Bakin’ With Bacon and King Teddy!


It is I – Your King – why in Mexican gear?   Because today’s recipe is HOT HOT HOT !

Yes it might be a little dramatic but it got your attention – Si ??    Today’s recipe is for a SNACK using bacon but another ingredient is CAYENNE!   Spicy stuff that is………but it’s awfully tasty on popcorn especially with the addition of some nice salty bacon!!    This is good for watching a movie on TV or binge-watching a favorite series – or even some sports spectacular.   Ready for this one?

Ole’ !! for Spicy Caramel Bacon Popcorn



  • 10 slices of bacon
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 10 cups of popped popcorn (1 cup kernels)
  • 3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 teaspoon fine sea salt


  1. Line bacon side-by-side on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes, until crispy and brown. Remove and place on paper towels to drain. Press the tops with another layer of paper towels. When cool, cut into small pieces.
  2. Mix the baking soda and cayenne pepper and set aside.
  3. Prepare a large mixing bowl by spraying generously with cooking spray. Also, coat two spatulas with cooking spray. Dump the popcorn in the bowl.
  4. Combine sugar, butter, salt, and water in a medium saucepan. Cook without stirring on high heat, until it becomes light golden-yellow caramel. This takes about 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and add the soda/cayenne mixture. Careful, as the mixture will bubble up! Add the bacon bits.
  5. Pour the caramel mixture over the popcorn and toss until coated evenly. Pour the popcorn onto a large baking pan and flatten and break into small pieces. Cool to room temp and serve, or store in an airtight container. The popcorn will keep up to four days in the fridge but I doubt it will survive that long because you will be EATING IT IMMEDIATELY!

I expect this will have you doing the Mexican hat dance all the way to the restroom.   HAHAHA    Sorry about that but hot stuff has that effect on some peeps…………

Make sure and have a nice cold BEVERAGE of your choice handy.

Doesn’t this popcorn sound good?   Give it a try!  

Now for no particular reason at all other than I find this terribly hilarious, here’s a little something for your entertainment after surviving another Bacon Blog from the Kingdom on a Saturday.   ENJOY:

See you next Sunday with another baconized recipe………….Your King

32 responses »

  1. Yummy. You do look fabulous in your Mexican gear Teddy. Oh thank you for a brilliant laugh I couldn’t stop laughing at If Only Animals Were Round. Have a purrfect weekend.x😻😸💜


    • Yes, in fact, my Mom says it won’t be cayenne she uses in this recipe – but something a bit more mild….OR certainly if it IS cayenne, there will be LESS of it!!!! Otherwise this really sounds fabulous.

      The round animals are just so funny………and there’s a lot of them out there on videos. We’ll have to share more when we find them!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Popcorn and bacon OH MY…pardon me while I bask in the aroma my mind’s eye .

    We are in our 8th consecutive day of rain. We had about 2 hours of sun Thursday afternoon.
    They promise may we’ll see sun tomorrow. I’d be happy just to no SEE RAIN.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • I hear you……we’ve had either rain or snow or ice or clouds for DAYS now and we HOPE to see the sun by Monday……I say “hope” because it’s unclear whether that’s a pipe dream or a possibility!! Good luck!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Same here – too much cayenne in the recipe for us but it’s GREAT with a little HOT…………isn’t that video totally hilarious? I’m gonna post some more of those on Teddy’s blog – they are simply TO DIE FOR!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. That recipe sounds good, maybe a little too hot for me though. Thanks for sharing that video, it was funny. I like the cows rolling out of the little shed 🙂 XO


    • My Mom cut back on the cayenne in this recipe because she didn’t want her tummy to revolt – so give it a whirl with LESS spicy….it’s still got the kick but also that sweet/salty thing just works great as a popcorn coating!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. That video is hilarious! All those cows bursting out of the little shed made me roar with laughter! I am not a lover of popcorn so it is not likely I will try this one. I do like spicy though.


    • I love the video too – I’ll post some others from this same source just for giggles in the future! I like spicy too and there’s just something about this combination that works nicely – David and I love popcorn – usually buttered – but this was too tough to resist! LOL


  5. That oughta warm one’s innards!

    We are starting with the rains now, and soon there might be sleet or freezing rain, followed by snow, not to mention the vicious winds of near hurricane force we may get to be thrilled and jostled by. We were given a warning to batten down the hatches by the local weather peeps.


    • We are SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of WET….whether it’s snow, ice or rain we just want some SUN. No chance of it today though – rain is pouring. Yard looks like a lake. SIGH.

      Hugs, Teddy
      p.s. hope the wind isn’t SCARY


  6. Teddy, this popcorn sounds so incredible. Mau and Cooper want you to bring some to Cat Scouts. Has Mom Pam made this one? We think all those round animals may have been eating this stuff! You are absolutely adorable in your sombrero and mustache. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • This is yummy popcorn Mom says but honestly she didn’t put as much cayenne pepper in as the recipe says – I guess you can kind of add as much HEAT as you want but it works so nicely with the sweet and salt. What a great snack (for peeps anyway!). The round animals are so hilarious aren’t they? Mom keeps looking at that video over and over and giggling!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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