Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


Friday rolls around again and it’s time for Fill In The Blanks with our two co-hosts.     If you want to be part of the action, click on the badge above and go to 15andMeowing and link up with us.    We have fun learning more about each other this way!

Here are the four sentences (two from each co-host) for this week and Mom and I are splitting up the duty this week like we sometimes do.   If Mom is supplying the words for the blank then they are in BLUE and if I’m filling in the blank my words are in ORANGE!


1. Lately, I’ve been so sad about the number of passings in a short period of time – cats of several friends and the husband of a good friend in a matter of days.
2. I find delivery trucks fascinating.   (when the guys come to the door I greet them sometimes and they always call me “Garfield” !!)
3. If I had known living in a house with humans was so wonderful I would have found my way to the shelter SOONER!.
4.  I can’t help but get a little shaky when I’m nervous.

YAY FOR US MOM – we did it!!!     So do I get a treat for cooperating?   What?   I do?     Thanks Mom!

“Can I Have My Treat Now???”   Hugs, Teddy

56 responses »

  1. 1. Lately, I’ve been so sad about the number of passings in a short period of time – cats of several friends and the husband of a good friend in a matter of days.
    2. I find delivery trucks fascinating. (when the guys come to the door I greet them sometimes and they always call me “Garfield” !!)
    3. If I had known living in a house with humans was so wonderful I would have found my way to the shelter SOONER!.
    4. I can’t help but laugh at the delivery anthors called you GARFIELD HAHA.
    1. Lately, I’ve been so sad about the number of passings in a short period of time – cats of several friends and the husband of a good friend in a matter of days.
    2. I find delivery trucks fascinating. (when the guys come to the door I greet them sometimes and they always call me “Garfield” !!)
    3. If I had known living in a house with humans was so wonderful I would have found my way to the shelter SOONER!.
    4. I can’t help but laugh out loud at having the delivery anthros call you “Garfield”…haha. Wonderful! I cannot seem to get your comment box to open up all the way and so am writing in half-size letters! Yes, too many friends lost this year. I feel that we need to love one another even more than before.


  2. That was a computer error. Please forgive mama for copying and pasting all the fill ins and then only filling in the one at the bottom. SO SORRY.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t even THINK about it – no problem – really!!!! Can’t imagine why you can’t get a complete comment box – never heard of that problem before!!! My Mom was rather shocked that I walked up to the UPS guy…..I just KNEW he was a cat-man I think!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. we love delivery trucks too… sadly that love between us and the drivers is a little special… we are with you… special in this times it really hurts to think about the people who lost a beloved friend….


  4. I love Garfield, Teddy!
    I am sad at losing so many friends too.
    I also get a bit shaky when I am nervous about something. You wouldn’t think we would at our age but it happens!


    • Garfield was Sammy’s hero so of course he’s mine……the delivery guy was obviously a cat-guy…….and I could tell because NORMALLY I would have run away from him and instead I walked right up to him!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. I am very sorry for your friend’s loss. Those passings do seem to come in bunches, unfortunately. If I remember right, when we lost Sammy we also lost a few others at the same time.


  6. Mommy just found out about one of her son’s beloved teacher from HS passing away, yesterday. The sons and she were so sad. Speedy is gone from us too. On top of the other fur babies who went to the Bridge. It is hard when furkids and humans pass beyond our seeing.


    • It sure is and this past week has been FULL of passings… seems to happen in “clumps” sometimes and just makes it worse that way. I think everyone just wants some happiness and “normalcy” and losing friends makes it tough.

      Love, Pam and Teddy


  7. Good morning. It’s going to be a good day, right? That’s what I am trying for. We’re starting a heat wave-80’s till Tuesday. Weekend going to be real humid. Keeps saying rain daily. Everytime I go out the front door I hear the baby birds chirping. Hope you have a wonderful day and have nice weather.


    • Hi Dear Sue! YES YES YES – today will be a good day. I know it’s been rough for you. We started our heat wave yesterday – almost 90 – today our high will be mid-80s…..weirdest Spring I remember in a while. Our next chance for rain is Monday. Isn’t it wonderful to hear baby birds? I love that sound (so does Teddy!). Have a peaceful day my friend……..we’ll be doing something to honor Tubby at Scouts….will let you know…….hope you’ll be able to come.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • I should be able to come. Son will be 4am-1pm starting tomorrow. He has Thurs and Fridays off. He was on vacation this last week. I toke some flowers and a card to the vet’s office. Guess I made them cry.


        • That was kind of you to take flowers and a card to the vet….they sure have a tough job. We’ll let you know what’s up at Scouts. I sent you a “message” on Facebook too. Sending you more hugs – as many as you need!!!

          Love, Pam and Teddy


    • Well the UPS guy delivered a new shirt to my Dad…..but yes I did get a treat from Mom when I didn’t freak out at the UPS guy – she thought it was cool that I wasn’t afraid of him!!!!


  8. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I always enjoy your answers. I am sad too at al the recent passings. Teddy, you are funny to greet delivery men- I bet you especially like the one that delivers Chewy boxes. Have a nice weekend. XO


    • I never see the Chewy guy – he silently comes and goes……stealth mode……I just happened to see the UPS guy – Mom and I were coming around the corner of the house and I kind of HAD to go by the UPS guy – but when he said “Hi Garfield” I stopped and gave him a sniff before going around him to the front door. I think I might have made his day. HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. I always greet the delivery trucks… I find the stuff that gets delivered is fascinating. But nobody calls me Garfield. I think they think I am a crazy oldster. I get the shakes when I am nervous too… the all over body shakes most often related to medical stuff. Teddy, you got to the shelter at just the right time for your Dad and Mom to find special YOU!


    • Mom loves delivery trucks – she knows it’s something SHE ordered arriving. This was the first time a delivery truck came and I was OUTSIDE so I got to actually see the delivery guy in person…..he must be a cat guy because he smiled real big and said HELLO GARFIELD….and I came right up to him, sniffed, then flew to the front door so Mom could let me back inside! Brave but not so brave….that’s me and Mom says she is the SAME WAY! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t usually see the delivery peeps – they sneak up to the front porch, leave their packages and run back to their trucks for the next delivery – this was different though because I was outside with Mom and Dad when he got here…..I was confused…..the guy was friendly……and I bet that NEVER happens again!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Teddy we hear them delivering and want to see what comes as soon as Dad brings it in. Rumpy used to rip into things to find the treats and dry noms and we miss that
    Dad feels the same way Pam. It has been difficult. He says seeing Nellies great tribute to Speedy made him feel better and it did us too. Purrs friends


    • I usually do if I’m in the house – this is the very first time I’ve been OUTSIDE when a delivery person has come to our house…..Mom thinks I was just confused seeing him there…..I walked right up to him! THEN I ran to the front door! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Mew mew mew Teddy yore a grate Kitty guy to wellcome Deelivery men….mee runss just like Ernie! Speshelly when they are tall big men…scary!!
    Miss Pam between THE catss an THE man an Speedy Bunny pasiin away it has bin one ruff week!!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


    • Thanks Barb… know what losing a partner is like. It’s a whole new world. We got a huge kick out of that UPS guy calling Teddy Garfield – and I’ve NEVER seen Teddy go right up to a stranger without hesitating in the least – he must have known the guy was a “CAT PERSON” !!

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Sorry to hear you’ve been going through a bit of a tough time lately and have to deal with so much loss.

    Elza (my little furball), also comes from a shelter, but she was luckily still a very, very tiny little kitten.

    Hope you are all having a nice and relaxing weekend!

    Elza Reads


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