOUS isn’t it?


  3. MOm was made to go clean my litterbox, take all these stuff outside, re-do it all and sweep the floor so she missed it.
    Katie Isabella


  4. The quality control department at Shamsung Electronics needed a scene with unrealistically vivid colors to test out the LCD display of its new 69 inch hyper plasma television sets (Not that anyone calls them television sets anymore since they don’t weigh half a ton or have a vertical hold knob).

    Tech 1: Lush green grass?

    Tech 2: Check!

    Tech 1: Crisp, clean water?

    Tech 2: (Adding more royal blue dye) Check!

    Tech 1: Big prison building in the background?

    Tech 2; Check!

    Tech 1: Hapless humans about to become the latest victims of a swarm of man-eating otters?

    Tech 2: Check!

    Tech 1: Alright then, let’s see how well this screen displays the color red….

    (Blood curdling screams come through the sound bar)

    Both Techs: Ooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!


  5. Hello! I didn’t forget but we had someone come to try and sort out why our recycling has only been collected 3 times since they changed it in March. She was very nice and we ended up drinking coffee and talking about everything under the sun. I only hope she gets the contractors sorted out. They have already been fined a large sum of money for not doing the job they are paid to do.


    • I hope your visitor takes care of that too – if they have a contract but aaren’t honoring it someone needs to jump on that and stop it! Nice you had a chat with her though – I bet things shape up!!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


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