Pre-Teaser Tuesday Class


Good Morning Students!

Another week closer to Christmas.   We hope your excitement about the holidays doesn’t mean your studying for Teaser will suffer – it’s important to keep up the good work – anything you can do at this point to stay on Santa Paws’ “NICE” list can’t hurt right?

You mean he’s still keeping track of whether we’re naughty or nice THIS close to Christmas?

Yes indeed!  Up until that sleigh takes off from the North Pole!

Gosh….I’m gonna try to be EXTRA Good then.

So tomorrow we will be showing you a GUEST TEASER photo and we’ll be starting class at a surprise time as usual…………….but let’s go over the rules YET AGAIN for you just in case you’re new in class!    The whole point is you are going to have a photo to study and figure out where it was taken.   It’s not as easy as it may sound!

There are some fun badges to be acquired depending on how well you do with your guessing!   AND, starting tomorrow we will be awarding out “PRE-CHRISTMAS” batch of badges for those of you who earn one!    Here they are:

The biggest thing to remember tomorrow when you get here is to COMMENT before you sit at your desk – you MIGHT be the FIRST COMMENTER and get that special badge!

There will be special Christmas Teaser badges on Tuesday December 25th because – IT’S CHRISTMAS OF COURSE!!

Have any of you been helping to decorate your house for Christmas this year?

I tried out the tippity top of the tree!

Well I wasn’t allowed to be in the living room while the decorating was happening and when I came in I found THIS!!!!!

I “taste-tested” our tree and it was delicious!

I helped string lights!!!

How very helpful you all were………………good for you – I’m sure your efforts were appreciated.    Now, shall we bring our Cheer Team in for a little RA RA RA to get you in the mood for tomorrow?

Rippy Tippy Tooo
We’re Christmas-ized for you!
New badges for you to win
Let the Christmas fun begin!
We’re counting down from today
Until Santa comes on his sleigh
We’ll see you here in the morning…
This is your early warning…
Remember to COMMENT when you arrive
We’re not kidding gang – this “ain’t no jive” !!!!

Well team you look grand in your outfits and I know if anyone in class was NOT in the Christmas spirit before you cheered today – they sure are now!

Outstanding outfits team!!!

Are you all ready for lunch now?    Miss Dingleberry and her crew have a nice one for us today.   Remember class is a surprise time tomorrow!

Greetings Students….welcome to the cafeteria today.   I hope you enjoy your lunch.   In the spirit of the holiday I won’t remind you to BEHAVE…..but I will mention that if you don’t, the security cameras will SEE YOU and they have direct feed to the North Pole (if you get my drift).  

Today’s Menu:

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Study, Study, Study and we’ll see you tomorrow in class!   

Professor Angel Sammy and Teddy


40 responses »

  1. No, decorating hasn’t begun at our house yet, but I will most certainly be involved when it DOES happen! My specialty is taste-testing the tree branches….and guarding it from below!
    Love, Sundaed

    Liked by 1 person

      • Palm Fronds for now… had to take a break from trying to figure it out, it was driving me bonkers! Got the new phone… takes great night photography inside so far. Have to wait until my case gets here before I take it outside for a whirl… don’t want to drop the dang thing!!!!


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