SPARK on Monday


Monday SPARK time!   What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

This past week has been a tough one for a couple of my blogging friends…………..both lost a beloved cat and anyone who has ever had a pet knows it’s just as painful as any other loss is.   It takes as long to find a “new normal” as any other loss – it’s something that when you go through it, makes you think about your OWN life an awful lot.    We manage to just get through things somehow don’t we.     So I found this SPARK which is an expression of how I feel – maybe it will resonate with some of you as well.

We’ve all lost someone or something – a love, a life, a pet, a chance………….but we just have to learn how to swim don’t we………………………….or at the very least – tread water!

Have a good week……..

Hugs, Pam

57 responses »

  1. I agree with Clowie. It sure is. And yes, we just have to learn to tread water or swim. The world could have and seemed to have, come to an end for me when my father died. As with my father’s passing, so with my pets; the outside world ceased to exist while I dwelt in my watery world.
    Mom and Katie


    • I was like that too when my Dad passed away and with Sammy – it seemed like things would never feel normal again – but they did – and they do – and we go on. But it’s never quite the same.

      Hugs, Pam ❤


  2. A spark we all need to hear in different times. So sorry to hear about the loss of fur babies. Prayers’ going up for Kristina’s husband and her. May God give them the peace, comfort, & strength only HE can


  3. I only just heard about Budd. Always too many losses and always seem to come together. Yes we must swim, but too often it seems that treading water is the best we can do.


  4. That is such a good spark. We have sent purrayers and POTP to all those who lost their kitties – Allie – Polar Bear-and Budd- and also to your friend Kristina and her husband

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good SPARK Pam! These have been tough times here for us at THE Purrfect Pad. So I am treading water….waiting for the hurt & grief to ebb away.
    My heart goes out yo Sharon, Ellen & Jean on the loss of their beloved 4 leggeds.
    And BellaDharma sends POTP to Miss Kristiina’ss husband & I send prayers of healing too!
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen & **purrss** BellaDharma


  6. Excellent Spark. This has been such a difficult year for so many. My heart goes out to everyone who is treading water.
    Purrs, love and strength ❤ Barb


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