Tuesday Teaser Class Is In Session!


OK Team!  Perimeter check completed…..entrance and exits checked…..hallways secure……time for class!!

Ready for Class!  Have you commented?  If so – come on in and have a seat!

Well, well, well – here we are all together again for TEASER TEST on a Tuesday.

I think we have a goodie today for you to figure out.    We hope it’s a bit of a challenge – we don’t want things to be TOO EASY for you after all.   We all learn a lot on Tuesdays with just one photograph of a place don’t we!    Hope you find it fun, a challenge AND an educational experience as well.

I definitely enjoy the challenge!  It’s kind of like trying to figure out ways to get into the treat cabinet…..always challenging!

Thanks Rodney for your insight.    The photo we have today was supplied to us by our Graphics Department.    Sometimes they give us a BLOOPER and sometimes they give us a GOODIE.   Let’s start off with a refresher on the RULES and a peek at what badges are available for you to win!

So now that the “business” of  Teaser is out of the way, are you ready to see today’s photo???????


Teaser Photo Security Guard – will you puleeeeeeeze report to class with today’s photo challenge!

Here’s today’s photo Professors!


Get those thinking caps on and see what you can come up with!!

Cheer Team……………..I think our students need a little “pick me up” to get their brains into gear to figure the photo’s location out…………………….!!

Another Tuesday Teaser class knocking at the door
We’d like to help you out but we aren’t allowed to say more!
We know where this photo was taken but our lips are sealed
That was part of our contract when we signed this deal!
So just study what you’re looking at and look for clues
One thing for sure is it’s very GREEN and not BLUE!
Good luck dear students and we’ll be seeing you tomorrow
There will be celebrating for sure with a little dose of sorrow!
Remember it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game
So no cheating please or you’ll flunk the class with just yourself to blame!!!!

Thanks ladies – you will be joining us again tomorrow for the BIG REVEAL with our winners and Greenie collectors right?    Right!     Try to stay out of trouble this afternoon if possible OK?

TROUBLE?   US – GETTING IN TROUBLE?   No way!   We have a reputation to maintain!!!

Yes well THAT’s what worries we Professors sometimes………………..HAHA

Now students – I think it’s time to head off to the cafeteria for a spot of brunch or lunch……………….then it’s HOME TO STUDY!

Happy Tuesday Students!   We have lots of delicious choices for you today – Enjoy!

What’s To Eat??

All aboard for home!   Good luck studying and see you in the morning for TELL ALL class!

Your Professors

96 responses »

  1. Suzie calm down we know you are the sweetest little cheerleader. With a bit of a Bitey too MOL. Miss D you scared us but at least you are smiling. So we will see if its the Great Wall and while we are waiting we will have a Great Irish Breakfast. Mmmmmm. Thanks Professors see you at the Reveal tomorrow and hope to see you at my Birthday Party. Bye Bye

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Here! Right day wrong time!!
    I think it is definitely not the Great Wall of China, far too green, and the wall and walk is all wrong.


  3. I wish my lawn looked like that! It is a castle in Bellinoza Switzerland. Also on my to visit list – my list is getting longer and longer!! I love visiting old towns and castles.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We have loved all of our trips to Europe and in particular the small villages and towns…..we’ve never met a castle we didn’t fall in love with (!). Tune in tomorrow to see how you did on the Teaser!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Geez, could that possibly be the infamous Green Mile? Another prisoner, walking to his doom in the electric chair. Well, it may take a while for him to actually be executed since the warden of this prison spent so much money on the lush landscaping, that they could only afford to rig the chair up to a couple of half dead 9 volt batteries. But at least it looks like he’s packed himself a rather big last meal to devour while he awaits the deadly shock of the Energizer Bunny….

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Teddy, here comes Little Late Binky again…MOL…I think it’s a long way to Tipperary…the Rock of Cashel in Ireland…at least that’s what I hope😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday and can’t wait till tomorrow🐾😽💞


  6. ted o nator; itz two hot out side ta eat sew we will settle for 83 shrimp pizza piez thiz week, that will bee all …with pleez N thanx ! 🙂 ♥♥♥


  7. Susie has her NFL face on today we see. Let me see. I’ll chew away on a pizza as I’m thinking. Well, I never saw this place before so its no where near us. I’m going to say this is the runway doe the future Miss Ireland will be chosen. This green turf is her runway. Now don’t get too excited cause the Irish are very timid. So the bathing suit competition is really a wash out cause did you know the Irish wear there winter clothes for swimming!!.


    Thanks for the delicious pizza Mrs. D


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