Bakin’ With Bacon And The King


Hello Bacon Recipe Fans!  Welcome to the Castle Baconia Kitchen………

Today is a SUPER DUPER easy recipe……….and probably something EVERYONE has made before so this would just be a reminder to many of you just how tasty leftovers can sometimes be.    This is one that the Royal Mom’s mother used to make although she did NOT put cheese in…….we just made it BETTER by adding cheese.   Ready to see what I’m talking about?


Bacon Cheddar Patty Cakes

Ingredients (for four servings)

3 (or maybe 4 (!) slices of bacon

4 cups cold leftover mashed potatoes

2 eggs

1 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese



Place the bacon in a large, deep skillet, and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned and crisp, about 10 minutes. Remove the bacon slices, crumble, and set aside. Leave the bacon drippings in the skillet.

Mix the mashed potatoes, eggs, onion powder, salt, and black pepper together in a bowl; stir in the crumbled bacon and Cheddar cheese.

Form the mixture into 8 patties. Heat the bacon drippings over medium heat, and pan-fry the patties in the drippings until crisp on each side, about 4 minutes per side.


See what I mean?   What’s more simple to make than these?   The problem is how many to make because they are so good you can’t just eat one or two……..know what I mean?    Also, you can get a better “patty” if your mashed potatoes aren’t too “wet”….I suppose it depends on how you make your mashed ‘taters!!    They’re even good with lumpy mashed potatoes.   LOL

So what are you waiting for?    Make sure next time you make mashed potatoes you make a little more than you know you’ll eat at dinner time………………….then have them next morning with eggs and maybe even MORE BACON?????????????????????

Maybe this is the answer we need right now – bacon………………… would be nice if it was this simple……………!

Stay safe everyone……..see you next Saturday!   

King Teddy



54 responses »

  1. Delicious! I used to make these a lot with cheese and bacon. Last week I made them with chopped mushrooms instead of bacon and they are delish too.


  2. They do sound good. Now to convince Brother-in-Law not to continue eating until all of the mashed taters are gone (or hide some in the fridge before he gets here, he won’t stop until they are gone, even if he is full!).


    • HAHAHAHA……yeah that might be a problem. OR make them when he’s not around for the SOLE purpose of making pancakes. Tee hee……where there’s a WILL there’s a WAY!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. We are so on board for these! We don’t use eggs in our potato cakes but other than that you have the perfect recipe adding the cheese and bacon! SSNS also adds flour to the mashed potatoes before frying in oil. A great recipe, King Teddy! We will have them Monday morning after having mashed taters Sunday for dinner. Good Morning!


    • Good Morning Miss Pix! Mom and I knew that your ears would perk up when you saw PATTY CAKES……you have said you love them. Good idea to add flour – makes them hold together nicer especially if you might have some “loose” mashed ‘taters! Enjoy them Monday – we will think of you……but then we think of you a LOT anyway……… 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi Dear Doctor Phoebe…..they really are tasty little treats with leftover mashed potatoes (although my Mom has made them with “not left overs” just because she loves potatoes!). We hope you are staying safe – you’re in the “front lines” as a physician and we are praying for everyone who is. We love you – hugs to Samantha from us!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. My mom made these too but added some flour. Not a lot or they get dry but enough so they aren’t too wet. Never lasted very long! We never put cheese in them but that could only make them better.


    • I know – we RARELY have leftovers of them either except on an occasion like Thanksgiving…….BUTTTTT nothing says you can’t make a batch of mashed ‘taters JUST FOR THESE!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. My mom did something similar to this, but the main difference was that she used diced onion instead of onion powder…. They were one of my favorite meals. If I wasn’t already thawing hamburger and raising dough for buns, I would make this for lunch…. As is, I now have a plan for tomorrow.
    Hmmm…. I’m also making mashed butternut squash for lunch…. I like butternut ravioli, I wonder if I could sub that for the masked potatoes….


    • Oh wow – never thought of that but I just bet butternut squash patties would be REALLY GOOD……oh and my Mom uses diced onion too because she loves onions – but lots of people prefer no “bits” of onion hence the onion powder in the recipe.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Teddy dear furiend, it has been my observation that many humans avoid dealing with onions because of the fumes.However, we have more real ones than dried bits….. After commenting, mom was speculating about making butternut squash fries – she makes a lot of sweet potato fries and even taro root fries, so was thinking she could do that with a butternut, too…. This is all you need to know for why I’m doubling the size of our garden this year!


          • I’ve never eaten it but my Mom and Dad OFTEN have it. Mom bakes it in the oven and puts a butter and brown sugar in the little “seed hole” and then when they eat it all that goodness spreads throughout the squash. My Mom and Dad are like little kids with their food. HAHAHAHA

            Hugs, Teddy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Meowser we don’t eat sugar, but purrpare it either by baking or boiling… We add chucks to soup, too, and I assure you that it tastes great.
            PS: boiled and mashed squash makes delicious ‘pumpkin’ pies.


  6. If bacon would kill the virus, we bet even all those vegans and vegetarians would eat it. Mom NEVER makes mashed potatoes. She was thinking this might work with those store bought hash browns…different texture, but same idea! What do you think? Hope you get several outsides today, Teddy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Actually my Mom makes potato pancakes with the store bought already shredded kind ALL THE TIME to have when she does bratwurst and sauerkraut in her crockpot. She makes little patties (adding an egg and some flour) to those shredded hash browns and fries them up to have with the bratwurst. YUMMMMMMARRRREEEEEEENO!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Morning King Teddy of Baconia… resident Duke of Baconia NC branch will absolutely love this.
    His Mom made the bestest potato cakes but had no recipe. This is definitely a keeper
    Hugs Cecilia,
    Duchess of Baconia NC branch


    • Oh goodie! So glad to be of service Oh Grand Duchess of Baconia NC Branch!!!! Gotta tell you – these are Mom’s fave breakfast items………..well, among a few other things of course!

      Hugs, Teddy


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