Tell All Class Is In Session!


Time To Tell All…………..

Hello students!   Today we will spill the beans about the Teaser photo from yesterday.    We’ll also let you all know more about the new school!

First up though is Teaser details…………………….



Nope – sorry about that – it was not you……………it was our good friend and frequent supplier of wonderful Teaser photos…………..

Jackie of TwoDevonCats !


I was FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of August 28, 2018 !!! YAY FOR ME!

Now just to refresh your memory let’s show you the Teaser photo from yesterday before we tell you who was our First Right Guesser AND who sent the photo in to us for TEASER TUESDAY!

Isn’t this a fabulous photo?    It was sent to us by our wonderful world traveler and student at Ding Dong School, Miss Jackie who ALSO was our FIRST COMMENTER today.   She just happened to be by her computer when the notice of the Teaser post came through so not only did she sent in this great photo but she was FIRST COMMENTER.

This photo is of a spot she and her husband recently visited while on a little trip………it’s the Vicars Close located in Wells, Somerset, England – it’s the oldest (yes OLDEST) complete medieval street in England and MAY be the oldest in Europe.   Isn’t it GREAT?   They were former almshouses.    Here’s some info in a link provided by Jackie if you’d like to find out more details:


Thank you Miss Jackie for the terrific photo!!

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of August 28, 2018!

Then we waited – and waited – until we finally got our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER……………….know who that was?    It was someone who is VERY GOOD at figuring out what to google to find some ideas as to where the photo was taken – and she loves solving those mysteries!    The FIRST RIGHT GUESSER WAS:

Miss Csilla of kolytyi


Congratulations Miss Csilla!!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of August 28, 2018! Hip Hip HOORAY!

If you also guessed correctly – then you are entitled to have a copy of this badge to show off:

Darn! I was RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST on the Teaser of August 28, 2018….but I still get this badge so it wasn’t a total loss!

If you tried – guessed – but were WRONG, you are still going to take home a badge today from class!   This one:

Well I guessed but wasn’t right on the Teaser of August 28, 2018. I still get a nice GREEN badge though!



Now for the news about the new school.    The School Board hired a landscaping company to jazz up the greenery around the school for us and I think it looks GREAT!    They are getting the interior set for us and we should be able to occupy our new classrooms by next Monday’s PRE-TEASER class so make sure you’re here for that.    Here’s a peek at how things look so far:

I think we’re going to feel right at home don’t you?    Now it’s time for us to bring in our Cheer Team to acknowledge our winners this week………………..Team?   You’re ON!

Here we are cute as can be
All this adorableness and it’s all FREE!
We have some winners to tell you about
You losers get a badge too so don’t you pout!
First Commenter was Jackie who was also our GUEST
Her photos are super and make a good TEST!
First Right Guesser was someone you know
Miss Csilla is smart and often steals the show!
Next week we’ll move to our brand new school
We’ll all be SHEEP so remember this rule….
Sheep should be SEEN and NOT heard….
Don’t get caught saying a Baaaaaaad word!

The Cheer Team petitioned the building and grounds committee asking for their OWN Hot Tub this time – one that they don’t have to BEG to use like they do with Sarge.   Sarge and the Team will have SEPARATE quarters in the new facility.   If you think there’s something ELSE we should add to the school – just let us know.   We’ll put it before the committee and see what shakes out.   NO WE WON’T GET A NEW CAFETERIA SUPERVISOR.   Sorry Kismet and Evil Squirrel!

Speaking of the cafeteria – Miss Dingleberry?   Are you ready to feed a hungry classroom?

Yes indeed and I hereby promise LAMB will never be on the menu!! 

Guaranteed to be lamb-free!! 

Crispy onion rings

Bacon German Potato Salad


See you next week in the new school students!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy, your favorite sheepherders!

42 responses »

  1. Congrats to Miss Csilla for being first right guesser! It is a very picturesque place and there were surprisingly few people looking at it considering it is peak holiday season. I think they were all admiring Wells Cathedral and didn’t walk those few extra minutes to see it.
    The new school is looking lovely with the flowers all planted up outside. Do you think you could send the landscapers to help with my weeding?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was wonderful that you were able to get a photo without a lot of people about – makes it more interesting to focus on the beautiful buildings! Thanks for being our GUEST – this is a fabulous place and I wish we’d visited when we were in the UK last. I’ll speak with the landscapers about crossing the pond to help with your weeding – OR we could send some sheep to EAT the weeds?????

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well. Would you guess what I googled? It was “netherlands old red brick terraced houses chimney cobbles”. Yes, Netherlands. And the following pic turned up, among others: I thought it looks quite similar – it said: “Old houses, rows of Chimneys & cobbled streets in historic city of Wells, Somerset”. I double-checked, and voilá – that’s it!!! I’m (dark) green with envy that Miss Jackie could visit such magically boootiful places!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You sure googled the right thing to START with which led you to the REAL deal on the photo. Amazing. I’ve told the other students before that they should consider Teaser a mystery to be solved and googling different things is the way to get there! You are a master of that technique!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


  3. Teddy! I know my mom would dearly love to have gone there too. She is particularly interested in history and historical artifacts. This one is amazing! A STREET of almshouses! ME-OWWWW!


  4. Shouldn’t the new school have a prison for students to serve their detention in? You know…. like Last Commenters, kids who try sucking up to Sarge, students who get too many Greenies, people who serve Miss Dingleberry’s food to the squirrels (talk about cruelty to animals)….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats to Miss Csilla and Jackie! Great cheer ladies. We can’t wait to see the new school. And do you think Miss Dingleberry could give me a recipe for onion rings, her batter stays on better than mine? 🙂


    • Well she does NOT use an air dryer – she uses good old vegetable oil! LOL There is a good batter mix you could try – tempura? When my Mom makes them in her frying pan she dips the onion slices in egg, then flour, and they come out CRISPY too!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Congratulations all, and the photo from Miss Jackie is supurr – wooo hoo!

    And aftur seeing all that nom’a’licious food dudes we’ve got to go eat, OMC those crispy onion rings and bacon potato salad would go down a treat right now! MOL


    Basil & Co xox


    • Hi dear Basil!!! We are so behind on your latest adventure – we need to check it out – it’s always EPIC! Glad you stopped by – isn’t that a cool photo of Vicar’s Close Miss Jackie sent in?? Enjoy your foodables…there’s always plenty to eat here at Ding Dong School!!!

      Love, Teddy


  7. Concats to the winners. Mom thinks this week’s photo is really cool and would love to visit there sometime. And that was a stellar cheer. We all had a good chuckle. We’ll all be back for the next Tuesday Teaser in the new school.That landscaping looks first rate. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We’ll try to have some other surprises in the new school next week My Mom and Dad want to visit Vicars Close too – Mom says she’d wear sneakers on that cobblestone street though – otherwise she’d fall down for sure in regular shoes!

      Hugs, Teddy


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