Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Happy Sunday everybody.   You know what today is – SELFIE SUNDAY.    The Cat On My Head hosts this Hop every week and all we have to do is show ourselves off – easy right?   If you’d like to join in the fun – just click their badge and link up with us when you get there.

Mom actually took a NEW photo of me yesterday – can you believe it?    Well she did.   Only problem is I was in the garage at the time on my favorite old towel by the side door, which I’d gotten pretty dirty because I’d played outside almost all morning and my feet were dirty.    Well, my Dad says “garages are not supposed to be pristine” – maybe he says that because ours rarely is – it’s ORDERLY but clean?  Not with Dad doing projects and working on the cars and the mower in there anyway.     I do some mighty good hunting for skinks in here too.   I did catch one today – it was just about two inches long but Dad says it counts – did I eat it or kill it?  HOPE.   I practice catch and release!

So here’s the photo she took – she had rudely interrupted me as I was napping – I thought I was pretty cooperative looking up at her so she could take my photo – but I only cooperated because I wanted her to go back inside the house and leave me to my nap!

Then of course Mom loaded the photo up into Lunapic and came up with THIS using the “FRIDA” Art Effect:

And as we always do, THEN we loaded this photo up into the JIGSAW website to make a puzzle and here it is!

Here you are!  Just click this small-size photo of me and you’ll get the puzzle – that should keep you busy for a while!!  GOOD LUCK


Happy Sunday!   Hugs, Teddy the Mighty Hunter


62 responses »

    • I love my garage – it’s WARM like being outside but I’m not outside – I’m safely in the garage – besides, those skinks occasionally slip in and I have fun chasing them around!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Mom tries to cuddle me but picking me up is too much of a challenge. SO…….I snuggle with her sometimes and she knows I love to be brushed and stuff like that so we have a LOVE THING going on!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • It’s hot in our garage too but I LIKE hot. Mom and Dad keep the house cool so being in my garage is much like being out in the yard without the grass. HAHAHAHA But a dirty towel is like being in the yard (sort of).

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Mee-yow WOW! Thiss mee faverite selfie of you Teddy!! Yore furry hansum an a mitey Skinky hunter two!!!
    It was funny when LadyMew red yore post to mee an said ‘skunk’ innstead of skink!!! Mee was like “WHA….?”
    Silly LadyMew!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew


  2. Teddy its great to see “The New You!” MOL. Yeah Dad gets in a huff when we are making hairballs and then he gets them in the picture. Parents. Sigh.
    You look great my friend. Keep Mom and Dad safe and stay cool


  3. Teddy, Mom spied a kitty that looked just like you yesterday down the street and I was hoping it was you and that you were heading over to my house to visit. Maybe next time. Tee hee hee.


  4. You look so cool when mum ‘filters’ you MOL!! I love how it makes your fur glow like sunshine!

    Have a good week Teddy and family.


  5. Teddy! My Mom says you are so cute she could eat you up! She does give incredible tummy snorrgles when she says that! And you look terrific! We LOVE your art (and puzzle) and we think skinks must be terrific prey…we don’t have any lizards (or frogs) to chase this summer…it got too hot too fast. Please catch some for us and tell us about the chase!


  6. Teddy, so nice to have a new photo of you on the top, and, may we say, “You look meowvolous!” Mom saw a little skink in the yard today. It too was only a couple of inches long. She didn’t try to catch it. Thanks for hopping along with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • Lately we’ve seen a LOT of baby skinks… far I’ve caught two but I practice “catch and release” because I’m hoping I’ll see them again when they get BIGGER and I can try to catch them again! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I just love my garage…..Dad seems to think the garage is his but I really love it because it FEELS like I’m outside but I’m not. Mom likes me there because I’m safe AND neither she nor Dad has to escort me around out in the yard all the time!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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