Sunday Selfie Hop


Hello Sunday Hoppers!    This wonderful Selfie Hop is hosted by our buddies at The Cat On My Head and if you click on their badge – you can join in – just use the linky form.   Easy Peasy.

Mom took some photos of me yesterday (yes I know it’s unbelievable isn’t it).   Anyway, one of the photos was the best LASER demonstration I’ve EVER done – she said my lasers were on HIGH BEAM for sure.    The other photo was from upstairs and no lasers involved – in fact you can barely SEE me in the photo but that’s the one she used for my JAZZED UP selfie.   Here are both photos before she messed around with them using

Magnificent laser photo huh?????

There I am in the foyer – actually waiting for my Dad to come out of the powder room (no he doesn’t use powder but Mom insists on calling that room a powder room) – and he’s about to take me outside for a cruise – I’m just WAITING WAITING WAITING.    This is the photo Mom jazzed up for my Selfie Puzzle.   Ought to be a challenge huh?????

WOWZA – this  is Lunapic’s “BRAVE” filter and man oh man – I’m thinking the puzzle will be a challenge to do.  GOOD LUCK GANG and Happy Sunday!

Here’s the puzzle for those of you who are gluttons for punishment (hahahaha) – just click the mini-ME


Hugs, Teddy

58 responses »

  1. Teddy OMCs what a lovely shot by your resident drone!! It capture your lasers purrfectly and I love the artsy photo
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Thank you Miss Cecilia… of these days Mom will remember to TURN OFF THE FLASH when taking photos of me……..I bet people think I’ve got those lasers ALL THE TIME! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Thanks – it’s my favorite spot during the day – I can see comings and goings and snoopervise three rooms in the house from there – dining room, library and living room. The lasers come in handy!


  2. Cool pic Teddy. But you are a cool 😎 cat 🐈 and we love ❤️ you. Hope you had a nice outing. Did you watch the SpaceX capsule take off yesterday? I thought it was cool too. Enjoy your day ☀️


  3. We always love seeing new photos of you, Teddy. Those are some pretty great lasers, and we like that photo. That “brave” photo is amazing. So many interesting colors and designs. Thanks for being our longtime hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  4. Good Morning ☀️ You’re one cool cat Teddy. Have you got a mitten Teddy? My Millie is a polydactyl on all fours. Did you watch the spacex capsule take off? That was cool too. We’re off to do your puzzle. Enjoy your day.


    • My Angel brother Sammy was a poly-boy – just on his front paws. I think polydactyl kitties are super duper special! I did watch that space launch yesterday and I think it’s the COOLEST thing I’ve EVER SEEN!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Nice lasers Teddy. I like your staircase, it is very pretty. Thank you for the puzzle of the beautiful art your mom made. XO


    • I like flying up and down the stairs all the time – Mom says it’s good for me – I like it when she tosses a toy down the stairs and I chase after it and bring it back for MORE!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Excellent laser demo! Yes, it’s a powder room, it’s where men used to go to powder their wigs, and after wigs for men were no longer fashionable, where it became where women go to powder their noses and refresh their make-up. After all, the only two reasons a woman ever leaves the room is to take a phone call or powder her nose, just ask Miss Manners.


    • Oh my Mom agrees – that’s exactly what Miss Manners would say……..Didn’t know about the wig powdering by the men but it makes sense – I bet when someone sneezed in those days powder just went flying everywhere! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. BEST Lazerss EFURR Teddy!! An a wunderfull Selfie too! An Miss Pam you sure ‘jazzed’ up Teddy’ss foto!! You sure can do fun thingss inn Lunapic. LadyMew nevurr seemss to get it rite when shee triess to artyfy mee, mew mew mew……
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  8. Laser eyes!! Whoot, you could light up the dark tunnel we are in right now, Teddy! But no, maybe that’s not safe. There was even demonstrations and worse here in several cites, including ours. Too scary…

    Got that puzzle done, it sure was a doozy! But a fun one!


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