SPARK On Monday


Happy Monday!    For quite a while those of us who knew that Monday Sparks would hopefully be as uplifting to others as it has been for us, kept posting a message of hope, love, and positivity on Mondays even though Annie of McGuffy’s Reader blog – who began Sparks – wasn’t blogging due to having been hacked.    Well we got a big surprise last week when Annie blogged again and we are sincerely hoping she will be able to continue!    It was a brilliant idea she started – and we’re carrying on with it as we have been.    Annie – we’ll look forward to your permanent return!

I have a thought to share with everyone which I personally FEEL in my heart and I hope it will touch you in some way to start off your week.    Time is moving at a difference pace lately but we must remember that WE can’t wait for everything to be perfect in our world because that is going to take some time.   The trick is to be happy RIGHT NOW.    WE CAN DO THIS!



Pretty simple thought – might be hard to do unless you go into it WANTING happiness to be in your life – so let’s all just decide to BE HAPPY NOW.     We don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

HAPPY Monday!   Hugs, Pam

48 responses »

  1. Very true! The older you get the more you realise the saying, “Tide and time wait for no man” is true.If you don’t do what you want to do when you have the chance, you will never do it.
    I am so glad we took as many cruises as we did when we had the chance.


    • David and I feel the same way Jackie – so grateful for all the beautiful trips we’ve taken to see the world as it’s hard to say if we will ever have a chance for more. Even touring the USA is a challenge. Anyway, we must just keep on going – and going – and then…….REST.

      Love, Pam


  2. You did indeed hit the nail on the head. And not waiting for others to make us happy is another “must”. You are in charge of you. The person(s) that you wait for to make you happy also have an assignment. THEY are in charge of themselves. Not you. Love your thought today.
    Katit Isabella and Mom


  3. Good Morning! Trying to be happy but weary of being battered by TS Sally since Friday. Don’t want to whine because we have dodged another bullet and there is still a lot of tropical activity headed our way. Feeling bad for Louisiana having to deal with a soon to be hurricane again so soon. I’ll be feeling more HAPPY when those 5 systems get out of the tropics!


    • Awful that there are so many storms waiting to pounce. We hope you will be safe from it but we wish EVERYONE could be safe. One of these days people will take the effects of climate change seriously – I hope things do NOT get worse. Five systems at one time? Just plain SCARY. Thinking about you!!

      Love, Pam


  4. And AMEN to that. If it’s not fires, and politics and pandemics, it will always be *something*! My Human was just having a convo with her friend about this very thing: They can’t put life off till the pandemic is over because who knows how long that will take? So they’ve started to find ways to make life meaningful/good now because we’re all too old to wait around sulking!


  5. Our mom really needed this. She wishes that she could control how she feels, but she can’t seem to get a handle on it. But she will try to take this to heart, especially as she is no youngster anymore. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer 😸💖


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