Sunday Selfie Hop


Here we are again on a Sunday joining in the Selfie fun at The Cat On My Head.    It’s easy too – just load up your selfie and add it to the collection at the Hop – you can get there by clicking the badge above and using the LINKY tool.

Mom “had her way with me” in a photo of me sitting on the landing between stairs……I was stopping long enough to let my Mom and Dad’s friends who were visiting last Sunday to snap a picture of me.    We aren’t sure WHY my left eye looks funny but it could have been the filter Mom used from Lunapic.   Rest assured my eye is FINE but believe me, Mom checked it out when she was the photo.   Moms are like that – they worry!

Here’s the BEFORE and AFTER……………and of course a jigsaw puzzle if you are so inclined!!!

(Photo by Mom’s friend Dianna from the blog THESE DAYS OF MINE)

Then Mom added her artsy stuff and THIS is how that turned out:

I look like a real TIGER don’t I ?????    And here’s the jigsaw I promised!

 Just click this “MINI ME” and good luck with the puzzle!!

Today we also celebrate Veterans Day……….a day of remembrance………….traditionally we particularly honor my Grandad – my Mom’s Dad – who was a career Air Force officer and went to the Rainbow Bridge many years ago.    My Mom has his old footlocker which he hauled around the world with him wherever he was stationed even before he married my Mom’s wife or had kids.   It’s full of mementos of his military life.     We absolutely thank him and all the other Veterans around the world for their service to their country.    Where would we be without their dedication?    Mom always answers that questions with “trust me – we don’t want to know the answer to that”……………….

Sending you hugs to the Rainbow Bridge Grandad……..from me and Momma

Happy Sunday  

Hugs, Teddy the Tiger

56 responses »

    • Hi Miss Layla! I do look fierce don’t I? Well, fierce and huge at the same time maybe. Today is a day of remembrance and honor….remembering those who fought for freedom and are no longer with us and those we honor who are currently serving their country to KEEP freedom for all of us. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

      Love, Teddy the Tiger


  1. Maybe your eye magically turned into a camera and you took a picture of your mom while she took a picture of you! Oh yeah. Magic camera eye. Thank you to your granddad and mine and all our other veterans – human and K-9.

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake thanks for reminding us and everyone else that it’s not just HUMANS we honor today – there were so many animals – especially horses and dogs – who gave their lives to serve their country or are still actively serving. They are ALL heroes. I kinda like the idea of a camera eye Cupcake – we could be sneaky and take photos of our parents when they THINK we’re just staring at them!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Aw, we all should definitely be appreciative to our veterans (and those who currently serve) for protecting our great country! I’m sure your Mom is very proud of her dad and is delighted to have his foot locker. That’s special!
    Motor Mommy is so tickled that your mom used that photo for the selfie today. (Mom told me that you allowed her a few minutes of your time during their visit!).
    You are a very handsome tiger!
    Love, Sundae


    • I wasn’t very cooperative when your parents visited but at least I stopped moving long enough for a quick photo – one of very few of me NOT ASLEEP in fact since I got all grown up. Usually I’m sound asleep when Mom has her camera handy. I was happy to see your Motor Mom and Motor Daddy even though I didn’t come out from hiding all that much when they visited!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I think it might be easier – not as “busy” as some of them we’ve done – Mom and I are about to try it ourselves! If you hear a scream in Floridaaadooooodeeee it’s US having a hard time!

      Hugs, Teddy Bean


    • Hello! Thanks for visiting me and my Mom and Dad. Virginia is a beautiful place to enjoy real Fall colors usually – this year it’s been a little different – seems the leaves were pretty for DAYS instead of WEEKS! But still, Virginia is truly “for lovers” of all seasons. I’ve been enjoying the cold even though my humans think I’m nuts for preferring COLD to WARM and toasty!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Thank you to your Granddad for his service. I am very thankful to all who serve and have served to keep us safe. I am glad you eye is OK. That is pretty art. I will do the puzzle later today. XO


  4. You do look like a tiger, Teddy, Teddy the Tiger! I will try and do the puzzle later.
    I thank and remember all of the veterans throughout the world who fought for our Freedom.


  5. Teddy, the moment we saw your Lunatic photo, Mom said that you look exactly like a real tiger, and then we read the caption. Guess you’d recognize that as well. The art is absolutely fabulous, but then you are super cute, so of course, it is! Thank you for being our friend and hopper. Sending lots of love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Mom says she used Lunapic’s “Devilish” filter and that’s what made me look like a REAL TIGER. Thank you for hosting the selfie Hop in Sunday – it’s a way for all of us to “strut our stuff” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Maybe we see things that others can’t? Not sure – but Mom says it must have been just the way the eye hit my eye and not an eye issue like dear Angel Unkell Siddhartha had. I bet now that he’s at the Bridge his eyes are PURRFECT though!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Cool art, Teddy! I think the way the light was hitting your left eye is the reason for the effect coming out the way it did. It exaggerated an accent that was already there.


  7. You do look like a tiger!

    I’ve just done the puzzle, so it’s two-teaser Tuesday here! I’m waiting patiently for the second one. I will not fall asleep, will not fall asleep… zzzzzzz


    • Mom laughs at me when she’s following me up the stairs – apparently I’m not as entertaining going DOWN as I am going UP. Something about my butt (so she says!) makes her giggle. Not sure if that’s a GOOD thing or a BAD thing Miss Csilla!

      Hugs, Teddy ❤


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