Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Here we go again!  It’s Friday and time to fill in the blanks.   Our co-hosts give us a chance to tell a little bit more about ourselves with their sentences – two from each co-host every Friday.    If you’d like to join in the fun, click the badge above and it will take you away to 15andmeowing where you can LINK UP and be part of the HOP.

Mom is the star today.    I had trouble trying to fill some of the blanks in so she said “NO PROBLEM – I’LL DO THEM” !!!     Her words are in RED.


1. When I can’t go outside because it’s raining hard, I get upset – I love rainy days but NOT getting soaked!.
2.  Bring back civility.
3. I’m embarrassed to say I’m like a little kid when it comes to Christmas.
4. I feel like taking care of Teddy and my husband David gives my life meaning.

So there you have it – Mom’s TRUE CONFESSIONS for Friday.    I realized when I read her answers that I absolutely agree with her #1.    I feel the same way!   I don’t mind a gentle shower but hard rain keeps me on the front porch instead of out in the yard where I love to be.
Have a HAPPY FRIDAY and don’t forget to join in if you want to – the more the merrier for the Hop!

Just hangin’ out (or letting it all hang out!)     

Love, Teddy

42 responses »

  1. I don’t mind the rain – and I love puddles! The bipeds pretend they don’t want to go out in it sometimes, but once they’re out in it they enjoy it. I always make sure they wear their boots and waterproofs. I even fetch their boots for them sometimes – and I don’t do ‘fetch’ normally. 😀


    • That’s because you are taking good care of your bipeds like they take good care of you! If you bring them their boots they will feel “obligated” to take you for a walk – that’s kinda sneaky but it works right???!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Great fill ins, Pam!
    I much prefer rain to the silly high temperatures we were getting. When the rain does come after such stifling heat, I do like to go out in the garden and enjoy it.
    We are under a storm warning from yesterday and the next two days, and a lot of events have been cancelled. Last night was torrential rain but today the high winds are supposed to be joining it. At the moment it is relatively calm and the rain is light. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as forecast.


  3. Most excellent Fill-Ins! I agree with them all, just substitute SSNS for #4! I see on WeatherBug that you are going to have a very nice day today with sun and no rain. Teddy Bean you will get to go outside… 🙂 HAPPY Friday! “Clap along if you feel like HAPPINESS is the truth” ~Pharrell


    • I listen to that song at least once a week – it makes me HAPPY to hear it and I wind up smiling all day. We had a GORGEOUS day today and Teddy was out for a total of two hours today – two one hour naps. He rolled around in the dirt (oink), chased butterflies (unsuccessfully), and looked adorable the entire time (easy for him to do!). Hope you had a GREAT day down in Floridadeeeeda land too!

      Love, Pam and the Bean


  4. You are such a cutie Teddy. I want to snorgle that tummy. Thanks to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. She is the second one I have read so far with civility for an answer- so true. Have a great weekend! XO


    • I think it’s becoming more OBVIOUS that we’ve forgotten to be civil to one another…….not surprised someone else said it – I think more and more people will be saying it in the future……

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Whaddya mean, bring back civility? Are you unobservant or what? Everyone is civil here. Did you just arrive from the funny farm? You don’t even know what being civil is. SHEEEEEESH, er, I mean SQUAAAAAAAAAAWK


  6. Mom Pam did great with the fill-ins. We noticed many participants filled in #2 similarly. Sending lots of love to all. Have a terrific weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. Teddy, your mom did such a fantastic job with these fill-ins! This here human is much the same way with rain. I love overcast days, but going out and getting soaked with rain is simply no fun. And don’t feel embarrassed about turning into a little kid at Christmastime! Both Halloween and Christmas make me feel like a kid again, and I love it. That’s how we stay young forever!


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