Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Hello All!   Time to fill in those pesky blanks that 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs give us every week so we can have some fun filling them in.    If you’d like to do the same, just click the badge above and it will take you to 15andMeowing where you can LINK UP with us!

Mom and I decided to SHARE the filling in duties this week………..if I’m supplying the words then the words are in RED and if they are Mom’s words, they are in GREEN.   Got it?   Good – let’s go!    Oh and thank you co-hosts for this FUN  Hop every week!

1. Lately, I have done a lot of housecleaning, closet straightening, and cupboard reorganizing because – well – what else can you do when you’re stuck in the house all day?????.
2. My windows are badly in need of cleaning but I am absolutely NOT interested in doing that YET – it will take me a couple of days.   Three story house = lots of windows to clean.
3. I can’t help but be a little bit happy that my Mom and Dad are hanging out at home more than ever lately – it’s all about ME!.
4. When I meet a stranger, I give them a good sniff first and if they pass the sniff test I’ll give them a head bonk.


So there you have it – easy peasy – Mom and I handled the fill-ins TOGETHER.    We think there will be a lot more togetherness in the months to come until this virus thing dies off and goes away.   You won’t hear me complaining.    No sireeeee!    Stay safe everybody!

Hugs, Teddy

56 responses »

  1. It looks to be very busy in your house. My old woman seems to think self-isolation means reading books, drinking wine and eating cake all day – but at least she cuddles me while she’s doing all those things! Hopefully the angels you mention will protect us all. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • As long as you get your ration of cuddling (and treats) then I think letting our humans do what they want is OK. My Mom runs out of steam pretty quickly too so all these plans she has for household stuff come in “fits and starts” ! As long as I’m not disturbed in my naps I suppose anything goes.

      Hugs, Teddy

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  2. Clean windows and Spring is a good combination, don’t you think Teddy…MOL…I love it too when Grandpaw and Granny are around, that’s the good part of everything, don’t you think😸Pawkisses for a Happy Healthy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

    Liked by 1 person

    • UHOH……my Mom says our windows are crummy anyway but if they’re clean she tries not to worry about air leaks……Dad wants new windows……I don’t care about windows just care that I can get my normal ration if treats even if the windows are dirty. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. I haven’t done hardly any cleaning and I had already purged and kept it simple. We are trying to stay outside walking or riding our bikes but it is starting to get hot here. Beaches are closed and downtown has very few people. We have new flowers popping every day so we are just appreciating the view 🙂 TP is showing back up on the shelves… hmmm, got me scratching my head. SSNS even found chicken kabobs at Publix yesterday! I will be looking forward to Bacon Saturday with Teddy tomorrow!


    • I imagine it’s kind of nice to have the snowbirds gone and the beaches closed along with much of your downtown. Nice and QUIET. My Mom goes to the very first Senior Shopping hour at her grocery tomorrow so I’m sure we will again be stocked up on TP. Funny the things humans worry about but then I’ve been worried that the stores will run out of my favorite treats too!!!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy Bean


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. I am glad you are getting extra attention Teddy. I am working on windows, but so far I only have 2 done because I got distracted and started cleaning the whole bedroom instead of just the windows. Have a nice weekend and stay healthy. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom decided to put windows on hold – she forgot pollen season will just mess them all up again so she will begin again after the worst of the yellow “dust” has stopped!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. I think a lot of folks need some head bonks these days, maybe a little harder than you have in mind. 🙂

    Our windows need a good cleaning, too, but I hurt my shoulder in a fall and can’t do any of the fun things like that until it gets better.

    I’m glad that you’re getting more time with your Mom and Dad. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!


    • Hope you all are staying safe and happy……….you’re right about head bonks – they are much appreciated by my Mom and Dad. Everyone needs a little “comfort” and “soothing” these days!!!!!

      Take care.
      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Ha! Mom also says our house has never been cleaner a week into quarantine. It’s drizzly and dreary out, so she just did the insides of the windows. Big difference between a 3-story house and a 1-bedroom apartment. We only have 2 windows and 3 sliding doors to the balcony. Piece o’ cake. Wait. What?? Did somebody say cake??

    Love and licks,


  7. Oh Teddy I hear you mom on the ‘stuck in the house’ all day. I have decided to do something each day in the morning. The rest of the day is MINE. My windows need a bath too; however, Polly Pollen has arrived uninvited.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Funny you should mention pollen…..when I started doing windows I realized it was TOO EARLY to be doing it – I should wait until AFTER pollen season so I’ve stopped with the window stuff. LOL


  8. Mom also has been doing cabinet cleaning and general house cleaning to the extent her arm allows. We have done a good job of leaving lots of smudges on the windows, but that is a task she just can’t handle. Maybe once this crisis passes we can have someone come in from a service and get them done.

    As for us, we are very happy to have the peeps here so much too, but we wish they weren’t so preoccupied with all the craziness.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


    • Oh my friends we are in weird times with this virus for sure but we are getting plenty of attention from our humans and that’s something all of us can enjoy!!!! Tell your Mama to be VERY EXTRA CAREFUL with her arm!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. It will be nice for you to have so much more time with your mom and dad, Teddy. Apart from my blood test on Wednesday, I haven’t left home since Monday.
    Yesterday they announced the schools will close this afternoon.
    This evening it was announced that everything is being shut down from today. Takeaways and supermarkets can stay open, but no restaurants or cafés, cinemas, pubs, theatres etc.
    If we get a nice day we will pack a flask and some lunch and drive up onto the moors. You an drive for miles without seeing anyone at the best of times.
    At least we will safely be able to go for walks there.


    • My Mom and Dad are doing that too – taking day trips in the car – taking picnic lunch, etc. They are rarely around groups of people anyway but this is just a good time to do a lot of fresh air and sightseeing stuff! Things are still operating here but mostly takeout from restaurants and lots of shops are closed that didn’t have much “traffic” anyway.

      Hugs, Teddy

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    • My Mom and Dad are doing the same thing – drives with picnics. Nice and calm and quiet and about as “self isolated” as can be! Enjoy your walks! Everything is closed down here too but we rarely shop and rarely eat out so our lives really are basically unchanged… least so far!

      Hugs, Pam

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  10. Oh.petcretary comes home from work…and plops down after she tends to us three furs…windows?? um…not yet…Hah!’
    One of the cats (Toki), that came before was very forward with almost every stranger…he sniffed them and even tried to lick their hair if he could get at it, MOL!!


    • Mom hates cleaning windows more than ANYTHING! But in these times of “now what can I do to keep myself busy” windows has come up! She’s doing them two at a time so should have them done by next year some time (HAHAHAHA)


  11. Housecleaning….I haven’t been able to do that for quite awhile. If, I was cleaning the windows I would do a floor at a time. Makes it easier to handle.

    You and me both Teddy. The sniff test is the most important first test.



  12. Mom loves how you called these the pesky fill-ins. Some weeks, they are super hard. This week…not so much! You and your mom both did a great job. Sending lots of love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  13. Teddy, are you snoopervising your mom as she cleans the house? She’d probably be lost without your expert help. And the only kitty here who’s likely to give a stranger a head bonk is Thimble. The other kitties are, well, scaredy-cats. Purrs!


    • Oh I’m keeping a very close eye on all this house activity – I was happy with things the way they were so I must SNOOPERVISE all of this to be sure things are still COMFORTABLE for “the cat” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


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